chapter 20 - lunch

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Everlyn pov

The way to the cafeteria wasn't long and Alice seemed to know exactly where she was going.

and not even 5 minutes later we were walking through the doors of the cafeteria her hand still loopd through mine, 'it feels kinda nice.' I thought.

When we walked in I felt everyones attention shift to us as it got quieter. it made me squirm knowing so many people were looking at me. while Alice seemed to be completely in her element and was loving the attention, I have a feeling that Alice is the kind of person that doesn't like not receiving attention for too long.

"Hi guys, look who I brought." she said happily ones we reached the table where her family is sitting.

"Hello again everyone." I said shying away from their eyes, they're all looking at me.

"Here have a sit." Jasper said pulling out the chairs beside him for Alice and me.

"Thank you." I said once I was sitting down between them.

There was a beat of awkward silence before I asked "so how are you guys liking Forks?"

"The forest is great, we like hiking." Emmett said as if it was a private joke.

"I'm not much of a hiker but I love walking in the forest." I replied.

"You shouldn't go into the forest on your own." Jasper said looking a bit concerned.

"I know the forest well enough to avoid anything dangerous, don't worry." I told him.

He still looked worried but nodded anyway.

"Let's play 21 question." Emmett suddenly asked me excitedly, I could see everyone around the table give him fond smiles, he really is a teddy bear.

"OK." I said chuckling a little.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked.

"Right now, I would say green. I think it's from all the talk about the forest." I replied thinking of what I should ask him.

"What's your.." I started, but got cut off by a high pitched voice.

"Hi, it's so good to finally have new people, it's usually the same people over and over again every year, you know small town and all that. I'm jassice it's nice to meet you guys" she said it all in one breath and surprisingly fast.

We all just looked at her none of us saying anything.

"What's your names?" She asked with what looked like... fake interest? maybe, I'm not sure, I'm probably just overthinking it.

"I'm Alice." Alice said with a forced smile.

Jessica looked at Jasper and so did I, he looks in pain again it made my heartache.

I put my hand on his squeezing it gently making him look at me almost... relieved?

I wonder if it's a social anxiety thing, if being around people stresses him.

"Can you go away, please." Rosalie said, and I was kind of shocked, I mean I figured we were all thinking it I just didn't think anyone would say it out loud.

"Excuse me?" Jessica asked looking offended.

"We were having a nice conversation before you showed up, we would like to go back to that. so please leave." Rosalie said, and I got a strong feeling that this is as polite as Rosalie gets with people she doesn't know.

Jessica stamped her foot before going away.

"Good job Rose you scared the annoying lady away." Emmett praised sarcastically in a baby voice trying to pet her head, which brought on the well deserved slap Rosalie gave him on the back of the neck making us all laugh.

"You haven't eaten anything, lunch will be over soon." Edward spoke to me for the first time.

"Oh that's alright I don't run on food." I told him.

"Is that so, what do you run on then?" he asked lifting his eyebrow looking amused.

"Ummm... my girlfriend, music, nature, art... I'm very sustainable like that, I'm like a cactus. you don't need to give me much attention or food or water to keep me around." I said smiling.

He had the tiniest smile, but it's a smile, I'm counting that as a win.

I kept playing with Emmett going back and forth, the others chiming in with questions and comments, Edward was just watching us. some how he belongs without being a part.

'Your overthinking it Ever.' I told myself.

Before I knew it lunch was over. The rest of my classes were ok, nothing special. I have history with Jasper, advanced literature with Edward, and math with Rosalie and Emmett, so at least I wasn't alone in all my classes.

The final bell just rang and I jumped up excited to see Leah, I missed her today, over the summer I got used to being with her all the time, not seeing her yet today is unsettling.

"Walk with me?" Jasper asked, to which I nodded.

We walked to the parking lot in a comfortable silence injoying each other's company without saying anything.

Ones we reached the parking lot I stopped in front of the building waiting for Leah.

"You don't have a car?" Jasper asked.

"My girlfriend's peaking me up." I told him smiling, excited to see her.

"We'll wait with you." Alice said, walking up to us with the rest of them.

"You don't have too, she'll be here in a minute." I said.

"We want to." Rosalie said leaving no room to argue without being mean.

And not even a minute later Leah was driving in to the parking lot, she got out of the car not seeing me yet, I ran over to her as fast as I can jumped on her back and start placing small kisses on her neck.

She laughed catching my legs "hello there." she said turning her head to look at me.

"I missed you." I said burying my head in her neck nuzzling it.

Suddenly I felt her whole body stiffen before it began to shake so I took my head out of her neck and looked at her worried.

"Leah baby, you're shaking." I said trying to turn her face to look at me only for her to not let me, she's staring at something.

I followed her gaze to see she was staring at the Cullens with an unreadable expression on her face.

"Leah?" I asked worried.

Leah looked at me as if she just realized I was there and that's when I saw fear flash in her eyes before she started to sprint towards the wood.

"Lea what are you doing?!" I yelled holding on tighter.

but she didn't answer or stop running.

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