chapter 12 - done

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Everlyn pov

It's the last day of summer.

tomorrow will be my first day of ForksHigh, but summer is not over yet... so I'm currently riding my bike to my girlfriends house so we can go on a date.

It wasn't long before I was outside Leah's house, I put my bike near their garage and went to knock on the door, but before I could even lift my hand the door flew open and Seth was right in front of me, he looked me over before saying "save me." and moving to stand behind my back.

I was confused for a second before I heard my girlfriend's voice yell "I'm going to kill you Seth! you can run but you'll have to come back eventually!" we were still standing at the doorway, Seth behind my back when I saw Leah come down the stairs, completely drenched in water.

I looked her over for a second then burst out laughing "you know Lea next time you want to take a shower you should take your clothes off first." I said making myself laugh even more.

Leah looked at me and said "I'm glad I could amuse you honey, now get out of the way I have an idiot to kill." and started walking towards us. I can feel Seth at my back holding my shirt "don't let her get me." he told me sounding terrified.

Leah was now standing right in front of me giving me a look that says 'move' "come on Lily, let's talk about it, I'm sure whatever happened wasn't on purpose." I said, hoping maybe she won't kill Seth.

"He knew we have a date today, he knew I was getting ready, and when I walked out of my room. he threw a bucket of water at me. do you have any other explanation beside on purpose, honey?" I can tell she was angry, not at me at Seth.

"Violence is never the solution?" I tried but it came out more as a question.

Leah looked at me and smiled in a loving way "how about you consider this honey," she said tacking a piece of hair behind my ear, "I was all ready for our date, looking forward to have a nice time with you, but because of the water he threw on me, I now have to take another shower. which means our date won't start for another half hour." She said knowing she wan.

I look back glaring at Seth, I could see the look on his face morphing, realizing he's screwed before he took off in a run away from the house.

Leah looked at me smiling, amused, "I'm sorry honey, it really is going to take me about 15 minutes to get ready." she said before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I gave her a peck on the cheek, "it's alright I can hang around for 15 minutes, don't worry about me. go get ready for our date." I said playfully pushing her away.

"yes ma'am." she said fake saluting before going back up the stairs.

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Leah when my phone rang, I didn't think much of it. not many people call me it's usually either my dad, Leah, Seth, Paul or Jared, so I didn't even look before picking up the phone "yellow." I answer.

"Do you always answer the phone like a child?" I heard a woman say on the other side of the line.

"Who is this?" I asked confused.

"It's your mother" I heard from the other line and then it dawned on me.
it's my mom's voice
my mom's calling me
I don't think my mom has ever called me before
okay maybe that's a little dramatic but I haven't spoken to her in over a month.

I sat up a little straighter before saying "oh hi mom, sorry... I didn't look at the callar ID before answering. what's up?" I asked starting to feel a little nervous.

I got up so I could walk around while talking to her, "I'm sure your dad has told you by now that me and Phil are moving to Jacksonville. and you and Bella will be moving to Forks." she said, I could tell she was trying to lead up to something I just didn't know what.

"Yeah, yeah, he told me. I'm glad Phil found a new job." I said, not really sure where she's going with this.

"Well as you probably know, me and Phil will be moving in January. which means you don't have to start living with your dad till then, your dad said that you would prefer to stay with him. but I assured him that you would rather be with me and Bella for as long as you can so I just called to make sure I was right."
I was too stunned to speak once she finished talking.

Does she honestly believe I would rather be with her and Bella in Arizona, rather than with Dad here?
there is no way.
she knows how much I look forward to every summer.
She knows all my friends are here, dad is here.
there's no way she actually believes I want to stay with them for longer than I have to.

"You still there Eva?" I heard her ask which snapped me out of my shock.

I didn't really know what to say.....
'you're a big girl Ever.' I told myself
'just say what you think.'
'say that you don't want to go back to Arizona.'
'that you want to stay here.'
After my little self peptalk I came to the conclusion that-
'yes I can do this.'

"Well Mom... " I started, gathering up the courage to say what I'm about to say, "I would not... actually want to go back to Arizona at the end of summer. my friends are here, dad is here and I really, really don't want to start school in the middle of the year. I would rather stay." I finished not really sure what else I can say, but reaching the conclusion that it feels really good to actually mean what I say for once when talking to her.

It was silence for about a minute, I took my phone away from my ear to see if the call was still connected, just to see that it was. so I put it back on my ear before asking "mom?" not sure if she's still there.

"Don't you want to spend time with me and your sister?" I heard her say, she sounded genuinely upset, but by now I knew better.

"Well mom, I've mostly been living with you and Bella for the last 15 years and I think it's time I spend some time here in Forks with Dad." I said, standing my grounds not willing to relent to her manipulations 'like mother like daughter I guess.' sometimes I wonder if I should consider myself lucky she had almost no part in actually raising me.

"And, did those 15 years mean nothing?
the clothes, food and shelter I provided for you all that time?
every time I took you to school?
every time I made dinner?
did it all mean nothing?
how ungrateful can you be?
I just want to spend a few more months with my girls before I move away and you want to take that away from me?!" She yelled.

out of all the things she said the only thing that stood out to me was that she has been 'raising me on her own'. for 15 years now, and the only things she has to show for that as things that she has done for me are basic human rights, and the most basic of parenting a parent has to do and even for that she wants me to thank her, even though she didn't do half of the things she said, for years I've been buying my own clothes, I don't remember the last time she's made enough dinner for me too, or the last time she took me to school, and I won't even start with all the times she locked me out of the house. I've been bending over backwards for her and Bella for the last 15 years trying to please them to create if only the illusion of family.

And I'm done.

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