chapter 21- I love you

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Everlyn pov

I kept questioning Leah intentions not knowing what she was doing or where she was going, but she wasn't answering. she kept running as if she had a purpose, as if she was running from something and that scared me. at some point I stopped asking, I figured she couldn't run forever and once she stops I'll yell at her and demand answers, but for now I just hugged her tighter hoping that knowing that I'm here will help her calm down.

I wasn't wrong. a couple minutes later she stopped but didn't put me down, she wasn't shaking anymore, she seemed calmer but she was still breathing heavily. I waited not saying anything or moving giving her time to relax and gain her breath. while I was waiting for her to fully calm down I looked around realizing that I don't really recognize this forest. we couldn't have run for that long it was only a few minutes and yet I don't know where we are. that shouldn't be possible considering I know the forest around Forks like the back of my hand. 'how long has Leah been running?' I thought, getting more and worried.

"Lily," I said softly still rapped around her back "what's wrong? why did you run? are you ok love?" I tried to say it all slowly and as softly as possible to not startle her. I don't get it, one minute we were laughing and the next she saw the Cullens and ran like our lifes dependents on it.

I'm doing everything I can not to freak out here but I can tell that Leah wasn't listening to me "put me down." I demanded trying a different approach. but it still felt like she wasn't hearing me, "Leah Clearwater put me down this instant or I swear to God ! ...." I said trying to sound as demanding as I possibly could. and it worked, a second later I was standing upright on my own two feet stumbling over.

Leah caught me before I could fall and our eyes locked "what happened earlier?.... where are we?...... why did you run?....... I've never seen this part of the forest before and you couldn't have run all the way to the reservation, it was only a few minutes. what happened Lily?" I asked putting my hand on her cheek trying to stay calm, because I saw she was still confused.

"I..i don't know I'm not sure... I saw this people and part of me wanted to go to them.... but the other told me to run as fast as I can the other way.... I never felt like that before." She said trying to explain what she felt getting this far away look, I can tell she wasn't done so I waited patiently for her to keep talking not saying anything yet just holding her hand "and then.... then it was like I remembered you were there and I felt you hugging me closer and I knew that I had to run I knew I had to protect you from something it felt like I was protecting you from them... but at the same time I didn't feel like I need to protect you from them.... I was feeling so many things all at once... I just... I felt like I had to run so I did. I didn't even know where I was running I just knew I had to go. and no we aren't in the reservation, I'm not sure where we are either you're supposed to be the forest girl." she rambled trying to explain how she felt and answer my questions.

"Leah... Leah...." I said making her look at me "just take a deep breath for me, ok?"

Leah took a few deep breaths not taking her eyes off of mine "I don't know what happened I have no idea why I ran I'm so sorry honey." she said looking even more confused.

"It's ok Lily the most important thing is that your ok." I told her stroking her cheeks.

"I feel kinda hot." Leah said.

I put my hand on her forehead quickly taking it away "Lea you're burning up," I told her worried, "do you have your phone?" I asked.

She nodded before spacing out.

I took it out of her pocket telling her to sit down and take deep breaths before dialing her dad. it didn't ring for long before he peaked up "Leah?" I heard Harry ask.

"No, hay uncle Harry it's me." I said.

"Oh, Evie everything ok kid?" he asked.

"No really," I said "something kinda weird happened, and long story short... Leah has a really high fever and I'm not completely sure where we are. Can you come pick us up please?" I asked.

"High fever? Is she shaking?" He asked sounding really worried.

"She was, but she isn't now." I told him.

"Ok where are you?" He asked sounding even more worried.

"I'm not sure, but if I have to make an educated guess I would say... near the creek on the reservation side." I said, looking around.

"Ok, stay where you are someone will be there soon. just keep Leah clam ok?" Harry said sounding stressed.

"Don't worry uncle Harry, I know the rules, stay put and wait for someone to come." I said trying to reassure him.

"Ok kid, stay put I'm going to make a few calls." He said.

"Ok, bye uncle Harry see you soon." I said before hanging up.

"You alright Lea?" I asked sitting on the ground next to her putting my hand on hers.

"I'm fine, just a little hot." she said leaning her head on my shoulder.

"A little hot?!" I gasp "Lea you're smoking hot. always." I said.

And accomplished my goal Leah was laughing.

"I love you." she suddenly said.

And I froze for a second before relaxing again " I don't know if you'll remember this, because you have a crazy high fever right now... but I love you too, so much." I said.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before I heard the sound of a moter coming our way. looking up I saw Sam's car heading our way and not long after he was right by us.

"Hey Sam." I said as he got out of the car.

"Hey Evie, you alright?" Sam asked looking incredibly nervous and scared.

"Yeah I'm fine, Leah's running a fever though." I said.

Sam put his hand out to help me get up, but before I could take her hand Leah hugged me closer to her. 'is she growling?!' I thought surprised.

I looked at Sam shocked, seeing him back away with my hands up.

"I don't want Eva." He said slowly "I just want to get you both home, here... you can take her to the car." Sam said stepping farther away from us.

Leah picked me up making me squeal "lea!" I yelled startled.

She gave me an apologetic look nuzzling my cheek, before walking towards the car, opening the door and getting in with me on her lap.

I looked at Sam waiting for him to join us but all he was doing was staring at the other side of the creek.

"Sam?!" I called trying to gain his attention. "Leah has a fever, we should go!" I told him.

He nodded before getting in the car and as an immediate response Leah pulled me closer.

I kissed her jaw putting my head in her neck hugging her tighter trying to reassure her that I'm not going anywhere.

The drive home wasn't long, but when we came to a stop and I looked up from Leahs neck and noticed that we weren't at Leah's house, "ahhhh... Sam where are we?" I asked.

"Mine and Emily's house, We'll drop off Leah here and Emily will drive you home." Sam said.

"No offense Sam, but there's no way I'm leaving Leah alone with you in this state." I told him.

"Take us to Leahs house." I demanded.

"Look Eva, she's gonna be ok here..." he started, before I cut him off.

"Look Sam, I like you... I really do, from what I can tell, you're a nice guy, and Emily likes, you so that has to be a good sign. but let me make myself perfectly clear there is no universe where I am going to leave you alone with my girlfriend while she's running a fucking fever. is that clear?" I asked, raising my eyebrows giving him a death stare.

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