Arcane x Reader

163 1 0

Person/Charakter: Kein spezifischer.
AU: Arcane AU
Pronomen: They/Them
TW: Keine
C oder cc: -
Request: Nein.

Dieser Os ist auf Englisch, weil er ursprünglich für etwas anderes gedacht war und ich zu faul war, ihn zu übersetzen. Ich hoffe er gefällt euch trotzdem :)


"Hey! We're supposed to share! So give me some too!" protested the [H. Color]-haired kid as they pulled the wooden bowl on the counter a little further towards them; away from the girl next to them. "I already shared with you," replied the blue-haired girl with an amused smile. The kid sitting next to the girl of the same age, also smiling, shook their head. Both of them, after the little conversation, simultaneously took some relatively slimy worms from the bowl and did not hesitate to put some directly into their mouths.

The clearly older girl, with a shock of pink hair, who was sitting next to the blue-haired girl and also had some food in front of her, watched the two younger ones amused at their interaction with each other. The [H. Color] and the blue-haired one could easily pass for siblings, as close as they were to each other, which made the older one smile cheerfully. The pink-haired girl, sitting next to the two friends, grimaced as she remembered how they had met her little sister's new friend. It was a mystery to Vi and Vander how a child of that age, so badly battered and alone without a caregiver, could survive on the streets of the Undercity. Vander wanted to talk to the child about it, but the moment he asked them about it, they started staring blankly into the other's eyes. When the child broke visual contact, they started shaking their head and muttering things under their breath (things Vander couldn't quite understand), eventually resulting in Vander being ignored for the rest of the day.

Vander didn't try another time.

The [H. Color] hair from the kid had been shaggy and very unkempt at that time. It had grown out (at least longer than Vis hair) and had some bad burrs in it. The child's face was full of soot and scratches. The large, not so old scar, which ran just above their left eye through the eyebrow, attracted especially much attention. If you looked at his bare arms and legs, you immediately saw the layers of dirt that had built up over time.

Vi took them to Vander only because Powder said they once helped her with something. Both didn't say with what, but the pink-haired girl agreed after a short consideration, because the compassion to the child (who should be about the same age as her little sister) then took the upper hand. Vander was also skeptical at first when the two sisters arrived with the new child. But already in the short time that the new child had spent with Vander and his other admitted offsprings, the bearded man had come to terms with it. One would even think that he had taken him to his heart. Even after that short time.

A light tap to her upper arm brought Vi out of her thoughts. She turned away from the younger two to the other person next to her; Mylo sat with one eyebrow raised, and his smaragd-like colored eyes fixed on the pink-haired girl, impatiently sitting on the wooden barstool that was next to Vi's and Claggor's. Realizing he had Vi's attention, Mylo began to speak, "I've been told a place by the little man where there's supposed to be really valuable stuff!". Interested in the conversation, Vi turned more to the brown-haired man. "From the little man?" she asked a bit skeptically. "Oh come on, his last tips weren't that bad. We really need to go there! It's on the upper world, but that shouldn't be a-", Mylo started to go on, but was interrupted by the girl next to him.

Vi continued to speak somewhat irritably, but in a now somewhat lowered voice, and leaned a little closer to the brown-haired man: "Piltover? Do you know how dangerous this is? If we get caught, we're as good as dead!". Mylo rolled his eyes and took something to eat from Vi's bowl and started talking with his mouth full, "You're not usually such a coward, Vi! It wouldn't be the first time we've gone to Piltover. We'll just do it the way we always do and everyone will be fine! And if you're actually that scared; just leave the two brats here and everything will go even smoother than usual!". The pink-haired girl shook her head and turned her attention back to her wooden bowl as a sign that the discussion was over for now. Vi was about to reach into the wooden bowl to take out some food for herself when she noticed that it was already empty. Astonished, she looked at Mylo. He had turned away from her, however, and was in a heated conversation with Claggor about some new club that apparently housed 'good women'. If you want to be precise, Mylo was the one talking about it with the most interest.

Vi then turned to the two younger ones next to her and narrowed her eyes knowingly. The two friends sat turned to each other, giggling, amused to themselves. The [H.Color]-head briefly squinted past Powder's head, over to Vi, only to look back at Powder the next moment with slightly widened eyes. Curious as to what had caused her friend's reaction, the blue-haired girl turned to look at her sister. Caught off guard, she instantly turned back to the [H. Color]-haired, whereupon they both counted down from three simultaneously in whispers.

The very next moment, the two jumped up and ran away from the now alarmed Vi in amusement. The latter was on her feet not a second after the other two, taking up the chase directly. Claggor and Mylo looked after her in amazement. The next moment, they too jumped up and ran after their friends. But the two brown-haired friends had no intention of joining in the playful chase of their cronies, no. They merely wanted to escape the cost of the meal they had previously ordered as a group from Jericho.

The [H. Color]-head, along with their blue-haired friend, pushed their way through the dark alleys of the Underground, laughing as they tried to put more distance between themselves and their pursuer. Some towns people jumped out of the way of the running children in surprise, though there were also those who irritably rabble-roused after them. Those people, however, did not stop any of the friends from running. The [H.Color]-head, however, came to a quick stop as he was about to make a sharp turn into an alley, but ended up running carelessly into a person. He stumbled backwards in surprise and thus collided with his blue-haired friend. They both looked up in a bit of panic, but apologized directly to the man, who in response only stepped aside to let them pass. The two friends had a smile on their lips as they started running again. They shouted a loud "thank you" to the stranger, but immediately picked up speed again as they watched their pink-haired sister get closer and closer to them. They giggled briefly at each other, but immediately refocused on their path. In the process, they didn't question the particular style of dress or the red eye with the black sclera which the man wore, no. They ran on without a care, with the goal of being faster than their sister.

Eventually, the friends arrived at the all too familiar "Last Drop". They stepped through the doors, laughing and welcoming the cheerful atmosphere that prevailed inside. The tables were busy as usual, and yet Vander stood behind the bar, relatively relaxed and calmly cleaning the freshly washed glasses. He looked right up, however, when he heard the familiar voices. A soft smile formed on his lips as he watched the younger two playfully run away from the older sister. They all eventually disappeared into the back of the building, Vi giving her father another amused look before resuming the chase. Chuckling to himself, Vander shook his head and returned his attention to washing the glasses. He would listen to the stories of his children later, for now he had some work to do...

Irgendwelche xreader OneshotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt