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There is only one school in Middleearth where all offsprings could go to since they are not welcomed in Underworld or Worldabove. While in Worldabove they barely even tolerated Angels who broke the main law which told them to never mate with a different species. Angels who mated different species were often executed or instead sent to live in Middleearth. The name "fallen ones" is a title which shows their surroundings that they are a product of sin.

 Lawbreaking Demons were never executed, instead they were abandoned from Underworld if they stated to not break the bond to their mate. Most abandoned Demons tend to kill themselfes. In Underworld, love is not as common as in Worldabove, since in the past they only reproduced in order to create more powerful Demons. If they fell in love nevertheless, it better not be a Shapeshifter or worse an Angel. Still, the bond a Demon could create to a mate was one of the strongest that could be formed. If they broke the bond they were allowed to stay in Underworld and were even offered a superior status, if they killed their mate with their own venom.

The main law about mating does however not apply to any kind of offsprings, as they are already mixed species. They are free to mate every species of Middleearth.

In all of this good and evil contrasts the Middleearth held the perfect neutral Shapeshifters. Shapeshifters were compatible with every species and a mating pair of either an Angel and a Shapeshifter or a Demon and a Shapeshifter was quiet normalized. Neither an Angel nor a Demon mating with a Shapeshifter was punished with death.


10000 years ago Underworld was leaded by the far most dangerous and powerful Demons that have ever existed. They formed Leadership groups, similar to packs, that appear in Middleearth only. Without undergoing the process of mating, the strongest redhorns, greenhorns and blackhorns reproduced with silverblood only to let the twocolored reproduce even more twocolored Demons. A new law was created in Underworld, telling that only silverblood would be allowed to lead Underworld in order to keep the strongest bloodlines in charge of their power. As the founders of this new law died, the Leadership "packs" formed one big Leadership consisting of the five most feared Demons. 

At that time in Worldabove many powerful Angels had fallen because they got tempted by Alpha Shapeshifters to create a bond.  With all the Angels sinning and bein executed, Worldabove had never had so few Angels inhabiting their territory and their defense was weaker than ever. Looking at Underworld getting more and more powerful, even creating malformed mutaded Demons, they created a bloodline with only protectors who made the majority of their population. The goldenwings split a piece of their royal power and created bronzewinged protectors.

As for the few sinning Angels who could escape the execution, they found space in Middleearth reproducing with other fallen Angels or Shapeshifters and created even more hybrid species  as the Demons remained pureblooded.

Time tells, that One particular powerful Demon somehow found its way to Worldabove and mated a Purewhite. Their Child was the first Mud ever seen and by far the most powerful one to ever exist. It reunited the strange powers of healing and also killing with the same venom, the outcome only being controlled by the Muds  will. It had enchanting silver wings with another primary color, blue. 

Since the superior law was broken, the Angel was killed and the Demon abandoned to suffer in Middleearth forever. The Mud looked for an ally in its father, but was turned down by its only bloodrelative. In raging anger the Mud unraveled its greatest power and opened a gate between the worlds which could never be closed again.

Followed by an army of Demons, the Mud attacked Worldabove, feasting from the Angels agony and fear. Until today, nobody saw how the Mud died. It was only told that after 100 years of war, the Mud was found dead in its fathers arms who later on killed himself. Some say, that the fathers love ended the Muds insanity and brought it back to its senses. The Mud, still being half Angel, could not live with its sin and gave up on life .

Underworld and Worldabove concluded a peace agreement with one superior law ruling over all three worlds. On that day, many Angels and Demons joyned middleearth and the two worlds were left in silence. Underworld and Worldabove were from now on only to contact other worlds for certain reasons. The neverclosing gate was protected by the worlds strongest soldiers and forbidden to approach.

Now, 10000 years later, the inhabitants of Middleearth still remember the war and share their rivalry. Especially the fallen ones and rising ones tend to side to their own species. 


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