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He wiped away huge, hot tears rolling down his cheeks. Heat was building up in the pit of his stomach, his face turning in an awful shade of red. He felt his skin tingle, knowing that his fur was starting to grow out.

"Fuck...", he mumbled as he took off the oversized hoodie and watched his freckled skin turn silvery white. Ever since he lost weight he felt short tempered and his core-animal taking over. Like a survival instinct. He watched himself closely in the mirror, his bones poking out of his skin and making him look sick. His eyes seemed huge and dark, not like the usual liquid gold. His bottom lip started to tremble as he couldn't stop thinking about how ugly he felt, how unloveable he was.

'look at you! How could anybody love you?'

He felt his fangs grow out of his jaw, his face deforming into an ugly wolflike snout and his back arching up. Bones cracking up and his ears turning big.

"Felix?", a sudden knock made him freeze. He looked himself in the eyes, seeing a glimpse of fear.

"Felix open up please!"

"Go away!", he heard himself yell, sounding like a raspy growl. Like a beast. A monster nobody has ever seen and a creature that needed to suffer in lonely darkness.

"Felix...", Changbins voice was drenched in pain and worry.

"I said go away!"

His voice was a ghosty scream that frightened himself and made his fur stand up like goosebumps. The process of shifting only increasing in pace, making him turn and twist in pain until he made contact with the cold tiles on the floor.

"Felix, what's wrong?" Changbin started to bang against the door with force. Felix was afraid that he was going to break open the door since he knew the Angel was strong enough. He quickly scrambled over to the door, pushing himself against it to keep it shut, whimpering as he felt Changbin throw himself against the door.

"Felix, if you are standing behind that door step away!"

"Don't come in please!", he felt himself push more against the wooden door, his strength fading away and his legs trembling miserably.

"I mean it Felix!"

"No,nononon" Felix whimpered, scared of being seen like this. It was just too much. He ran away, pushed himself against a corner far away from the door hoping that this was not happening. He tried to force himself to shift back, feeling his body ache in pain as he didn't had the strength to do so.

"Please stop." he wimpered as his muscles tore apart and he felt like blood would shoot out of his body any second.


A terrible scream erupted from the inside of the stall making his heart stop for a moment. Cold shivers ran down his spine as the stall went silent. Whithout thinking the kicked the door open and stormed inside, closing the door behind him and looking around in the dim lighting. His eyes landed on Felix cowering in the back of the stall, his clothes ripped apart, hanging loosely on his small frame.

"Lix...?", he walked closer, scared of the boy being hurt or unconscious.

"Please stop, make it stop!" Felix whimpered and looked up at him with scared eyes. His face shifting between his normal soft look and something far more strange and dangerous.

Changbin crotched down to the boy, hesitantly putting his hand on the pale shoulder. His blood froze as he felt only bones underneath the thin skin.

The small body trembled and twitched away from the warm touch.

Without thinking about it he just pulled Felix into a tight hug, pressing his fragile body against his own.

"It's okay Lix. I am here", he whispered and rocked his body back and forth to calm the younger down.

"I am here." Felix started to sob out and pushed his face into Changbins chest, throwing his arms over his neck.

"Leave!", the younger sobbed out while pushing himself closer to Changbin, his body betraying his words.

"Lix, Baby... I am not going to leave." The freckled boys body shook violently as Felix tried to stop crying and tried to push himself away.

Changbin noticed a thin layer of silver fur on Felix skin, brushing over it. He was mesmerized of the bright colour and how soft it was.

"No" Felix pulled away but Changbin steadied him on his lap.

"Stop moving.", he whispered and stroked his ear. Felix looked up to him with huge eyes, tears glistening like diamonds in those golden orbs.

"Stop looking at me..", he whimpered, small fangs scraping his bottom lip and leaving small scratches on them. Changbin smiled and continued to crawl the soft ears, making the younger blush uncontrollably.

"You are beautiful you know that?", he whispered, letting his hand wander around slowly to stroke the freckled cheek.

"With your little fangs", he brushed his thumb over Felix lips, feeling how soft they were.

"Your fur", he started to brush trough the silvery hair, making the younger whimper again as hot tears streamed down his cheek.

"Shhhh It's okay. You are the most beautiful creature I could ever meet" Changbin reassured, looking into Felix exhausted eyes.

"Don't worry, Chan didn't tell me anything. And I don't need to know Lix. I love you no matter what"

Tears dropped down the youngers cheeks, covering his smooth skin.

"No you don't", he whispered clearly tired.

"I do, Lix. I do.", he pulled him in making their bodies melt together, keeping him warm and safe.

"Believe me..."

With his last strength Felix pushed himself away from Changbin and stood in front of him. His legs were trembling and his shoulders dropped forward, his skinny arms hanging down heavily.

"No you don't, Changbin. You don't know what you are talking about.", a frown was painted on his forehead, his ears dropping down. He seemed too tired to yell, like he had already given up his thought of Changbin loving him.

"I do!", slowly but surely he turned mad. Why wouldn't Felix just believe him??

"You really want to know?!", Felix yelled and just in this moment it burst out of him. His fragile frame deforming, bones cracking into place and his clothes tearing apart once more. In a matter of seconds a creature that Changbin only saw in books was standing right in front of him. Not quiet animal not quiet human. The creature was panting heavily, the muscles trembling and the eyes looking down at him with sadness drawn to them. The creature smashed its clawy hands on the wall, caging Changbin between silvery arms and a crooked body. Through all the fur and wolflike appearance, he could still see Felix.

"Lix..." Changbin whispered and took a step forward, reaching out to him so he could take Felix face in between his hands.

"This doesn't change anything about my feelings", he leant his forehead against Felix' and stroked his thumb over Felix furry cheek once again.

"I still love you" The creature morphed back at his words, Felix now standing in front of him completely nude. Only his ears not disappearing, twitching in disbelief, his body looking more fragile than ever. He looked like he would faint any second and crash to the hard ground.

"I still love you", Changbin mumbled before he took another step towards the younger, pulling him in and smashing their lips together. The kiss was desperate and hungry. Both of them melting into the others touch and not getting enough.

"I love you", Changbin repeated in between kisses and pushed himself more against Felix to be as close as possible.

"Don't leave me..." Felix mumbled before his body gave up on him and he collapsed.

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