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He stumbled into a single stall bathroom and as soon as the door was locked he fell to the ground. He felt the painful shifting of his bones, cracking and detaching. A dark growl escaping his throat and claws scraping the floor.

This could not happen, that is not true!

As always during shifting he felt the spot between his shoulderblades burn like fire and he could smell blood. Trying to suppress all the noises trying to leave his mouth he felt himself fully transform into a wolf.


"Chan?", he called through the door as all he could hear was scraping and groaning mixed with silent growls.

"Chan, please let me in", he whimpered and layed his ears flat. He knew his friend was shifting but as it was an uncontrolled shifting he was worried sick.

"Channie", he yelled not caring about other creatures passing by.

He stopped banging against the door as everything turned silent inside of the stall.

"Chan...?", Felix whispered and rattled the doorknob. After a minute that felt like ages he heard the clicking noise of the lock being opened. He hurried to open the door and let himself in before locking it again.

Chan was lying on the floor, covered in sweat and his fur slowly disappearing again. His muscles flexed through his skin as his whole body was still cramping up.

Felix sat to the ground and pulled Chans head onto his lap.

"It's okay, you are okay", he mumbled and started to carefully stroke his hair. Chan opened his eyes and his one blue eye was still glowing prominently.

"Shit, I hate this", he chuckled weakly and Felix smiled down at him.

"Shifting is never easy if it is uncontrolled", he continued to stroke Chans hair until his breathing normalized and he was shifted back completely. 

"Thank you"

Chan sat up slowly and rolled his shoulders, trying to release some tension from his muscles. 

"You are bleeding", Felix noted, not being surprised as it wasn't the first time he saw Bangchan shifting uncontrolled and hurried to stand up and get some towels. 

"What happened?", Felix asked as he came back and started to wipe away the blood dripping from the huge scars between the shoulderblades.

"I am not sure...", Chan mumbled and sighed.

"But I think my wolf might have mated"

"Mated?!", Felix yelled and Chan jumped in surprise just to groan out in pain.

"Sorry", mumbled Felix and finished of. He threw away the bloodcovered towel.

"What are you going to do?", Felix asked worried and his ear twitched nonstop. Chan chuckled a little as he saw the restless, fluffy ears and shook his head.

"I don't know... Maybe get to know her?"

"Aren't you going to shift as soon as you get too close to her?" His ears still twitched around and he pressed against his head with his hands as he got annoyed by all the flapping

"Maybe...", Chan mumbled and seemed to drift of.

"Either way, I'll go get your clothes from the locker. Maybe we can make it to last period"

He stood up and left the stall, waiting until Chan locked the door from inside and started to walk down the empty hall. He got to Chans locker, opened it with the code and took out the spare clothes every shapeshifter had. He just wanted to dash down the hallway and back to Chan as he saw Changbin standing in his way. He felt heat rising up his cheeks and his right ear twitching.

"Shouldn't you be in class?", Felix tried to hiss but it turned out as a soft whine. 

"I was looking for you to be honest. You weren't in class and I was- I was worried...", Changbin scratched his neck and his wings started to flutter.

"Oh...", Felix watched the wings movement and found himself being mesmerized by their beauty.

"I have a question", Changbin started and walked up to him who walked back in surprise until he hit the lockers with his back. He let go of the clothes which fell down and as he looked back up Changbin was standing right in front of him.

"W-What do you want?", Felix voice was shaking and he could feel tears burning in his eyes. Suddenly Changbin looked sad, his wings dropped and splayed on the dirty floor. He got down to gather Chans clothes and gave them back to Felix after dusting them off.

"I am sorry, I did not mean to scare you"

He talked quietly and even in his voice Felix could hear the pain of being misunderstood.

"No, I am sorry. I don't even know why I am scared of you", Felix answered. Changbin started to smile slightly and looked into his eyes. Felix' heart fluttered, he never had the chance to look at the Angel this closeup. He had smooth, glowing skin and high cheekbones. His eyes seemed very dark, contrasting to his purewhite appearance. Felix could smell the Angels scent, something he never smelled before and couldn't quiet tell. Something soft, like clouds floating on a wide sky. It was a pure scent, clear and innocent. His ear started twitching again and he felt all hot and nervous, the blush on his cheeks deepening.

"Your ear", Changbin pointed out without looking away, his dark eyes piercing into Felix' golden ones.

"I cannot stop it!", Felix answered and had trouble breathing since Changbin leant forward until their nose almost touched and he had one Hand just above Felix twitching ear.

"May I?", he whispered, his voice still raspy and makin him dizzy. Felix didn't answer. Instead he leant forward until he felt Changbins warm hand softly touch his fur.

Without breaking the eyecontact Changbin started to crawl his ear and softly stroke the fur. Felix melted into his touch and closed his eyes.

"Pretty", he heard Changbin mumble and couldn't help but to smile. After a while the warm hand disappeared and suddenly stroked his cheek. Felix opened his eyes unsure of how to feel about this situation and tried to back up just to feel the metal of the locker already touching his back.

"Don't be scared, please", Changbin begged, his eyes searching for the wolf's.

"I-... I have to go back.", Felix mumbled, suddenly uncomfortable and trying not to look the Angel in the eyes. He pressed himself past Changbin and ran away, back to Chan.

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