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The sun was once again downing at the horizon as he walked alone with Leni back to the dorms. Jisung hat teased them about the kiss for hours before his lovers appeared in the café and kind of kidnapped him with sly smiles. Jungkook and Leni only being able to imagine what would happen to their precious Angel but shaking of the disturbing thoughts as quick as possible. They ended up buying another drink, watching creatures walk in and out, watching them work and having fun talking about what kind of a story each creature carried around with them.

After they got a worried call from Bangchan, checking on Jungkook and if he was alright they decided to head back.

"I still have to do some of the homework", Leni muttered her wings flapping around in annoyance.

"Maybe I can help you.", Jungkook said while looking up to the sky. The thought of being separated making is heart heavy.

"It's a medical subject. Shifters don't attend this class", she commented and followed his gaze. The sky was a washed out yellow turning purple. A few stray clouds painting it white while some of them turned grey in the darkening sky.

"Also, Chan would worry about you."

"He is not my father", he laughed but knew that Chan would whoop his ass if he would stay away for the night. He also knew, that Chan would find out no matter how good he would try to hide it.

"Surely acts like it.", she mumbled under a grin.


Jungkook walked into his own room to find it empty and dark. A soft sigh leaving his lips as he decided to take a quick shower before looking for the other members. The warm water running down his body made him think about all the emotions that have been coursing through him lately, things that made him doubt. He thought about Chans face, his glances from earlier. It was far away from the loving eyes he used to wear while looking at his pack. He also remembered Felix worry, the way he tensed up after Leni joined the pack to walk them down to their dorm.

He rinsed of the shampoo and stared at the white wall, letting the water hit his neck. Something was wrong.

After finishing he stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself.

"Why is she not my mate?", he mumbled while starring into his yellow eyes. He thought of her very hard, all the heartracing he felt during their time together but nothing happened. His eyes didn't glow in the slightest and he didn't feel tingly or hot at all.

"Come on!", he mumbled and stared harder, is muscles tensing up.

He thought about her smell, the bright Color of her eyes and remembered every touch. Her soft skin under her fingertips and her soft eyes following his every movement. The way he felt like a small kitten under her gaze and the way she promised him safety without words.

"Come on!", he now screamed at his mirrored self and slammed his fists against the counter. He heard a crack and pain shooting up his hand.


In an instant his knuckles turned purple and he felt heat rush down his veins. Pictures of blue doe-eyes ran through his mind, an angelic voice and gold hair. His heart started to beat out of his chest as he remembered the heavy smell of flowers and the touch of a creature other than Leni. A creature long lost in his memories, burried deep under self-control.

Self-control. Right. He needed to regain his self-control. He corrected his posture, spared one last glance at himself and walked into his room to get changed.


He coughed up a little blood as he tried to hold himself over the toilet.

"Shit", he mumbled as he wiped the red substance from the corner of his mouth and looked at it. His throat was burning like fire and his body trembled as he had trouble to hold himself up. He flushed the toilet, making sure to not leave any evidence behind and stood up, washing his glistening hands and wiping away the tears that had coated his lashes. He noticed dark, purple shadows under his eyes making him look even more pale and unhealthy. He walked back into the room slowly and grabbed the bottle of water, downing it all in the attempt to cool down his burning throat as he noticed that he was not alone.

Quickly, without being obvious he grabbed an oversized jacket and pulled it over his shoulders and closed it halfway bevor turning around. To his surprise it was not Chan but Jungkook. He didn't look to good either, his eyes red and a blank expression painting his beautiful features.

"Oh hey!", Felix smiled brightly and tried to let his voice sound like its normal warm self.

"Lix, I heard.", Jungkook confessed and walked over to him. His piercing eyes bored into him as he towered in front of the boy, making his ears fold back in slight fear.

"Is it the medication that makes you throw up?", he asked. Felix shook his head and tried to take a step back as he stumbled over some random item lying on the floor. He almost lost his balance but was caught by Jungkooks strong grip.

"LIX!" The Shifters eyes went big, and he grabbed him by his shoulders making him look at him.

"Have you eaten anything lately?!", concern lacing his high voice and his eyes searching for his as if he was looking for an explanation.

"Yes.", he mumbled defiantly and tried to pull out of the tallers grip.

"Anything that you did not throw up?"

Felix felt his skin bruise under the tight grip, making him exhausted. He did not want to think about it nor talk about it. He didn't get why anyone would care about him throwing up or not eating. He was a missfit creature after all...

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