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To her surprise it was not Felix who opened the door but it was Changbin.

"Hi, sorry for being late."

She pulled the Angel into a hug while he only responded with a small tap on her back.

"Are you alright?", she asked after closing the door behind her and seeing Changbin biting his lips nervously.

"Leni... there wa-", Changbin had started to speak but Leni got distracted by mumbling from the living room. Something was not right.

She walked past the Angel, ignoring his hand that tried to pull her back and walked over to the open door.

She stopped dead in her track as she saw him. There he was. His clothes dirty and ripped showing more of his skin than hiding it. His pack standing around him with puffy eyes and wet cheeks.

Her heart stopped. It simply stopped beating and her breathing slowed down. She felt hot like she was burning from the inside and at the same time she felt cold. Her heart clenched, as if it had trouble to keep beating and like she was bleeding out.

There he was. The silhouette that had followed her in her dreams and made her wake up screaming and cramping up in her bedsheets every night. There he was with his messy dark hair and his one warm eye and one cold eye, making her shiver and making her nervous. His whole presence made her ache and cramp and she wanted to scream. She wanted to scream at him, hit him. She wanted to take him with her, fly high up into the sky to let him fall down to the hard ground. She wanted him to be gone again, wanted to rip him apart, she wanted him to vanish on the spot like fog making space for the morning sun, but she wanted him. She wanted to hurt him so bad, making him feel what she felt but she wanted to run up to him. Wanted to lie in his embrace, smell his scent and hear his promises. She wanted to hear his soft voice, feel his skin and she wanted to pull him in, feel his warmth and unravel in his passionate love.

None of it happened.

"Leni...", he stepped forward, trying to reach out to her.

There it was. His sweet, promising voice she had missed so much. It made her heart break in to a million pieces and made her wish to wake up. She wanted to wake up so she could scream out her pain and hit herself into her stomach to make her breath go away until it turned black and blue and until she would just lie there, wishing she was dead and stare into her dark room.

"Don't", she choked out and stumbled out of the room, walking out of the tiny house and out into the evening. She just walked, walked away from everything until she reached a spot to watch the sunset.

Sitting on the cold ground she watched the sky turn into a dark blue while the light of the sun was a bright yellow. She felt a hot tear run down her cheek and drop into her lap, she heard herself sniffling and couldn't help herself but to pull her knees to her body and clawing at her trousers.

She wanted to disappear.

"I would miss you though", a soft voice spoke right behind her and she turned around, realising that she had talked out loud.

"Leave.", she whispered.

"Leave and don't come back. Ever."

More tears trickled down her face and her heart screamed at her words, yearning for this man and him only.

He didn't answer. He just stepped closer, slowly, until he could touch her cheek.

"I want you to leave.", she whispered again, feeling her skin burn at the touch and her body yelling at her to pull him into a hug.

"I was fine without you", she whisper-yelled through gritted teeth and saw a sad smile on his face. Instead of replying he pulled her close making their foreheads touch. Leni was quick to close her eyes shut and instantly stopped breathing.

"Look at me.", he begged quietly, his voice shaking.

"Just go.", she whimpered but her body betrayed her, following his voice and opening her eyes.

"Never.", he answered his eyes glowing intensely before he inched closer and closed the small gap between their lips.

She could feel his warm hands tangle into her hair and his lean body push against her. His lips grazing hers softly, almost carefully, like she was going to break. She pulled him closer, cupping his face and feeling like this was all a dream. A dream again and she would wake up very soon. But it felt too real, too good and he smelled so much like wilderness and himself it made her feel dizzy and lose her balance. Only his strong grip on her waist preventing her from falling as he giggled against her lip.

"Please don't faint", he chuckled and earned a smack against his chest as they pulled apart slightly. Only to look into their eyes.

"I am so sorry my Love.", he mumbled and his eyes were filled with regret.

"I shouldn't have left you. I just thought you would be happier with Jungkook"

She felt her heart sting at the thought of the kind Lion-shifter, remembering their last words.

"You didn't know he left", she stated and frowned a little.

Chan just shook his head and tugged a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You must have been in pain", she said after a while and caressed his cheek, earning a chuckle of disbelieve.

"Is this all you can think of right now? I was the one who left. You were the one in pain.", he shook is head and pulled her into a hug.

"But of course I was in pain. I had to fight against my core-animal every day. He was looking for you, wanted to go back and be with you"

She touched his chest softly at the place where is heart was supposed to be and smiled.

"You came back"

"I came back"...

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