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"Pair up into groups of five. You are going to be given a note with your task. You will be graded on your teamwork, the way you are solving the problem and how fast you are solving it."

Bangchan took Felix' hand and walked over to Jungkook who was looking around for them.

"Who else will we have in our team?", he asked and looked around.

"May I join?", a female voice asked behind him and as he turned around there was Ryujin. She had her hair tied up into a small knot and was wearing some loose pants and shirt.

"Sure", Jungkook smiled at her while Felix scrunched his nose a bit.

"Oh come on sweets, I am not going to do anything to you", Ryujin rolled her eyes and ruffled through the smaller boys hair. He growled a little, not liking the way she did not take him serious.

"Why has Seungmin have to be sick??", Felix whined as he looked out for another creature being friendly enough for his liking, to join the team. Chan rubbed his back in a comforting way, also being worried about his friend.

"Maybe she can join us", he mumbled and nodded into the direction of a cat-shifter standing by another group. It looked like she was denying the offer to join.

Bangchan walked over to the brown haired girl and tapped her shoulder. She turned around, her dark eyes piercing through him and a bored expression on her face.

"Yes?", she asked and eyed him up and down.

"I am Bangchan, would you like to join our team?"

She looked over to the small group standing at the edge of the woods.

"I know who you are, you guys are quiet ow do I put it", she raised her brow , " known."

"Are we?", Bangchan giggled shyly and scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm going to join you. I am Irene by the way", her voice sounded way friendlier now but the bored or somehow annoyed expression did not leave her face.

"Great!", Bangchan walked back to the group who eyed Irene with a mixture of curiosity and distrust.

"Guys, this is Irene. And this are Jungkook, Felix, and Ryujin"

"Aren't you friends with the one Demon?", Irene pointed at Ryujin and narrowed her eyes. Ryujins stared back, not blinking once.

"What do you care about?"

"Nothing", Irene smiled and their conversation was interrupted as the teacher blew the whistle.

"Let's work as a team", Jungkook said with a warning look and opened the envelope with their task.

"We have to go into the forest, find this flower", he held up a card, " Catch this Cryptcher and come back. After that we will have to go for a hunt. The animal we will be hunting is going to be given to us as soon as we bring the other two items to the teacher."

"Anyone here who knows this flower?", Felix asked. Everybody shaking their head no, accept Irene.

"I don't exactly know this flower, surely not by name. I was just told once that it has a strong scent of riverwater and mud"

"So we just have to catch the scent of it?", Jungkook asked while all of them moved towards the forest.

"Yes.", Irene answered while starting to shift into a cat partly, "But I guess we will be lead to many rivers if we concentrate to only the fact that it smells like a river. I am pretty sure it will smell similar, but not exactly like it. So keep that in mind."

"Okay." , Bangchans eyes started to glow, his fangs growing out.

"Everybody split up. Felix and I will communicate over frequency, Ryujin you locate us with soundlocation, Jungkook you know how to find us right? And Irene... where is she?"

Everybody looked around in confusion as the small girl was nowhere to be seen.

"Up here. Come on Jungkook, aren't you a cat too?" She started to jump from one tree to the other, Jungkook sighing bevor following her more carefully.

"See ya!", Felix shouted bevor he jumped into the bushes and Chan ran into the opposite direction.

As he was pushing branches out of his way, being careful to not step on anything that will make a noise he started to shift into a wolf. He let his core-animal get unleashed slowly and felt his body transform. The well-known stretch of his skin and the cracking of his bones that felt like his body was being crushed. The aching pain in between his shoulderblades that made him think he was being shot in the back getting worse and worse until it died down and he found himself fully transformed in the woods.

He shook his body, getting rid of the last bits of pain and started to trod through the woods, sniffing the air intensely. He could smell water and mud, but when he listened closely he could also hear a river so he decided to walk into the other direction.

"Channie?", he heard Felix call out for him.

"Hey Lix"

"Found anything yet?", He could hear Felix whine out in pain and after he jumped over a low bush he found the other Wolf-shifter lying on the ground, rubbing his ankle.

"You okay?", Chan asked and sniffed at the youngers ankle worriedly. Felix pushed his snout away softly and rubbed his head.

"It's okay, I just tripped"

Chan grunted out in disbelief and rubbed his huge head against Felix fragile frame. Then he turned around and sniffed the air, trying to find the scent of the flower.

Suddenly he smelled something very familiar. His ears perked up, his skin started to tingle and he felt hot.

He could smell warm, earthy water, reminding him of safety. His heartrate started to increase and he felt a violent urge to protect. It coursed through his body like fire and something inside of him pulled him outside of the forest.

Chan knew, that he probably just found the flower but he felt pressured to leave the woods. He shook his head and rushed forward towards the scent, leaving Felix behind.

"Chan?", he heard him yell but his vision got blurry as the scent got stronger by every second. An uncontrollable growl made it's way out of his throat and he tripped over his own paws. He almost fell to the ground but his claws scratched open the dusty ground before he stumbled through a bush and fell in front of a beautiful flower. He could smell the overwhelming smell making him feel dizzy and his heart race like it would beat out if his chest. He felt hot and giddy, the heat crawling up his skin and making his hair stand up. Pictures of bright eyes and a soft voice stormed through his head, making him unsure about reality and vision.

Right then he heard a rustling noise and Jungkook stood in front of him, eyeing the violet flower.

"You found it", he smiled at him and walked towards the flower, trying to pick it up so they could return it to the teacher.

But as soon as Jungkook made a step forward Chan growled out, showing his fangs and his vision getting red.

"Chan, what's the matter?"

Jungkook jumped back in surprise looking at him confused and kind of scared.

"Back off!", Chan growled, forgetting that the lion could not understand his frequency.

"Chan, calm down. It is me!" Jungkook started to walk up to him again but Chan just shot forward, pushing the Lion-Shifter on the ground and pushing his nose into his face. Drool smearing over Jungkooks face whos smell reeked of fear and confusion.

"You are not allowed to touch her!", Chan screamed in rage and was about to attack his friends neck, whos human strength was not enough to make Chan stop from nailing him down, scraping the skin on Jungkooks shoulders.

"Chan! Stop!", He felt sharp teeth burry into his neck, pulling him away from Jungkook with enormous strength and throwing him against a tree. He felt a sharp pain gush through his spine and everything turning black

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