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Leni was waiting for Chaeryong while she watched the pack having, what seems to be an argument with the rising ones. She never understood what exactly the problem was since the rising ones were equally misfits like the fallen ones. Although she understood that creatures tended to be scared of their appearance since they did not have a very welcoming atmosphere.

"They causing trouble again?", Chaeryong walked up to Leni looking over to the two groups who now seperated.

"I don't think so", Leni answered and wished she knew what this conversation was about.

"Chan seemed pretty upset" Ryujin walked up behind them and stood beside them in a safe distance.

"You were watching?", Chaeryong asked which Ryujin answered with a small nod.

"Well, if the rising ones did something wrong it is no suprise that Chan was upset. He is the Alpha of his pack...", Chaeryong trailed of.

"Thats not it...", Ryujin eyed the group of Demons.

"See the one with silver hair? He is a Mud."

"A Mud?", Leni asked in suprise.

"As far as I know. His name is Hyunjin and apparently he is Leeknows mate, the one with black and silver horns"

"I did not know that  we had a Mud in this school, I have never seen one", Chaeryong started to scramble around in her bag until she pulled out a book.

"They seem scary, Mud or not.", Leni stated and looked over to Ryujin who seemed to look at a particular rising Demon.

"I always found them quiet interesting. Maybe I should talk to them" Leni watched her grey eyes wander around, scanning every member of the group.

"Ugh, my eyesight surely is shit", she mumbled as she pulled out her glasses.

"You are indeed a shark", Leni chuckled as she caught Ryujin trying to sniff the air instead of looking closely.

Leni turned around to Chaeryong who was flipping through some pages.

"Come on, you can look that up when we arrive in our room", she then turned to Ryujin.

"You joining us for a studysession?"

Ryujins eyes instantly skipped over to the Angel and looked at her for a while.

"Thanks, but no." With those words the shorthaired girl walked away.

"I really cannot get used to those eyes, they are scary", Chaeryong mumbled as she clinged onto Lenis Arm and started walking off campus.


"Whaaaaa, finally done!"

Leni closed her books and started to pack away her notes.

"Chae, do you have any connections to Chans pack?", she asked as she threw herself on the bed thinking about what happened earlier.

The other angel had her nose burried deep inside one of her thick books and answered without looking up.

"Ryujin introduced me once as she was talking to them, you know, because she was a part of the pack once"

"She ever told you why she left?"

"Not particulary..."

"Well, she does not seem to fit into the pack very well. She is too dominant"

"You think so? I always thought of her as a loner who fits in everywhere for a short term"

"I never thought of it that way...", Leni started to braid her hair while thinking about what Chaeryong just said.

"You know", she looked up as she flipped the page.

"Ryujin had a certain interest in Jennie as she came to our group" 

As soon as she ended the sentence she was reading again.

"Jennie?... humm"

"Yes, but I think only as a friend. Like she thought that she would get along well with Jennie"

"I see. She seems like a devilish person at first though."

Suddenly there was a soft knock.

"Knocknock, you guys talking about me?"

Jennie entered the room and threw herself on the bed next to Leni.

"How can you assume that?", Chaeryong asked.

"I did not assume, I heard you."

"So...", she turned her attention to Leni.

"I heard you talked to Chan"

Leni stopped braiding her hair.

"You heard? From whom?"

"Doesn't matter. What you think of him?"

The blond shrugged with her shoulders.

"I don't know, he seemed quiet sweet and nervous."

Chaeryong stopped reading and looked up with furrowed brows.

"Nervous?" She and Jennie exchanged a look.

"Yeah he was stuttering around, and ... I don't know. He seemd very cute."

Jennie stopped her with a gesture and took a deep breath before clarifying.

"Chan... The actual Chan... stuttering?", she asked like she could not believe what Leni just told her.

Leni felt her wings shift in awkwardness.

"Yes?" Jennie looked at Chaeryong who now even put away her book and her normally calm wings started to flutter a little.

"Chan never stutters."

"He doesn't?"

Jennie rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come on Len. Don't act stupid. You noticed him before. Chan is a full on Alpha. He is a protector, not to mention a wolf-shifter. His kind was created to lead. He is a natural leader, there should not be a lot to startle that man"

Leni hummed, thinking about what Jennie just summed up. Considering these aspects his earlier behaviour did not make any sense.

"Well, Felix introduced us as I have known him for quiet a while. Maybe Chan is not good at meeting new creatures.", Leni tried to explain.

"Whatever you wanna tell yourself darling, but I think he likes you", Jennie said while Chaeryong got back to reading her book.

"Likes me?? He does not even know me!"

"Wolf mating doesn't work that way...", was all Chaeryong said before covering herself up with her blue wings so she would not be disturbed.

"Maybe you should get to know him. He seems like a nice guy." 

Maybe she should...

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