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Too dizzy for his own good he stumbled outside into the backyard, inhaling the fresh air. It was still a little cold but the air already smelled like summer. Chan closed his eyes and let out a long sigh as he let is head fall back. He tried to reach out all his senses he tried to locate his pack, knowing that Jungkook and Felix were still inside the livingroom-area, probably snugging with somebody. He sensed Jisung somewhere upstairs and Seungmin just around the corner.

"Maybe he can keep me some company?", he mumbled and started to walk around a huge bush.

His steps came to a mere halt as he stood right in front of Seungmin and Jeongin who were sitting on the small stairstep, an empty bottle of something lying next to them. Their bodies were flushed together, hands softly caressing thighs and cheeks. Normally Chan would have just left but is drunk brain could not comprehend that he came at an inappropriate timing.

"Seungmin, you too?", he whined.

Both boys bolted up in surprise and scooted away from each other looking anywhere but at Chan.

"Why, why him?", Chan pointed at the shy Demon who stared at his feet. The wolf-shifter sat between the two and grabbed a fist full of his own hair.

"Jeongin, was it?" The Demon stiffened uncomfortably.


Chan looked at the horned male. He had sharp bonestructures, dark shiny eyes that seemed like burning holes inside of his head. His black hair fell into his eyes, framing his cheekbones and red horns poking out of his forehead.

"Don't you ever hurt him, Jeongin."

He saw Jeongin gulp and his eyes traveling past Chan and probably over to Seungmin.

"Look at me young one. Don't hurt my baby, you hear me?"

Suddenly he felt a soft hand pulling him away from the Demon.

"Hyung, please stop the dad-talk", Seungmin whined, clearly just as drunk as himself.

"He is a nice guy."

Chan turned around and faced the dog-Shifter.

"Nice? I sure hope so"

Seungmin smiled awkwardly and nodded in agreement just to look at Jeongin.

"Hyung, would it be a problem if you could perhaps leave us alone again?", he mumbled and started fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"Oh, sure sure", Chan slurred out and standing up.

"Have fun boys"

With that he stumbled back inside of the dormbuilding, starting to look for Jisung again.

He tried to catch Jisungs sent but was only met with the reek of alcohol and sweat, covering the smell of everything else.

"Great", he mumbled under his breath and decided to go back to the living room.

He expected the group of creatures still playing 'spin the bottle', but apparently everyone had left except for Felix. The whitehaired boy was slumped down on the couch, ears tugged to the side and a frown painted on his face. Even with this unhappy expression Chan came to notice how beautiful and precious Felix was.

"Hey, you okay?", Chan reached out for the youngers attention and sat beside him, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"Where is Changbin?"

Suddenly Felix burst out into tears, burying his face into Chans chest and clutching his clothes into his little fists.

"I told him to leave me alone", he sobbed just holding on to Chan even tighter.

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