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A soft knock was heard through the hall just as Jungkook had decided to go back into his room to finish his book. He sighed softly as he turned around to get the door.

"Who is it?", he heard his mothers voice calling for him from out of the living room.

"I don't know yet!", he yelled back, pulling his book closer to his chest as he grabbed the doorknob.

"Yes?", he answered the door and almost dropped his book as he saw a beautiful Angel standing in front of him. His majestic, white wings were glowing in the darkening sky, looking like the wings of a swan.

"Hello there, are you the son of Jeon Jungwoon?" The Angel smiled at him, his black hair falling into his eyes in a perfect way.

"Uhm I guess" Just as the words rolled over his lips he heard a beautiful giggle from behind the Angel. The giggle made his heart flutter, made his skin tingle and he felt like he couldn't breath.

"You don't know who's son you are? Really?"

The huge white wings were moved to the side and another Angel came into sight. He was much smaller but in Jungkooks opinion way more beautiful than the darkhaired male. The smaller had also huge, white wings with a silver shimmer to them. Just as his body, the wings looked far more fragile and had an elegant swing to them.

"Hi, I'm Jimin", the smaller Angel smiled at him while pushing back his blond hair.

"Hope we didn't scare you"

Jungkooks mouth ran dry and he couldn't think straight. It was like every bit of function seemed to be stopping and he was just standing there drooling over a stranger who just happened to be standing in his doorway.

"Are you like... pure Angels? Like purewhites?"

Jimin nodded with another smile, making Jungkooks heart skip a beat as he felt heat rush up his cheeks. He started to realize that those two were coming from world-above.

"Boy, we are here to meet your father. Is he at home?"

Jungkook just nodded and stepped aside to let the Angels enter. He unintentionally sniffed the air as Jimin walked pass him and was met with a wave of heat rising up his skin and making him sweat.

"Who was it lovely?...oh." His mother walked out of the living room, stopping dead in her track as she saw the two Angels standing in her hall.

"Jin... haven't seen you in a while." Jungkooks mother smiled as she stepped towards the older male, hugging him tightly.

As the adults continued their little chat, Jungkook felt dizzy and leaned up against the cool wall behind him. He grabbed onto his book trying to ignore his shivering while heatwave after heatwave rushed over him. He felt like he was loosing control, something was not right. The flowery smell of Jimin lingered in his nose while goosebumps appeared on his glistening skin, his breathing getting uneven.

He heard his book fall to the ground as he tried to hold on to the wall behind him.

"Baby are you alright?" His mothers voice sounded blurry, but it was way to loud. He fell to the ground, his head hitting the cold tiles painfully.


Jungkook wanted to scream out in pain. He felt unbearably hot, like he was burning up in flames.

After a weird dream of noise and flashing lights, Jungkook woke up in his bed. The blanket tugged around him neatly and his window being wide open. The sun was about to disappear completely on the horizon and the air smelled fresh. A soft breeze grazing his heated skin.

"You are awake", he heard a beautiful voice and snapped his head to look to his right. There he was. Jimin was sitting comfortably in a chair, the book Jungkook was reading earlier lying on his lap.

"What happened", Jungkook sat up and rubbed his head. It seemed like he hit his head pretty hard.

"You fainted", Jimins voice had a beautiful swing of amusement in it. Just like the most beautiful handwriting on a piece of paper.

"Why?", Jungkook watched the Angel closely as he swatted his wings and closed the book. Jimin set it aside and stood up, never stopping his bright smile.

"You will find out in your time"

Jungkook didn't understand and he didn't think he wanted to understand. He wanted a solid explanation of what was happening to him. He looked into Jimins face, the red sun making him glow.

He watched Jimin who was watching the sunset until they were left in a dark room. The stars starting to twinkle in the night sky and the moon starting to rise up. The soft vanilla like smell of the Angel filling up the room and mixing with the smell of dew.

"I have to leave." Jimin said and looked into Jungkooks eyes. His bright eyes sending messages to him he could not read. Not yet.

His heart dropped, like something was being ripped apart from him. He felt like he couldn't live without Jimin, like something inside of him was attached. It hurt just thinking about this beautiful creature leaving this house. Leaving him.

As Jimin stood up and placed the book on Jungkooks nightstand, the younger tried to jump up. The blanket falling to the ground as he grabbed Jimin by his arm.


Jimin just smiled. His eyes reaching deep inside his soul.

"Will we see each other again?" Jungkook asked hopefully, not knowing why it was important to him. He couldn't understand, why his heart felt warm and safe as soon as he made contact with Jimin. The way the Angel looked him in the eyes made him feel at ease.

"Surely", was all Jimin answered bevor turning around and leaving the room. Leaving Jungkook in a cold and lonely state. Like somebody blew out the candle in his room. Something ripped. A sharp noise echoing through his empty head and making him go deaf.

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