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He stumbled through an unknown forest, tripping over something and falling face first to the ground. His cheek hit the cold mud and he felt his skin pop open on is cheekbone. The metallic stench of blood rose up to his nose and he could feel it trickle down his face and splatter on the ground thickly. He let out a shaky sigh, closing his eyes.

He was tired.

Hi couldn't feel his legs and he was cold, not knowing where he was and slowly but surely forgetting what he was running away from.

Maybe he should just stay down.

He felt the cold fog run along his skin, making him shiver. He was alone and whenever he closed his eyes he found himself in darkness. A lonely darkness but whenever he decided to open his eyes he found himself in a strange forest. A forest where the trees were black with no leaves and only the fog keeping him company. He couldn't hear anything, there was no sound and no living thing. There was no smell in this strange forest, and he couldn't see were he was heading to.

"Jimin...", he mumbled and shot his eyes open to be met with the same sight he had for what seems like an eternity. He tried to stand up but there was no strength left in his body and he just fell back to the ground.

Still, he tried to look around to see where he needed to go.

"I've been walking in circles forever", he mumbled discouraged and let his head rest on the dirty ground. He might as well just die here

He thought back to Leni, her sincere smile when she told him to go because she understood his pain. He softly smiled to himself. She was a good choice. And he left.

Now he was alone and the loneliness has never been this cold and empty. Empty and without promises like the fog that seemed to wait for him to die just so it could consume him whole.

Maybe... he should give in?

He tried to feel the connection he had with the pack, knowing it was somewhere to be found inside of him. The bond was weak, broken almost. He was too far away to feel their presence but he felt incredible pain, raging anger and sadness. What was going on?

The urge to go back and protect his pack washed over him but the need to find Jimin was stronger. Torn between the two of them and left with his weak body he just turned on his back to look up to the unpromising grey sky that didn't show any sun.

Maybe he should give in...

He woke up to a strange noise. It was the first sound he heard in this strange place. The rustling came from above, echoing around him and making him feel dizzy. The fog had gotten thicker, as if it was trying to suffocate him. He coughed brutally as he tried to sit up, the cold air burning in his throat and making it even harder to breath. He groaned in pain, his body aching as he tried to shift in order to protect himself. The noise got louder and was coming right from above his head.

"Shit", he mumbled and jumped to a tree nearby, sitting on its big root hat was sneaking out of the ground. It took him all his willpower to shift into his core-animal, feeling the familiar feeling of ears growing out of his head and his face forming into a snout. Although he should be able to see better, he was just as blind. The fog moving more as something seemed to move through it but it was hidden from his eyes. He let out a low growl, showing his fangs getting ready to be attacked by whatever this was.

"You", a soft voice ghosted through the forest and the fog swirled around him, gathering at his feet like ropes.

"What are you doing here?" The fog crawled up his legs, making them go numb. He felt something cold and wet crawl up his body, like venom filling him up and making him weak.

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