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Jungkook fell on to the mattress right beside her, only their heavy breaths being heard throughout the room. She pulled the blanket up a little more, covering herself up while catching her breath.

"Are you alright?", Jungkook asked and turned towards her, his fingers brushing over her heated cheeks.

"Yeah", she breathed out and smiled at him. He shuffled a little closer towards her, making their bodies touch under the soft blanket as he continued drawing small patterns on her sensitive skin, letting goosebumps travel over her body and making her shiver slightly.

"Are you cold?", he asked and pulled her closer to his chest.

"No, just sensitive", she mumbled, feeling her body relax and get more and more tired.

"Hey, little one. Don't fall asleep."

She felt him turn on his back and pulling her on top of him to place her head comfortably on his chest. She listened to his calm heartbeat, feeling protected and warm.

"But 'm sleepy.", she closed her eyes and snuggled against him.

"We have a party to attend to", he chuckled and shook her slightly only to make her grumble and hide under the blanket.

"Please?", she begged and pushed her cheek against his stomach, earning a small chuckle.

Just then she heard the door open and somebody stepping inside.

"Oh god", a regretful voice followed by a high pitched screetch was heard and made Leni stick head out from under the blanket. There was Jennie covering Chearyongs eyes with one of her hands while looking at the ceiling uncomfortably.

"Put some clothes on, will ya?"

Jennies voice sounded more demanding than anything else and made Lenis cheeks burn up in embarrassment. She scrambled out of the bed and grabbed a shirt to put on while handing Jungkook something that looked like his underwear. After a few seconds Jungkook was fully clothed and Leni decided to be happy with being partially clothed, as Jennie and Chaeryong had seen her naked several times.

"You can look now", Leni said as she sat down on her bed and started to put her hair up into a ponytail.

"Thank god.", Jennie huffed out and uncovered Chaeryongs eyes.

"Please never do that again" Chaeryongs wings swatted forth and back until she sat down on her own bed.

Leni just rolled her eyes and stood up, opening her wardrobe to find something to wear for tonight.

"You should go. We met Chan and the rest of the pack on our way here and I am sure they will need your help to prepare all the stuff", Jennie said to Jungkook. Leni turned around to see the demon looking at her nails in boredom and Jungkook tilting his head a little.

"You know, maybe she is right.", Leni added and walked over to him to ruffle up his already messed up hair.

"They would be happy to see you. Plus we have to get ready anyways", she smiled down at him, looking into his big eyes as he smiled slightly.

"Okay then", he stood up, towering over her and pulling her into a tight embrace.

"See you later?", he asked while caressing her sides, only reminding her of what had happened half an hour ago.

"Yeah, see you later.", she smiled and gave him a small peck on the bottom lip.

He smiled, waved at her roommates and left.

"You guys are gross", Jennie stated and stood up to walk over to the wardrobe.

"What we gonna wear?"


As he walked down the hall and back to the dorms where he was going to meet Chand and the rest of the pack he couldn't help but notice how heavy his heart was. Without a doubt, he just had a wonderful experience with Leni and he was grateful for the time they had spent. But he felt like he betrayed Leni and himself.

His heart dropped.

He knew, that he had slept with her to prove himself, that he could grow and have feelings similar to the feeling he had towards Jimin. He wanted to forget the Angel so bad. He wanted Leni to be the one to make him feel complete and he wanted her to be the center-gravity of his life. And eventhough he loved her, and he really did, he came to notice that she was not the same. She was wonderful, loving and sweet and he loved everything about her. It made his skin tingly whenever he was with her and her soft voice made his heart jump. But it was nowhere similar to the raging fire inside of him when he thought about his significant other.

Whenever he thought about those bright and sparkling eyes, the soft blond locks and the silky voice, he felt the urge to run and look for him. His heart tugged him away from the pack and Leni, urging him to go search his mate. He couldn't fight the long lost feeling he burried deep inside of him as Jimin had left.

Jimins promise left a mark on his soul like an open wound only he could heal. But he was unreachable.

Deep in thought he walked through the door and into the Shifters dorms, joining his pack sitting at the table and having lunch peacefully.

"You alright?", Chan asked and looked him up and down with slight worry.

"What do you care?", Jungkook snapped and was filled with instant regret as he heard Felix drop his spoon into the bowl and Jisung gasp. Seungmin looked up from his book and looked at him sternly before continuing his reading and Felix' ear twitched slightly and confused.

"I am sorry", Jungkook mumbled and glanced up to Chan who pressed his lips together and just nodded.

Jealousy. He was jealous when he looked at Chan, when he heard his voice. Whenever the pack was around Leni and Jungkook heard his Leaders heart skip a beat or his mood change drastically he got jealous. He wanted to be the one to feel like that when he was around the Angel and he wanted to mate her so bad. But he couldn't.

Instead he was met with Chan and his raging love towards the Angel, trying to keep his core-animal in check.

Jungkook hated everything about it. It just was not fair as his soulmate was already found and got lost somewhere in world-above, somewhere he could never reach.

His core-animal screamed in agony whenever he saw the way Chan looked at Leni. He wanted to be the one, he wanted her to be his but at the same time he just wanted Jimin.

It wasn't Leni who he wanted. He just wanted the feeling Jimin gave him and he just wanted to feel the kind of protection and love only a mate could give him.

He loved Leni.

He wanted his mate.

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