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He rushed down the halls, tumbled over some creatures that yelled back he should watch out but it didn't matter to him right now. All he had in mind was his baby Felix. He didn't even bother knocking at the officedoor, just slammed it open and ran towards the bed he knew Felix was lying in. Changbin was sitting next to the fragile body that was fully wrapped in the white blanket.

"What happened?", Chan asked glancing at Changbin in distrust, kind of scared that the Angel hurt Felix.

"His body gave up on him, he collapsed in my arms." Chan reached out to touch Felix' forehead, feeling his skin beeing freezing cold.

"Lix... what the hell did you do?", he whispered as he looked at his face. His cheek bones poked out sharply, leaving dark shadows underneath.

"He stopped eating, and he threw up", a calm voice made him turn around. There was Jungkook, looking at Felix figure with sad eyes. He was holding Lenis hand tightly, holding back his tears as he saw his friend.

"Oh my god Lix."

Chan stepped forward and stroked through the youngers hair, deciding to stay with him until he felt better. He blamed himself. He blamed himself for not looking after him more because he was so full with his feelings. He blamed himself because he knew the symptoms of Felix. He knew Felix habit of self-destruction because he felt like he shouldn't be alive. He knew from the time they met and he blamed himself, that he didn't see it earlier.

"Jungkook, could you excuse me from my classes please?", he asked without waiting for an answer.

"I am going to stay too", was all Changbin had to add. Chan looked at him sharply, he didn't trust him yet. But Changbin just stared back with dark eyes, his hand holding Felix' like it would protect him from any more harm.

"Fine", Chan huffed and pulled over a chair, preparing himself for a long night.

"I want to stay with Felix too.", Jungkook mumbled and took a step forward but Chan just growled at him.

"No!", he scrunched his nose and let his eye glow to show Jungkook his place. The Lion-Shifter was pulled back by Leni who put a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Maybe it is better for Felix when it's only the two of them watching over him", her soft voice rang in Chans head and made him go dizzy. He felt the urge to pull Jungkooks hand out of hers, making her stop touching him and hold his hand instead. He felt red anger course through him as he watched Leni put the other hand on Jungkooks shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly to calm him down. Chan absolutely hated the way he was controlled by his negative emotions as it was not in his nature to spread this kind of energy. But as he couldn't do anything about it, the only chance was to bare with it and focus on something more important than immature feelings.

"She is right.", he scoffed not being able to hide his emotions. He turned away to stop himself from looking at Leni and watched over Felix instead, trying to count his freckles.

"Chan, will you be okay?"

A warm, soft hand landed on his shoulder. His skin started to burn up and his heartbeat increased immediately.

"Just leave", he mumbled coldly and shook her hand off. He could sense her emotion drop down, disappointment and sadness rolling over him in waves as she stood right behind im. He could smell her flowery scent turn muddy and grey as nobody said a word. The tension being thicker than blood, making Chan feel like he couldn't breath. Like he tried to catch his breath under water and making him drown.

"What's the matter with you?", she whispered clearly hurt and took a step forward so he had no other chance than to look at her. He couldn't help it, he couldn't fight the urge to look at her and to watch her closely.

Her bright eyes were shimmering like colliding stars, tears brimming in them and trying to escape. Her beautiful lips trembled oh so slightly, almost innoticeable, but he could see how she had to fight the quivering. He was mesmerized by the rosy colour, loosing himself in the desperate urge to mark her and make her his own.

"What is it?", she asked. Her voice sounded demanding, not the usual soft voice she used to talk to him. He could have cried and he felt like screaming out in pain as he wanted to tell her. It hurt him like a thousand fires to see her in pain. He wanted to pull her in, feel her, all of her. He wanted to protect her.

Without noticing what was happening he stood up, towering over her and looking her straight in the eyes. He clenched his jaw, tried to control his alpha-animal that wanted to take over so badly, leaving him in physical pain and drenching him out. Taking all of his energy. She didn't move at all, she didn't even flinch. Her eyes went cold, like hardened steel. It felt like she was shooting daggers of ice into his heart, making his alpha buckle and bend down.

Chan remembered the early morning when he was wandering around campus, suddenly sensing the beautiful angel and attacking her. He remembered all the willpower it took him to not bite her, to not mark her and to not do anything for the sake of Jungkook.


Chan felt the older eyeing him. He felt his piercing yellow eyes stabbing him, watching his every movement.


Chan took a deep breath, smelling the sweet scent of lillys and warm water, trying to calm down and cool down his blood. Jungkook was happy with her, and he didn't want to hurt him. His coreanimal screamed out, and it ripped apart his soul as he looked behind Leni, not answering her gaze. He knew she was searching for something.

"You should go"

His voice sounded harsh and made Leni flinch. The first tear fell down, dropped to the ugly grey ground. Chan sat back down and took Felix hand, trying to spend his leftover energy to his beloved and sick friend. He heard a supressed sob coming from Leni as she walked away with quick, small steps. He knew that Jungkook took her in his arms, protecting her from the feeling. But he also knew, that she was hurt and there was nobody who could dry her tears, other than Chan himself.


As he watched Chan standing in front of Leni it hit him. Like a pang against his head, like he was being shot right then and there.

There was a grey wolf, strong and powerful. He was eyeing the Angel standing in front of him with his glowing blue eye. His one eye was glowing in a way Jungkook has never seen before. It was a hypnotic and a beautiful blue. Almost silvery white like the feathers of an Angel. Jungkook felt his core-animal subordinate to the strong alpha standing in front of him.

Leni seemed to be unbothered by this strong presence. Her huge wings standing up proudly, making her glow like a goddess. Eventhough there was pain written on her eyes and tears making her eyes sparkle, she looked strong and proud.

He felt his knees getting week and trying to give out as he realized the reason why he couldn't mate her. As he realized, why she always seemed so calm around him.

It was something he couldn't fight. He knew that she love him, and he knew that without Chan in his life they could have been happy. But this picture made him realize

They were mates

And there was nothing he could do about it

Bright eyes, bright hair a soft smile, smooth skin and an angelic voice rang through his mind.

He had already fallen for an Angel, an Angel he saw only once. Long ago

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