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Another day of watching over the pack as Jisung and Felix chased down the hall to have lunch. 

"Where is this energy coming from?", Chan muttered under his breath before entering the cafeteria together with Seungmin who was reading while walking which Chan considered as a dangerous task to do.

"Seungmin, eyes on the road.", he scolded and tried to pull away the book but without success.

"Yesterday I was running around without a book in front of my eyes and I fell down, while I never slipped once while reading", was all he said in his defense and continued with this task. Chan shook his head in disbelief and pushed them through the crowd to their table.

"I will make all the homework for the next month for whoever can make Seungmin stop reading for more than 5 seconds." Chan guided the Dog-shifter to his usual spot and let him plop down on the bench before sitting down on his spot next to Felix.

Just as he sat down he saw how Seungmin tried to put down his book an his food. 

"Min!", he called out and wanted to pull away the tray with food but a fragile Hand in fishnets and black painted nails was already stopping the book from touching the food.

"You should take care of the things that are important to you" 

It was the redhorn from yesterday who had pulled away the tray so and then let go of the book so Seungmin could put it down without ruining it. The brownhaired shifter looked up as he heard the sweet voice and his jaw dropped. Jeongin smiled sweetly and took the book carefully out of his hands, just to put down the tray infront of Seungmin.

"First eat. After that you can continue reading." With those words the rising Demon left, holding Seungmins book in his hands as it was made of glas. Without saying a word Seungmin started to eat his lunch leaving his friends in shock.

Jisung had stopped mid eating, his cheeks stuffed and the spoon full of food in the air. Felix had dropped his food on the table, opening and closing his mouth like a huge goldfish and his ears rotating back and forth. Jungkook was standing near their table, his tray forgotten in his hands and was looking from Seungmin to where Jeongin disappeard.

"I Gwueff yu haf to do hif homwowk now", Chan mumbled while stuffing another spoonfull into his mouth.

"How about you chew what you have in your cheeks before eating another spoon?", Jungkook suggested and sat down next to him. Jisung nodded in agreement like he never thought of it before and swallowed all of his food without chewing...

Throughout the next five minutes they could not stop watching Seungmin who was eating peacefully and just as concentrated like he was reading a new novel.

"What you guys looking at?"

Chan turned his head and almost choked on his apple as he saw Leni standing next to them.

"Oh, Hey Leni. Come sit down with us. There is still space next to Chan", Felix smiled brightly.

"Seungmin is eating lunch.", Chan explained to her as she set down her tray on his other side and sat down.

"So?", she asked in confusion and opened up her yoghurt.

"He is usually way to focused on the book he is reading. We never saw him eat more than two bites..", Jungkook explained and looked at her. A hint of a blush spread across her cheeks and Chan found himself staring again.

"I am Jungkook, Shapeshifter." His friend introduced himself.

"Leni, fallen one", she smiled.

"R-right, and this is Jisung, and Seungmin", Chan explained and pointed at his friends.

Jisung tried to smile his cheeks stuffed with food again.

"Ji... chew", Jungkook and Chan sighed in unison just to watch him swallow all of it again in an instant. Leni laughed at that action and looked through the pack.

"He seems similar to my friend Chaeryong actually.", she pointed out, referring to Seungmin while eating slowly.

"How comes?", Chan asked and just gave up eating for the day since he had to watch over Jisung who was mostlikely to choke on his food and Seungmin whos beahviour was concerning.  Not to forget now he was way to distracted by the Angel sitting next to him.

"Well", she started explaining and tugged a strand of hair behind her ear.

"She is  also reading all the time. She even covers herself under her wings so nobody can distract her."

Felix ears twitched.

"Hey Min, maybe she can be your mate?", he joked and earned a confused look from Seungmin.

"Why would I mate her?", he asked.

"Forget it" Felix sighed in slight disappointment.


Seungmin set his tray aside and left the table. Again, leaving the group in shocked silence.

"Now since I have one of my children wandering around, which doen't concerne me aaaaat all I still have to take care of you " Chan looked over to Jisung.

"Would you do me favor and chew?", he whined and watched Jisung stuffing his face again.

"He wont", Jungkook and Leni said at the same time. Jungkook chuckled and his yellow eyes started to sparkle a little.

"So me and my friend thought about throwing a small party at our dormhouse this weekend. You guys want to join?" She looked into Chans eyes and at this moment everything stopped.

Her blue eyes pulled him in, and took ahold of him. It was like warm water washed over him, soothed his unknown pain and made him float. The smell of warm summerrain and flowers surrounded him. A sudden heat spread in his guts, calming him down and taking away his breath. 

"Sure", he mumbled as he looked at this beautiful creature in front of him. He fought against the urge of touching her wings, drawing patterns over her skin and feeling her warmth. 

"Nice!", she smiled and turned around to Jungkook. Chan felt the heat continue to spread, he felt his skin tingling like his fur was about to spread out and his heartbeat increased to its maximum. Slowly but surely the heat that calmed him down developed into an excruciating feeling like he was on fire.  His breathing hitched as he heard himself whining like a little puppy.

"Mate you alright?", he heard Felix deep voice and turned around to him, looking for help. He was met with Felix golden eyes shimmering darkly. Felix reached out to touch Chans forhead and jumped back in surprise

"Chan, you are burning up", he said concerned and now in a frequency everyone could hear. Chan felt Jungkook, Jisung and Leni look at him. It felt like daggers stabbing his back and he cracked his neck, trying to release stress. Something was not right.

"Excuse me", he whispered with a noticeable growl underneath.

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