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I hope you like it, M - have fun!


"Aren't you cold?", she asked him while still watching the sun crawl up the sky.

"Nah, I have a pretty high body temperature"

He was sitting beside her, his shirt completely ripped apart and pulling out gras like a toddler.

"Chan, can I ask you something?" He looked at her, slight fear flickering in his eyes. It was almost unnoticeable but she could feel his insecurity without seeing it.

"What are those scars on your back?"

A small smile, almost relieved as it seems, displayed on is lips.

"Those are scars of the wings I never got", he started to explain while he pulled off the little piece of fabric that was left.

"My father was an Angel who was specified as a fallen one after he and my mother mated. Somehow his genes and my mothers were equally strong so my body tried to grow wings at some point. But at the same time my body tried to transform into a Shifter so yeah. I couldn't be both at once so one day I transformed into a full wolf which kind of.. "killed" the Angel-part inside of me. I was left with those scars and the one brown eye."

He turned around so she could see the scars properly. They were huge, only indicating the huge wings he would have had if he would have grown out his wings. They looked like he was being stabbed, the scar ugly and silvery. Ragged edges spreading like small veins to his shoulders and to his spine, like a small spiderweb.

"So you had wings at some point?"

The latter nodded slightly.

"I lost them after my first shifting."

She reached out, mesmerized by the fact that something like this could happen. That two genes were equally strong at the beginning of a creatures life, so they had to kill the other half. The scar was smooth and cool. Chan flinched slightly as her fingertips touched his back, his head dropped, like he lost his strength.

"Does it hurt?", she asked.

"No, it is just very sensitive. It only hurts while shifting, but during an uncontrolled shifting they sometimes start to bleed."

"When was the last time it happened?"

She flinched as Chan spun around and grabbed her wrist, looking her dead in the eye.

"A few weeks ago."

He looked into her eyes, the warm and tingling feeling spreading in her chest again.

"Why?", she whispered and didn't dare to move. His eyes just continued to stare into her, like they could see her soul. She was sure, that he could hear her heartbeat increase and her blood rush through her veins.

"Doesn't matter", he mumbled and pushed her back into the gras until she was lying on her back. He held her wrists firmly beside her head while lowering himself on her, tangling their legs so she couldn't move at all. She could feel his weight, pushing down on her. His muscles tense and release on her own skin and his heat crawling on her body.

"Chan...", her voice was quiet but she knew he heard her. He didn't look away, just leaned in closer until their foreheads touched oh so slightly.

"Why?", she asked again, fearing the answer she would get.

"I can't tell you", he whispered back.

The air was thick, making it hard to breath. He leant in even more, his warm breath fanning over her lips and making her shiver slightly. She could feel her heart beating out of her chest, her breathing getting uncontrolled.

She was scared. She was scared of getting tempted to do the wrong thing. She tried to think about one good reason to not engage into whatever was happening right now, but all she could think of was Chan. His eyes, his dark locks that fell into his face. His eyelashes that fluttered softly while he looked at her and his lips almost grazing over hers. She knew she had a good reason to not engage into this, and she knew that she needed only this one but her heart ached at the thought of breaking this tension. Something inside of her made her crave this. Crave this warm touch, the earthy smell of Chan and the way he looked at her.

Something inside of her screamed after him, like it would even happen against her will.

"What are you doing", she whispered and felt her lips tremble.

"Nothing", he huffed and grazed his lips along her jaw and down to her neck. She felt how he heavily breathed in and sighed out like it took a lot of his selfcontrol to not do anything.

"We shouldn't do this", she said while tilting her head lightly to softly nuzzle her nose in his hair. So soft, that he would barely feel it. But a soft purr-like growl escaped his chest, vibrating against her body, indicating that he felt it nonetheless and making her smile.

"This shouldn't be happening.", she clarified again just for him to smile against her neck.

"Chan... I mean it."

She got nervous as the feeling of his lips against her neck was too good. It was too comfortable having him lie on her and it felt way to tempting whenever he let out small huffs that grazed her sensitive skin.

"I am sorry", he mumbled lowly.

She felt his lips, as he placed a small peck on her neck. An then he was gone. All of his weight and his warmth was gone and she found herself alone in the middle of the campus lawn, lying in between small flowers. As she sat up he was nowhere to be seen, only the pink sky and a light fog keeping her company. She laughed in disbelieve, trying to grasp what had happened.

As she stood up to go back to her dorm and get ready for class she looked over a patch of flowers growing nearby.

Bright, orange flowers softly sway in the morning breeze, giving the Campus a little bit of colorful joy. It was a patch of tigerlillys.

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