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POV Leni

A few days had passed since Felix had fainted and he ended up in the schools hospital. As far as Leni knew he was doing okay, regaining his strength. Changbin was spending most of his time there, not visiting any classes because he feared that Felix would not be doing okay anymore as soon as he would leave the hospital. Leni was sitting in the library together with Ryujin, researching for an assignment due tomorrow.

"Ugh, why the heck is this so difficult?", Ryujin hissed earning a few looks from creatures sitting nearby.

"What?!", she whispered yelled to someone in particular before turning back to the huge book lying in front of her.

"Maybe we should take a break", Leni huffed out in frustration.

"Or we should continue until we finish.", Ryujin pinched the bridge of her nose and started to write down some notes.

"Probably should"

Leni let go of the book she was holding and looked outside of the huge window. It was a grey day, the rain splashing against the windows. It was the perfect day to write an assignment but she was busy thinking about past incidents. She was busy with pittying herself.

While staring out of the window she saw a familiar figure enter the library. It was Chan. Her Heartbeat increased as she watched him walk down to an unoccupied table and sit down with his notes. A wave of disappointment crushed down on her as he did not sit with them at their table and her heart ached. She wanted to sit with him, know that he was near by her to make her feel comfort.

While she thought about walking over and talk to him she remembered the coldness his voice had held as they were fighting in the hospital over who would stay with Felix. She felt a sharp pain in her chest as pictures of his tensed body flashed in front of her inner eye. The way he did not want to look at her. This day, he was very different compared to the other days where he used to flash the brightest smile towards her or pull her into a tight hug. Whenever their paths met, he looked away. Whenever she stood with his pack he stared to the ground or left without hesitation. It hurt to only see him leave the only image inprinted in her brain was the sight of his back.

"Stop thinking about it, just talk to him.", Ryujin mumbled without looking up from her notes.

"What?", Leni stopped staring at Chan who intensely was reading a book.

"Talk to him. You had a fight didn't you?"

Oh yeah right. Their fight.

Leni sighed as she stood up. She easily forgot how nobody knew about her mixed feelings towards Jungkook and Bangchan, as for her it was the most present issue for the moment.

Her steps were slow, careful almost. She wasn't sure wether this was a good time to talk to Chan or not. But she didn't even get to try it out as a girl with long black hair walked up to Chan and sat down beside him. He smiled at her. He smiled his kindhearted smile Leni didn't saw in a few days. It hurt to see him smile at somebody else while he seemed to avoid her at all costs. Her heart hurt even more as he laughed at something she said. His beautiful laugh echoing through her head. She was gorgeous. She had a sweet voice, cute features and a beautifully shaped body. Her clothes snug to her waist perfectly and her hair was undeniably beautiful. Before she could think about it her feet took her out of the library and into the halls, leading her away from this picture.

Who was she?

Her thoughts were running wild as she tried to stop herself from thinking about Chan and the way he affected her. She couldn't help it. All of her head was full with him, his smell and the way he used to look at her a few days ago. In her rush she stumbled into a creature and almost fell to the dirty ground.

"Watch out!", the other creature yelled before turning around the corner.

"What am I doing?", she whispered to herself as she pushed her back against the lockers and looked down to her feet. She felt weak and useless. The raging confusion inside her was scary. She feared of making all the wrong decisions or worse, hurt everyone around her.

A silent tear escaped the corner of her eye.

She knew exactly what the problem was. She knew that she really loved Chan. She loved Chan in a way that seemed impossible to grasp.

She knew she loved Jungkook. But the love she held for the Lion-Shifter was nowhere near the hot passion she felt for Chan. Whenever she wanted to be with only one creature, it was Chan who popped up in her head. The helpless feeling of fear as she thought about loosing him. Every time he turned his back on her it hurt. It felt like she may never breath again.

Suddenly she heard small footsteps approaching her and she wiped away the hot teas streaming down her cheeks.

"Are you alright?", a deep voice asked.

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