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After sitting with Leni for a while he was feeling cold and not wanting to risk getting sick again he walked back to his dorm. As he tiredly pushed himself into the room and heavily leaned against the door. He closed his eyes as he felt his body ache because he seemed to overestimate himself again.

"Where have you been?" Felix shot his eyes open at the sound of his lovers concerned voice, not expecting to have someone in the room since he knew about Chan being with the girl. Changbin was siting on his bed, a book lying in front of him and a notebook on the side like he has been taking notes. He must have studied for the finals.

"I've been walking around"

Changbins eyes turned round and huge by surprise. He jumped out of the bed, all the pencils scattering across the floor and the notebook landing on the tiles.

"Are you okay?", he asked worried and Felix felt his warm hands land on his cheeks.

"I am alright Binnie", he giggled and leaned into the warm touch he had craved for the whole day. He closed his eyes, taking in the strong musky scent of is boyfriend and pulling him in for a hug. Changbin pretended to being dragged and dramatically pressed his weight onto the younger.

"My Puppy is getting so strong.", he mumbled and wrapped his arms around Felix' fragile figure.

"I am not a puppy", Felix mumbled into Changbins chest and felt his ears twitch and his face heating up.

"But you like it if I call you like that." The older scratched the fluffy ears, making them twitch even more.

"No i don't", Felix huffed out but his body betraying him as he felt the familiar tingle of his tail starting to grow out and is little fangs poking his bottom lip. He hated being so sensitive whenever it came to Changbin, his body reacting immensely to the elders words and not feeling the need to appear as unshifted as possible.

"Even your tail is showing my little pup", Changbin teased and started to drag both of them towards the bed. Felix only whined, considering himself defeated and not even trying to shift back. They softly fell down into the mattress, Changbin hugging him even tighter and placing a kiss on top of his head.

"I missed you", he whispered in the softest and sweetest way and softly stroked Felix ears. He felt his heart flutter, feeling save and at peace.

"Missed you too", he mumbled and gathered up his strength to pull his face away from the broad chest and look his boyfriend in the eyes.

"You are so strong, you know that?"

It made the younger tear up a little, letting out a small sniffle. The older only smiled and pinched his cheek.

"Thank you", Felix smiled back, pretending to bite Changbins finger only to earn a giggle.

They heard voices in the hallway getting progressively louder and the door being pushed open as Chan entered the room, followed by the girl Felix and Leni saw earlier.

"Hey! Knock!", Changbin yelled and was quick to pull his wings over Felix entire body who was now curling up to a small ball.

"Gosh I am sorry.", Chan apologised and explained quickly to the girl that she could not come inside. She seemed unhappy with the explanation but left without further discussion. Chan pushed the door close and sighed.

"She probably did not see. Still, sorry...", he mumbled and jumped into his own bed.

Felix heard Changbin huff out grumpily, not letting Felix out of his wings just yet.

"Binnie, let me out", he giggled and tried to push the pearl-white feathers to the side eventhough he really loved the way they snugged around his body to protect him.

"No, you are staying inside", he answered and even wrapped his arms around the younger.

"Binnie please", Felix scraped his fangs over the skin of Changbins arms and bit him lightly. Abruptly the wings opened up, Changbin flopping Felix down on to the mattress so he was lying on his back. His Boyfriend now hovering above him, pinning both of his hands down while looking at his own arm that had small reddish scratches and marks.

"You bit me", he stated in disbelieve, his wings fluttering. Chan was giggling on his bed and watching the two of them.

"You wouldn't let me out," Felix explained with a pout and then turned his head to peak over to Chan.

"Hey Hyung. How was your studysession?"

Chans face dropped a little as he sighed and started to unpack his back.

"It was okay. I did not get to study too much because Mina kept distracting me."

"Yah, it is your finals next week. You should focus." Changbin slightly scolded the elder and let himself fall into the bed, next to Felix.

"I know It's just.", He ruffled his messy hair, " I have so much going on in my head. I cannot focus on anything."

Felix knew exactly what struggle Chan was going through but not taking it as an excuse.

"Chan, you still gotta study", he mumbled looking at him directly until their eyes met.

"I know", Chan whined and his eyes turned a few shades darker.

"It's hard, I know. You have a lot going on. But this is temporary, yeah?" Felix shot him a warm smile before he cuddled himself closer to Changbin who wrapped himself around the younger.

"You two are disgusting", Chan mumbled under his breath a helpless smile painted on his lips.

"Stop starring and study a little", Changbin mumbled into Felix neck but was still heard by Chan.

"I still don't like you though", the wolf-Shifter started to nag.

Felix heard Changbin click his tongue in annoyance only provoking Chan even further.

"Changbin stop. And you,", he looked over to Chan, "Study, now."

Chan huffed out but opened his book and his notes to read through them again.

"You are like a mom", Chan huffed after a while of silence filling the room.

"I AM the pack-mom", Felix stated and turned around tu burry his face into Changbins chest who also was reading through some of is school stuff. He pretty much enjoyed the soft noises of pages being turned and pencils scratching over paper and soon enough fell asleep.

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