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He filled himself a cup of booze, being happy with just standing in the kitchen and talk with whoever was around to fill themself a new cup. Just as he waved a creature goodbye Jungkook stumbled into the kitchen. His vision seemed to be blurry and he was not standing properly, more like leaning against whatever was near him.

"Whoa, Jungkook. Are you okay?"

Jungkook just leaned against the counter heavily and poured himself a new drink, before taking a huge gulp out of the cup and filling it up to the brim again.

"Hold on, how drunk are you?"

Chan held down the cup so Jungkook could not drink out of it, smelling the lion-Shifter reek of alcohol. His hooded eyes tried to focus on Chan but all he did was smile weakly before trying to drink again.

"That's it. What's the matter with you?", Chan pulled away the cup, earning a growl from Jungkook who tried to grab the cup again. Chan just pushed him harshly against the counter, making Jungkook almost drop to the floor. He emptied the cup, rinsing it all down the tab, before he joined his drunk friend.

"You never drink that much. What happened?"

Chan tried to catch the lion-Shifters attention but Jungkook just slurred some words he could not understand before he tried to grab a bottle again.

"Jungkook!", Chan growled at him, making him stop and look him in the eyes.

"You gonna bite me big wolf?", Jungkook slurred out and grabbed Chans jaw while smiling like a complete psycho.

"Show me your fangs, come one. Will you bite me? Will you rip out my throat ?? huh?"

"What the hell Jungkook?" Chan tried to escaped his grip but was pulled and pushed around by his strong grip until he was met eye to eye with Jungkook, their foreheads touching.

"Will you kill me?"

His eyes were glowing, but the yellow Color did not seem as vibrant as always. It was dull and greenish, almost like a grey shadow was lying on it to hide the shine.

"Are you drugged?"

Jungkook chuckled lowly and let him go, lolling his head back and forth until he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I hate you BangChan. I hate you so, so much", he started to whisper and looked up to Chan. He was confused. Jungkook acted weird, psychic and provocative. He seemed so unlike himself and Chan was scared that somebody had put something into his drink. But before he could ask Jungkook the question again, the Shifter started to cackle again.

"I was not drugged you fool. Can't you see? This is real hatred. I. Fucking. Hate. You!"

Jungkook voice got dark, making Chans heart sting in confusion.

"Jungkook", he whispered and tried to approach the younger.

"What happened?"

Jungkook just swatted his hand away and pushed Chan against the door.

"You didn't hear me or what? I hate you Chan!", he growled and pushed Chan around the kitchen.

"Jungkook stop!", is voice sounded demanding, yet it was trembling.

"What you gonna do about it? huh?", Jungkook continued to push Chan around, making him bump on the corners of the counter.

"Stop it, please", he winced in pain as his arm hit something rather hard surely to leave a bruise.

"No. I had enough of your whining and your anger and jealousy!"

"What? What are you talking about?"

Chan was being pushed against a wall, Jungkooks big hand wrapped around his throat and making it hard to breath. Chan could feel the claws dig into his skin, almost making it rip under the strong hold and bleed.

"Stop", Chan whispered, trying to escape Jungkooks grip.

"Why would I do that?", Jungkook tilted his head, watching his own hand on his leaders throat, making his veins pulse.

"Please", Chan begged, his voice getting caught in his throat as Jungkook looked at him and tightened his grip. Strands of dark hair were falling into his face, his eyebrows knitted together into a frown.

Jungkooks grip got even tighter, almost like he was about to crush his throat like it was the fragile head of a small animal. Just then, they heard a voice right outside of the kitchen and Jungkook let go. He stepped back with a last look towards Chan, a low growl of dissatisfaction leaving his lips. The door swung open and revealed a demon who looked at them with a bored expression.

"Am I interrupting something?", she asked and swatted her small wings while walking towards the counter, reaching out for some booze.

"Not at all", Jungkook hissed through gritted teeth and didn't take his eyes of Chan who was standing awkwardly stiff, his back still pressed to the wall. The Demon looked at Chan and took a sip from her cup.

"You are Chan right?"

Chan just nodded dumbly, still scared to move since he couldn't read Jungkooks behaviour.

"Somebody was looking for you earlier. I think his name was Felix... the one with the freckles and fluffy ears?"

Concern overpowered his fear and he stepped towards the small demon and gripped her arm tightly.

"Did something happen to him?", he almost yelled. The demon looked down to Chans hand and back up into his face before forcefully pulling her arm out of his grip.

"No? He was just looking for you" She seemed confused and almost pissed off but she seemed annoyed from the start so Chan didn't put too much mind into it.

"Okay...uhm. Sorry about that", he pointed towards her arm but she just shrugged her shoulders. With a sideglance towards Jungkook who's lips pulled back to reveal his cannons he quickly left the kitchen to look for Felix.


Chan hurried out of the kitchen and he was left alone with the girl who turned around and looked him up and down. Her eyes were slightly hooded and he couldn't tell if she was tired, drunk or if her face just looked like this.

"Jeez, relax", she mumbled after he heard himself growl and her eyebrow twitched up.

"I am already leaving you alone with", she gestured towards him and his surrounding, "Whatever you are dealing with."

With that she stepped out of the kitchen an Jungkook was left alone with his raging anger.

"That's not like you", he mumbled to himself and huffed out in frustration. He couldn't even clearly remember what just happened. He just knew, that he needed to fix this. As if all of his strength left him, he slumped down to the ground, the cold tiles meeting his skin and making him wish he could turn back the time for just a bit. Or maybe a little more, so he could go back to the day he met this beautiful angel.

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