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They looked after Chan and Felix running of the cafeteria as the bell rang to end lunch. Leni felt her wings drop a little as she was disappointed Chan had to leave this abruptly.

"They will be okay", she heard Jungkooks soft voice and turned back around to face his friends.

"What class are you attending now?", Jungkook asked as he stood up, watching over Jisung swallowing the last bits of his lunch.

"Art" She saw Jungkooks face lit up.

"Me too, and Jisung here too. I never saw you in my class though ...", Jungkook thought out loud. As they started to walk down the hallway along with other students Leni noticed Jisung walking close by Jungkooks side.

"I usually sit somewhere in the corner", she explained.

"It is a class none of my friends are attending so I am... how can I put it... pretty insecure and shy." Jungkook smiled. He looked breathtaking, with his majestic appearance, the yellow eyes making him look a little dangerous. 

"Jisung here feels uncomfortable in this class eventhough I am with him" Jisung skipped inbetween the two and started to cling onto Lenis arm too.

"It's not like you couldn't protect me Kook, there are just so many Demons in the class", he whined and looked utterly scared.

"Wow, you seem very scared of them", Leni  noticed and smiled at the Angel.

"Eventhough you have Demon roots?", she happened to notice his tiny horns peaking out.

Jisung squinted up to where his Horns grew out and pouted cutely.

"I don't feel that demonish."

They turned around a corner and entered the classroom.

"Right, you don't even seem that angelish, more like a shifting squirrel", Jungkook pointed out and guided the group over to an unoccupied grouptable.

"Squirrel!?", Jisung yelled out in disbelieve as he detached from the other two and sat down. His wings flapping and his small horns starting to glow up a little.

As Leni was giggling at Jungkooks comment some Demons approached their table. Leni scooted a little over to Jungkook who was sitting next to her, being attracted by his strong and protective aura.

A Demon with black and silver horns leaned over the table, another Demon who she recognized as the Mud standing right behind him.

"A squirrle would suit you indeed.", the horned male said and looked back to his mate.

"Jinnie, wouldn't he look so cute with a fluffy tail?" 

"What is your business here, Leeknow?", Jungkook asked calmly as he pulled Jisung to his side who was frozen in place. His round eyes glancing up to the demon standing in front of him.

"We wanted to talk to Jisung.", the silverhaired leaned against Leeknow, his wings caressing the demons sides.

Jisung squeeked as both eyed him up and down like he was some sort of pray, a smug smile displaying on their faces. Eventhough the Demons behaviour and appearance seemed cold and scary, Leni couldn't lie about the fact, that they were breathtaking and beautiful creatures. From all the Demons she has seen berfore, specially these two seemed to be very tempting.

"Well, he doesn't want to talk to you guys", Jungkook scoffed while staring at them, Jisung still not being able to look away.

"Pitty", Leeknow sighed.

"I guess we need a different one to help us with our artproject then"

"Looks like it", Jungkook responded.

Leni noticed the Mud pouting slightly and mumbling something only Leeknow could understand as they walked back to their spot. She remembered the scenario from yesterday. Hyunjin was clinging onto Leeknow, nuzzling his neck and searching for his comfort just like Jisung does with Jungkook. She also couldn't recall any trouble or dilemma happening in school caused by rising ones. As far as she knew, demons were merely involved in drama happening around here. It was mostlikely to be a raging Alpha Shifter trying to protect something or a fallen one bragging about their purity. For the first time, she felt like Demons could be actually nice and befriended. Maybe they were misunderstood creatures after all.

"Hey Jisung," , she called out to the poor boy trying to calm himself down.

"I don't think they wanted to hurt you... I think they might be even friendly. Maybe you should help them out with their project", she suggested but flinched as Jungkook beside her started to growl lowly.

"No.", was his answer and all of the sudden his yellow eyes looked cold and harsh. Jisung looked at his hands, his wings shielding him like a cage.

"I- I am sorry", Leni stuttered.

"I... Are you guys mated?"

She blushed as she thought about Jungkooks caring behaviour towards Jisung earlier and now.

Jisungs wings opened up, sarcastic horror written in his face and Jungkook blinking at her in surprise.

"Because, you kinda look like mates at times", her voice died down in embarassment.

Jungkook turned to Jisung and held up a finger right in front of his eyes.

"You. Stop clinging to me. People think we are mates. Cling to Felix or Chan", then her turned around to Leni and smiled at her.

"We are not. We are just really close. That is what a pack is about. We are family"

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