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Jeongin plopped down next to the cute dog-Shifter, holding the bottle of alcohol in one hand.

"What you doing out here alone?", ha asked and took another sip. Seungmin looked at him with a small smile.

"I just prefer quiet places"

Jeongin nodded understandingly and took another sip. Seungmin watched him in silence not looking like he would say more than that. Jeongin stared at him, feeling overwhelmed by the observing aura. It almost felt like he was being watched carefully, like he was exposed.

"Why are you staring?", Jeongin asked. His voice was soft and thin, not daring to look anywhere else than his shoes.

"Sorry...", he heard the older mumble and as he glanced to the side he saw Seungmin still looking at him. Eventhough he felt watched he didn't feel uncomfortable in the slightest.

"You are still starring", he mumbled and tried to stare back. A faint blush crept up on Seungmins cheeks, making him look even more adorable than he already was.

They kept looking at each other, their eyes grazing carefully over their features.

"You are really pretty", Jeongin said after a while and made Seungmin look away. He felt his heart racing as the older seemed to be pretty shy. Jeongin bit his lip not daring to say a word as he just kept admiring the other.

"Now you are the one who's staring.", Seungmin noticed as he looked back up with pink cheeks and red ears.

"I enjoy looking at you", Jeongin said and leaned towards the other.

"You do?", Seungmin mumbled suddenly feeling selfconcious about his looks.

Jeongin was about to take another sip from the bottle as Seungmin took it in his hands and downing a huge gulp.

"Whoa, easy there.", Jeongin mumbled and took back the bottle of burning liquor. He chuckled in amusement as Seungmin started to cough, giving him a reproachful glare.

"What is this stuff?", he coughed out, his voice raspy.

"It tastes terrible"

"Oh come on, it is not that bad", Jeongin took another sip, feeling the drink burning down his throat and spreading warmly in his guts. Seungmin looked at the bottle in disgust but took another sip.

He scrunched his nose but as he felt the warmth spread out inside of him, he caught himself feeling a little tipsy and not minding the sharp taste as much as in the beginning.

Taking away the bottle and putting it aside, Jeongin scooted over and leaned forward. Smelling the sweet scent of Seungmin, he closed his eyes for a moment.

"See, not so bad", Jeongin rasped out, his lips almost touching Seungmins ear. The older turned his head in surprise as he did not expect the Demon to be this near to him. He almost regretted his decision, as he was now nose to nose, facing the younger.

Their breaths reeking of alcohol, cheeks flaming hot, Jeongin could only think about how beautiful the creature in front of him was.

"Seungmin", he mumbled as he felt himself growing more confident, the booze kicking in harder than expected.

"Yes?", he mumbled feeling just as drunk as Jeongin himself.

Jeongin looked down to Seungmins rosy lips, submitting to the urge to touch and kiss the other. He slid a hand into the Shifters neck, fumbling with the soft hair and hovering his lips just above his. He closed his eyes, feeling the hot breath. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest, his body vibrating. He pecked Seungmins lips softly, already feeling like he was addicted to the feeling of floating in this sweet bliss. As soon as their lips lost contact Seungmin snaked his hands around Jeongins neck and needily pulled him closer. Their bodies flushed together, as they started to move their lips in sync. Everything was careful, sweet and just so soft. Jeongin felt Seungmin trace his fingertips over his neck, fumbling shyly on the v-line of his shirt. He felt Seungmins warmth crawl under his skin and his scent swirling around them. Seungmins breath quickened and Jeongin could feel his hands grasp onto his shirt, pulling them even closer.

"Hey, hey..." Jeongin mumbled against his lips and pulled away a little.

"Go slow, I am not going anywhere."

Seungmin looked up with big doe-eyes, his chest rising up and down. His lips were a little swollen and red, a pink tint spread on his cheeks.

"Sorry", he mumbled back and looked down to Jeongins lips while loosening up his grip. Jeongin placed a hand on Seungmins thigh and rubbed small circles on it.

"You are just too cute", he smiled a little before leaning in again and connceting their lips.

Both of them jumped in surprise and stopped touching as a loud voice interrupted their little makeout.

"Seungmin, you too?"


They watched Chan leave, stumbling a little.

"I barely ever saw him drunk", Seungmin said while shyly scooting back over to Jeongin, placing his head on his shoulder.

"Will he be alright?", Jeongin asked in concern and started to stroke over Seungmins soft locks.

"I hope so"

They sat in silence for a wile, enjoying each others presence. Both were not minding the slight dizzyness as two creatures came running out of the building. They heard giggling, both of the unknown creatures clearly being drunk.

"Let's go somewhere", they heard a low voice right around the corner.

"Where?", a girls voice was heard, followed by a little silence and a little more giggling.

"Where we can be alone", the low voice answered. Suddenly both of them stumbled around the corner, hands intertwined.

"Seungmin? Jeongin??" Jungkook looked at them with big eyes, the yellow color glowing in the dark.

"Uhm ", was all Seungmin could say as he was way too distracted from Leni clinging onto Jungkooks arm.

"We did not want to interrupt you guys", she said with a sweet smile and pulled Jungkook with her.

"Come on, we will find a different spot"

Jungkook looked back one last time and quickly followed the Angel into the dark.

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