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She wiped away her tears and laughed a little as the door creaked open and revealed Chan. Her smile dropped and she felt cold fear run down er back. He looked worn out, his body stiff and his eyes droopy.

"Hey," she breathed out in relieve.

"Are you okay?", she asked not daring to take a step towards him or touch him. She didn't forget how cold he behaved towards her for the last weeks and she still felt unsure of his feelings towards her. She didn't know how to behave.

He just nodded and looked down to the floor. Something seemed off, he seemed empty.

"Can we talk?", he asked almost inaudible. She only nodded in response and led the way down the stairs through the crowd and finally outside of the building. As she continued walking until they were for themselves, the music only silently vibrating in the night, she came to a halt and turned around. Chan was still looking to the ground as if he was attempting to count the stones scattered on the pathway.

"So...", he tried to start but failed as his voice got weak and his hands started to tremble. It was cold. A harsh wind tugging on her hair and making the feathers on her wings shuffle and being the only sound breaking the thick silence between them.

"Yes?", she asked, hoping for him to say something she was scared to only think of.

"I... I don't know..", he mumbled clearly frustrated with himself. Finally he looked up and it seemed like he was searching for something until their eyes locked. It was calming and at the same time exciting. His brown eye spreading out kind love while his blue one seemed to be unfocused and cold. But still, it was him who looked her in the eyes and there was no denial that they shared a strong bond.

Her heart burst out of her chest and she felt fire tingling and dancing on her skin. It began to rain slightly making the weather rather uncomfortable but still...

She felt hot and she felt like she could stand there forever as long as she could look him in the eyes.

"It's okay", she mumbled and smiled a little as she felt herself let the fear go.

"I know", she reassured as she remembered her last interaction with Jungkook. It hurt but it left her relieved and free like a warm wind washing over her, making her see everything clearer and letting go of al the restrains.

I want you.

Only you.

Her heart screamed, it was reaching out for Chan in an incredible desire of being with this man, this creature, with all he had to give.

I want you to hold me, to caress my skin and kiss me. I want you, I want it to be you to take my breath and...

He came closer. So close. He was standing right in front of her, his hand reaching out for her cheek but never touching it. She tried not to lean into the warm touch, not to surrender in this comfort and safety. She just looked him in the eyes, looking for the love he used to hold for her.

"I am sorry.", he mumbled and stepped back, leaving her soul on edge.

His eyes turned dark in regret. His face only showing agony and his shoulders were slumped like all his strength had just left his body.

"I need to go."

She couldn't breath. The thought of him turning his back towards her, the thought of him leaving like this again hurt. It hurt. It hurt to think about bringing a distance between them. It hurt to feel like she would never be able to touch him. It left her burning in chaos to feel like she would lose him. To feel like she would never be his and to feel like this was the end.

"Don't", she demanded, her voice shaky.

"Please don't leave?" She asked, she pleaded. The pain taking her breath and her heart twisting and turning, drenching her blood.


He was torn. His voice was strained and his body tense.

"Please, Chan.", she begged.

He only turned away further, even taking a step away.

She would lose him. He would walk away and never come back. She would lose a part of her heart and she would be burning forever.

"Mate...", she whispered in despair. The word scared her, it frightened her to death. But she knew it was real and she knew it was the small flower starting to bloom inside of her.

Chan froze up, contemplating if he heard her right or just wished her to say it.

"Mate, right?", she tried again in fear. Fear of being wrong, fear of being left alone, fear of the truth. Chan turned around, his expression puzzled and his eyes big. A shudder run through his body and a growl left his lips.

Leni smiled a little as she recognized his wolf trying to get to her.

"No!" A terrifying growl mixed with is voice escaped his morphing body as he turned away and ran into the dark.

"No, no. Chan!", she screamed and followed him into the dark, helplessly stumbling over er own feet.

"Chan please!"

She heard his wolf scream and growl in pain somewhere in the dark getting further and further away. The pain of him leaving and hearing his wolf howl out somewhere already far away. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks as she fell to the muddy ground. She felt cold stones ripping on her skin, heard herself scream. An awful pain burning in her throat like she swallowed poison, slowly dripping into the rest of her body.

"Don't.. no Chan! Don't do this! Please, PLEASE!"

She felt like she detached from her body, watching a fragile Angel curled up on the dirty ground and terrifying, high pitched screams leaving her weak body.


While her heart broke and burned down to ashes. Only her soul left as one and silently whispering into the dark.


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