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As he was walking down the empty halls of their school he noticed a small sniffle coming from one of the locker paths. Feeling like he should help or at least look if everything was alright he followed the sound. His body hurt and he felt like his knees were trembling. He didn't regain any strength in the last past weeks or at least it seemed like it. He chuckled silently to himself as he thought about how worried Changbin would look like if he would see Felix walking around all by himself. More like wobbling.

To his surprise he saw Leni leaned against one of the lockers as he turned around the corner. Her head hang low and her shoulders were trembling. Slowly but surely he walked over to her, trying not to scare her.

"Are you alright?", he asked.

Her head shot up and she wiped away her tears as quick as possible but he already saw them. Her eyes were red and her cheeks puffy. Even in this state she looked beautiful. Her bright eyes were like shimmering diamonds and the pink flush on her cheeks made her look all flustered, only adding to her beauty.

"Yeah, sure am.", was her answer but her voice was hoarse as if she had been screaming and her eyes flickered up and down the hallway as if she was anxious. Felix put his hand on her shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I was about to go to the cafeteria to get me something to drink. Wanna join?"

She hurriedly wiped her tear stained cheeks with the sleeve of her shirt and nodded.


They sat down in the cafeteria with their hot mugs, Felix leaning against her shoulder for support.

"Are you eating properly?", Leni asked after some minutes of silence, eyeing him up and down.

He fiddled with the hem of his hoodie while staring down at his hot cocoa. He was being insecure about his weight and look, he was scared of appearing sick, which he obviously did. He knew that it would take some time to recover completely, the nurses from school calling his transformation a rare incident. He felt thrown back to his childhood were his mother dragged him to some special doctor to check him up after she got scared her son would turn into a monster.

The doctor had diagnosed his lack of shifter-genes and had suggested to keep him locked up from the other creatures that must seem powerful. He also thought that Felix was very weak and he will never be able to transform.

Little did he knew, that Felix' full transformation was far more dangerous than a regular morphing process, that only increased in strength and danger as he would come out of age. Felix had ended up to discover his own strength, being scared of his own wolf and trying to escaped the power his body held in. That's when he met Chan. Just when he was a sobbing mess in the middle of the forest, just hoping for some creature to kill him, Chan appeared out of nowhere and soothed his pain. Ever since then they were a pack and were each others strength just like a mated pack leader and omega would do.

Even without being mates, Chan and Felix created a strong bond. A bond that existed beyond the believes of what others would expect is possible. An they built their own little pack.

"Felix?", Lenis voice dragged im back to the cafeteria and his hot drink.

"You zoned out a little", she sounded slightly concerned, the strain in her voice only making him smile at her.

"I am but it seems to take a lot of time to regain my strength and weight.", he mumbled.

He heard Leni humm in response and continued to watch the fog coming up of his mug.

"There will be a party at our dorm during vacation", he informed after a few minutes of comforting silence.

"Really? Who is going to be there?"

She did not look at him, only starring into the air like she would not mind whatever name he was going to say.

"Uhm, the pack and a few friends I guess. Of course they are allowed to bring a one plus but it is probably the same crowd as always. Just like last time"

Leni opened her mouth to answer as Chan walked into the cafeteria with the black haired girl. She was clinging to his arm, laughing at something he just said and earning a soft smile from him. Felix eyes shot towards the couple walking over to the counter to get whatever their heart desired. Leni looked sad, a small pout on her lips and her shoulders slumped down.

"She probably will be there too.", she stated and put away her cup.

They watched the two in silence, the girl never detaching from Chan. Felix knew Chan well enough to know that this was not his type of girl and he certainly did not enjoy her company, but still he seemed mildly unbothered by her presence. Felix Scrunched his nose as the girl let out a high pitched scream of excitement as Chan handed her a can of something and the way she struggled to open it. Yes, she acted dumb and clumsy to seem cute but Felix would be lying if he would say she was not stunningly beautiful. Leni huffed in annoyance and turned away dramatically, probably tired of looking at the poor scene playing in front of their eyes.

Felix let out a small chuckle.

"Don't worry too much about it. He is just playing nice." He also turned away, deciding he saw enough and taking a mental note to talk to Chan about it some other day.

"He seems to like her", she almost hissed and stared down to her hands. Her fragile fingers played with the fabric of her sleeves, as if they were trying to untangle the threads. He put his hand on top of hers, stopping the erratic movement.

""He likes you more"

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