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"So you guys did not kiss?!", Jennie yelled in disbelieve right bevor Leni could put her hand above her mouth to shut her up.

"Jennie, shut it down will you?" Leni nervously looked around if any of Chans pack had heard her as their table was right beside theirs. Luckily Chan was busy keeping Jisung and Seungmin from tearing each other up as they fought about some nonesense. Probably Jisung spilling some of his food on Seungmins book. Jungkook just sitting beside them unbothered and glancing up to Felix who stared down on his tray. His yellow eyes slowly wandered around the cafeteria and suddenly darted into her direction. She quickly looked away, trying to ignore the fact that Jungkook was looking at her.

"No we did not kiss. Why would I kiss BangChan? I have Jungkook.", she whispered. Jennie shoved her hand away bevor grabbing her chopsticks and looked at her with an arched eyebrow. Her eyes only telling about her scepticism.

"I really like him you know.", Leni huffed out bevor tossing away her sandwich as she lost her appetite. She was pissed from having the urge to explain herself to make everyone including herself believe that she didn't feel anything for Chan and only liked Jungkook.

She did right? She really liked him. He was everything she ever hoped for in a partner and maybe she could grow to love him.

"So why bother telling us about Chan?", Jennie asked.

"What's with Chan?", Ryujing sat down next to Jennie, putting down her tray that had only an apple on it.

"They almost kissed", Chearyong mumbled while turning a page of her book, making Leni throw up her hands and let them smash down on the table.

"Are you serious?!", she asked and flinched at her own volume, quickly looking over to the packs table to make sure they wouldn't hear the drama going on at their table.

"You almost kissed Chan?", Ryujin pinned her steel-grey eyes onto her not blinking at all.

"It's not like that. I cannot explain it."

"I thought you and Jungkook were a thing" The Shifter took her apple and looked at it, inspecting the different shades of red and frowning at the small patch that was still green.

"We are. I really like him and we kissed and stuff but"

"Are you a couple?" Ryujin interrupted her and looked over to the table were the pack seemed to have calmed down.

"Who is a couple?"

Leni jumped as she heard Jungkooks soft voice behind her and felt his big hand lying on her shoulder.

"You two", Chearyong replied not bothering to look up.

"You two are a couple?", all of the sudden Changbin sat down at the table, his question sounding like he didn't care at all. Nevertheless he asked, his droopy eyes switching between her and Jungkook before looking over to Felix. Sadness and desire in his eyes.

"Oh my god", Leni mumbled as it was just too much for her. Apparently everyone knew something about her and Jungkook and she didn't want everyone to just suggest anything. Or something at all.

She stood up rather abruptly and walked out of the cafeteria, feeling a pair of eyes boring into her back. She turned just enough to see whos gaze it was, locking eyes with Chan for a broken second.


"What was that about?", Jisung wondered as he looked over to the table across the hall with stuffed cheeks.

"Chew, for god sakes", Seungmin mumbled and pushed up the Angels chin to close his mouth.

"I don't want your dirty spit or food on my pages again. Ever."

"Whatever", Chan mumbled not forgetting the way she had looked at him just now.

"Felix aren't you going to eat anything?", he asked with concern, shoving away the wilding emotions and thoughts inside of him. She was with Jungkook and she made im happy. He had different things to worry about.

Felix slowly looked up to him, his eyes seeming awfully big. Slowly, a smile crept onto his lips. It was a smile that didn't reach his eyes. The normally warm gold appearing greenish like mud and tired.

"Ah... I am not really hungry you know", Instead he grabbed the bottle of water and gulped down half of it.

"You gotta eat mate, I barely see you eating." Chan said while still staring at the freckled boy, frowning in concern.

"I am eating, Just right now I am not hungry!", Felix bursted out in anger and stood up, grabbing his tray.

"I forgot to do some homework. See ya in class!", the small boy hurridly walked away, threw away all of his food and disappeared. Chan noticed movements on the other table, seeing Changbin jump up and trying to follow Felix.

"Changbin!", Chan called out, hoping the Angel would listen to him. Changbin looked over to the spot where he saw Felix last bevor hesitantly walking over to Chan and his pack.

"What is it big wolf?" His eyes were slim, and the black clothes making him look even more intimidating than he already was.

"Go find him, and talk to him."

Changbin scoffed.

"You think I didn't try? He is always with you guys. Every single one of you roaming around him like he needs some kind of protection. Protection from what?!" Chan stood up, gulping down his anger and putting a hand an Changbins shoulder.

"Don't hurt him. Protect him. Love him or leave him Changbin!"

Changbin swatted his wings and took a step back.

"What else would I do?"

Chan just looked him in the eyes, trying to let the other know how serious all of this was.

"Felix has been really weak and sick lately. I don't blame you. He has done this to himself. But you are the only one who can make a difference. It will be difficult, because he has a huge secret he is scared of telling you. Don't pressure him, just love him. Got it?"

Something in Changbins eyes changed. All the hate died down as he straightened his back, his white wings prodding up in all their glory.

"I really love him, Chan. And I need to tell him. I need him."

He turned to the table towards all the others.

"Don't stay in my way please"

And with those words he stormed off, looking for Felix

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