Chapter 1

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As the battle between the Solon’s and Agriche’s kept on going for days and weeks Medea -the daughter of the Solons- decided to join as the battle failed to show improvements. A lot of people died but no one can behead one of the family’s leaders.

As Medea rode the horse as fast as possible, she finally arrived at the entrance of the battlefield. The sight of blood everywhere greeted her, then she quickly covered her nose with her handkerchief as the stench of dead bodies came rushing to her. Walking closer to the center of the battlefield. The soil is covered with nothing but blood.

‘This person just made a blood pool’  

Medea thought as she walked near a pretty guy with purple eyes and hair as white as his alabaster skin.  

“Heli, what’s the situation?”

Shocked by Medea’s sudden presence, he still answered.

“The injured are being treated, the Crown Prince also sent some men to be of assistance, and the man with half of his face covered is not yet taken down.”

After the explanation, she tried looking for the man that Heli described. After some time looking, she finally found him covered in blood.

“He’s the leader?”


But before Helio could finish, Medea grabbed a sword and walked forward.

“Wha..what are you doing?”

“I’m killing him myself to end this.”

Even after Helio tried to stop her, she did not listen and became stubborn.

“Trust me, I can do it.”

After those words, Helio shut his mouth and shook his worry off and believed in Medea.


Medea shouted at her opponent.

The man covered with blood looked at her with a scary look, but Medea just returned the look with a smirk.  

“Let’s end this right now, you vs. me.”

The man may have covered his mouth his mouth, but Medea felt that he smiled and then he came charging at her.

“Finally, a worthy opponent.”

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He swings his sword at her neck however, Medea dodged and used her sword to slice his leg, but he avoided it by jumping up. Whenever the half-masked man charge at Medea she would avoid the attack, after finding an opening she finally swings her sword, aiming at his neck.  


The sound of two metals colliding reverberated. The man blocked with all his force and Medea can’t hold it and used her knee to kick his stomach.  

It was a very painful hit as the man swayed back, and when he was off guard.


Medea took the chance to go for his neck, the man quickly dodged the attack and tolerated the pain he felt.

When his blade once again blocked Medea’s sword.


An arrow came rushing towards them and managed to hit the man’s mask revealing his face. A fine, strong jawline. The man looked at Medea with his crimson eyes and put all his force to his sword.  

‘This guy has strong force’

Medea thought and observed his fighting technique as he killed the archers in a flash.

“Lady Medea!”

Helio shouted.

Medea was too shocked to see how her enemy killed everyone in a single blow, he was as quick as the wind and before you know it.


He’s aiming for your neck.

Medea’s neck.

‘What the-’

Medea was too stunned to react, as the man was already at her back and blade on her neck. He whispered on her ear.

“Now it’s time for you to die.”

He walked backwards, away from the others to kill her with peace.  

But an arrow hit his shoulders and Medea took the opportunity to punch him in the face and as he sways back, his feet didn’t step on any surface and realized he was at the edge of a cliff, the only thing -or should we say person he could hold on to was none other than Medea.

So, both of them fell.

‘what the-‘

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When the man grabbed Medea, she thought to herself.

‘I did not plan this.’

She knows that there was a cliff and attempted to push him, but he grabbed her clothes as he fell while slowly losing his consciousness.

‘I’m going to die. I’m such a dishonor to the Solon.’

Medea mentally tortured herself while she and the now unconscious man pummeled down the cliff.  


She yelled but her shout fell into deaf ears as the rain started to pour down and thunder muffled her voice.  

When she looked down her sight was ingulfed by the river. Eyes widen in a fraction, Medea immediately held her breath. Then.


Chapter one changed because someone applied to be my novel editor to change any wrong grammer/spellings.

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