Chapter 23 the confession

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Dion woke up and was confuse with a mix of shock as he saw the cave filled with every white color of lily of valley everywhere- from the corners to the only one entrance and exit.


He called for her name very helpless, a sweat drip down his forehead hoping for a respone but no, just silence. He called for her name over and over again yet no response he began to panic no Medea heard nor felt.


Know tears come out his eyes and he curled hiself into a ball and covered his ears.

"Medea....did won't...she won't".

He console himself and as tears drop down the soil, more lily of valley grew.

It is said that a lily of valley is a symbol of tears, pain and loss even though it also means happiness and good luck.

"Happiness, what will it even be without her".

Dion said to himself more and more tears come running dowm his face and a warm touch wipe his face, the lily of valley faded and colorful flowers spread when he saw who's hand it belongs.


He said in joy, Medea come closer to his face and their lips come closer as Medea lean closer.


Dion's face turn red so does his ears, his eyes began to be dizzy since he didn't get what Medea is doing.

Medea come closer and their lips are about to touch but whoosh a bright red rose apperead in the middle. Dion look down and offerend the flower.

"I...I love you..but..this is too soon".

"Dion...wake up".

When his eyes open there he saw Medea looking down at him all worried and there wasn't flowers around them.


His voice shrink.

"Are you ok? You were very sweaty and keep on saying my name and your face turned red I thought you had a fever".



"Can you get off".

Dion laying down since he was asleep and Medea on top of him, her knees touch the ground and her arms near on Dion's face, her position looks like she is about to do some pushups but with Dion at the bottom it looks kinda suspious.

"Oh sorry I was just worried".

She get off and took Dion's hand, he then blush and ask what she is doing.

"Just to confirm that you don't have a fever since it'll be hard for me".

She sighed and brushed her hair.

"I....I have to get some foods for us".

He said.

"No need, I already went hunting".

'I needed to check if I still got my hunting skil'.

She thought.

To kill the chimira in the forest she has to know if her hunting skill isn't rusty yet.

"Then, I will get some fresh air since I have already eaten".

She thought and went out.

--Medea PoV--

Her legs collaspe on the floor her face turn red as she remembered what had just happen.

Medea just went hunting and come back to Dion sweating and his face turning red calling for her name very helpless like he has been choked.

"Dion, are you ok?".

She became worried and touch his sweating face.

"Dion, are you having a bad dr- hey".

Dion hold her hand tightly closer to his face, Medea lose balance causing her fall on top of him. Even when he is asleep he is still strong and Medea can't escape.


She tried to get up but he place his hand on her back and pull her towards him, their lips almost touch.

"Me..Medea I...I love you".

Medea turned red and got up but his face is still red, worried she called for his name.

"Dion, wake up!".

She yelled. And he wake up. Her purple hair fell on his cheeks and his red eyes met her purple eyes, it felt as if time had stop just for them. Her worried face still mark her face even when Dion is awake and well. When he called for her name she snap back to reality.

"Are you ok?".

"Please..get off me".

Dion's ears turn red, he wanted to look away but can't he wanted to look at her.

When Medea get off, she touch his hand.

'Warm and soft'.

She wanted to keep on holding it and feel the warmth but Dion looks so red.

"What...what are you doing".

'I want to hold it'.

"Ha, I'm just a fool".

Medea said to herself looking at the skies, she lift her hand and smiled but she quickly shake her head.

" have to snap out, he is the....enemy".

Her face turned to a frown.

"Why...can't you stop thinking of me as an enemy".

Dion said leaning on the cave entrance.

"Were you listing?".

Medea said her eyes widen and her blood boild, she always hated people who eavesdrop on her.

" you, please don't leave me".


Dion's eyes form a tear.

Medea come closer and Dion lean his head on her shoulder.

"I love you with all my heart".

" can't we are enemies".

"If that's the problem I can take my last name and be your slave if that's what it take for you to love me".

She froze not knowing what to do.

"A life without you, is meaningless".

Dion comtuine to talk.

"So please, love me too, I want to be with you".

"Even if I chain you up to my basement will you still love me?".

She asked.

"If you visit me everytime".

"Even if there are bad rumors about me?".

"I already know what you really are so why should I believe on such nonsence when people don't get you".

"Even if I will use you as a tool?".

"It'll be a dream come true".

"I'll do anything to be with you, be a slave, lock me up in your basement or use me as a tool to kill enemies, I would do anything for you love me back".

Medea patted his hair.

"Will you still love me even if I will betray you?".

"Love is complicated no one will ever know what love really is, I too am a fool for love".

"Then I guess, it won't hurt to try".

Medea kissed his forehead and his cheeck.

"But what will happen when we will get back to our normal life?".

"I will always love your even if we part ways, once I get your confirmation, I will follow you like a dog".

Medea × Deon crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now