Chapter 48

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Jeremy went home feeling down and blue for no reason so he went to his sister.


He called for his sister.


" get a hug".

Jeremy asked in shame, the blonde girl just looked at him and Jeremy feels that Roxana is judging him for asking such a hug indicating that he is weak and showing weakness- is what he thought but Roxana just hugged him and the black haired young gentleman is shocked but he just tightens his hands  around Roxana's clothing. Jeremy nor Roxana said anything and just kept on comforting each other for a minute. Jeremy then stops hugging her sister and looks at her.

"Thank you, I need that".

He said not daring to look at Roxana but just look at the floor.

"Is everything all right?".

She asked and Jeremy just shook his head side ways indicating disagreement.

"No, everything is ok".

"You can tell me".

Roxana stroke Jeremy's hair.

"Have you ever felt strange emotions?"

"Hm? Like what exactly?".

"A feeling that something warm inside you, like spring to winter or a feeling like you saw the light after many years in darkness"

Jeremy explained rethinking what he felt when he met the brunette.

"Like the feeling as if you wanna do something daring, you will do whatever you will do for no possible reason because all you can think about is something that you can't even get out of your mind".

As Jeremy continue to explain Roxana just listen seeing his little stepbrother blush in every word he says.

"Like you will break the world for no reason and only want to listen to a specific voice so you can keep your actions on check, or something".

"I don't know what I actually feel, it is complicated yet it feels as if it completes me".

The blush spread on his cheeks, coloring his porcelain white snow like face.



"Are you perhaps in love?".

Roxana said as she looked at her crazy non emotion brother showing a blush, making him look like a fresh tomatoes. She just giggled.

"Who is this girl?"

"I-I don't know her name".

Jeremy said, he look down in embarrassment.

"Hm? You don't know her name?"

Jeremey nods.

"I don't think that it is love".

Jeremy said. His voice became gloomy as if he is disappointed by the fact it wasn't love. He never felt love and will never will, for someone foolish thinking they can feel that magical feeling that people have been bragging about. Jeremy felt like digging a whole for his grave as his grief is the cost of his death.

What even is this feeling?

He asked himself. He doesn't understand this, he hates this, it shows his weakness, it shows how lamentable he is, it shows how much of a weakling he is and shows how he is a prey to the perditor- you live by being a king with power- world. He abhorrence this feeling. If he can, he would throw off this feeling and trade it for an antarctic heart and freeze any such chord to show domestic power on who the crown holder is. Yet, he failed miserably like he just jump off a cliff. All the things  he created and built- a reputation and respect just for it to crumble of a mere feeling he knows he can never get again. Maybe it is for the best- to not meet her in the future and for him to move on, maybe...if he can move on. Jeremy knows well he will do anything and sacrifice everything just to feel that warmth from her again. Just maybe, maybe the girl will receive that feeling and love him too, maybe there is a chance, maybe there is hope, maybe there is a jubilant day for him like seeing a light on a dark day. Seeing hope in a hopeless day , seeing a future in the past and seeing a warm smile on the cold range of fuming anger. For the first time he wanted something so desperately.



"Have you ever been in love?".

"In love?".

Roxana asked herself.

"Ah, I know my sister would never have been in love. You are the stalwart person I see and so tough too, there is no way you had been feeling that shit like a pathetic fee-".

As Jeremy kept explaining he looked at Roxana and she looked at him like she is about to fume in range so Jeremy stopped.

I knew it, I should have not said such words, now she's angry

He thought, but Roxana smiled which made Jeremy confuse and raise an eyebrow.

"Yes I have".


Jeremy became speechless. Was this for real?.

"I think it might be love".


Jeremy exclaimed, he was excited for a second.

"Though mine is different".

"Different, how so?".

Jeremy's eyes perk up waiting for the answer.

"I feel comfortable with his warmth to the point I have to protect it and keep it safe even if it means he will be out of my sight since I have to set him free for him to smile and be healthy".

"Why is that?".

Jeremy asked, he didn't expect such an answer.

"Our families are rivals so it is impossible to keep him by my side that is unless I want him dead".

"Oh...I never thought of that".

He became gloomy again.

This means that the brunette and him can't be together, once the head finds out about Jeremy's situation it will be the death of the girl.

"But I have to correct you".

Roxana rest her hands on Jeremy's shoulder.

"Love isn't shit and a pathetic feeling, it just shows how strong you are. How strong you are in trusting that person to love you forever and not break your heart, how you will protect that person whatever it costs, and how you will trade everything you have for that person. Love is power. A thing that can break, bend, and even be a cupid. It is something that happens once in a blue moon, people tend to forget what love actually is and just treat it like some mere games, which is wrong. True love is rare and  anomalous, so if you feel that you have fallen protect it and if it is true love that person will protect you too".

"In simple words, true love is a give and receive system. You give love and you receive it, if you don't receive it then it isn't love".

Roxana added.

"It is a complicated yet satisfying feeling, you either get rejected or approved".

Jeremy stayed silent and sigh.

"It's complicated, huh?".


Roxana smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Maybe if you spend more time with her that feelings grow and you may be able to say what you feel. If you get rejected, I am always here to lead a shoulder".

Jeremy smiled.

"Thank you".

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