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JAMES JOGGED UP THE STAIRS to his dormitory, craving the warmth of his bed before dinner started

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JAMES JOGGED UP THE STAIRS to his dormitory, craving the warmth of his bed before dinner started. After classes had ended for the day, he spent a few hours studying with Remi in the great hall.

It was refreshingly nice, and he was enjoying himself after weeks of feeling down because of the whole Annalise situation. 

Remi wasn't Annalise. In fact, he knew now that no one could ever compare to Annalise, but he had dated Remi in the past and she made for good company. James believed finding someone new was the best way to move on from heartbreak, and that's exactly what he was doing. 

"What have you been up to?" He said to Asher, who was sitting at his desk with his back towards him.

Asher looked up from the book he was reading, mumbling "nothing much," before returning to reading.

James shrugged off his robes and tie, plopping onto his bed in his favorite jumper that his Grandma had knit him last Christmas. The week had been exhausting, and he found himself desperately wishing for the weekend.

"What are you doing?" Asher broke the silence, turning around and giving James his full attention. James snapped out from his train of thoughts, and raised his eyebrows at his friend.

James was really confused. "What do you mean what am I doing?"

"This whole Remi thing." Asher said, as if it were entirely obvious.

James rolled his eyes. He knew his friends would have something to say about it—especially Asher. "I need to move on." It was as simple as that.

"Using her as a rebound James, really?" Asher said condescendingly, as if James had just committed murder.

"She's not a rebound. I like Remi, she's nice." James could feel the slight lie leaving his lips, but it was too late.

"Out of all the words in the English language, nice is not what people use to describe their girlfriend, James!" Asher groaned, bringing his palm to his forehead.

"She's not my girlfriend." James sighed. He was telling the truth. Remi was not his girlfriend, and she was not going to be any time soon. He even made that clear to her that they were just friends who hung out often.

"Well, she acts like one." Asher bit back.

James ignored him. "Like I said, I need to move on. And she just got out of a relationship as well. If anything, she's probably using me!" He protested, defending himself. Asher gave him a look, one that said he wasn't buying a single word that was coming out of his mouth.

"Asher, I'm allowed to hang out with a girl. It's casual, it's fun!" James said exasperatedly. "I'm not using her and my intentions have been completely clear from the start."

Asher sighed. "Ok. We can talk about this later."

James held his tongue. He wasn't going to talk about this later and if they did, his answer wasn't going to change. But for now, he let it go, not having the energy to argue with Asher any longer.

Perfect • James S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now