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IT WAS TRADITION THAT THE Weasley-Potter family had christmas dinner at the burrow

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IT WAS TRADITION THAT THE Weasley-Potter family had christmas dinner at the burrow. Each year grandma Molly went out of her way to cook enough food for everyone, although every family also brought their own dish to help her out. It was the one time all year where everyone in the family was there and James enjoyed catching up with his cousins and the rest of the family after time away at Hogwarts. They were a big group with twenty six members in total, including Teddy and his grandmother as well (they were practically family).

That morning they had all opened their christmas gifts in excitement. James had gotten the latest broom out there, the LightningStreak 3000 from his parents. He had spent the entire afternoon riding it around in their backyard, even though it was freezing outside. The feeling of riding a new broom, was the best feeling in the world. The LightningStreak 3000 was much faster than his LightningStreak 2001, which was perfect for chasers. He couldn't wait to try it out during quidditch practice as soon as he got back.

Later that evening, however, the Potter family was running late for christmas dinner, as always. None of them had any sense of time, and every single time they ended up rushing at last minute whenever they went anywhere.

"Al you twat! You used all the hot water again!" Lily screamed from inside her bathroom.

"It's not my fault you always decide to take a shower right after me!" Al yelled from his room.

"How the bloody hell am I supposed to know when you're taking a shower? You think I pay attention?"

"Language!" He heard his Mum yell from her room.

"Just suck it up!" Al yelled back.

"Can you both shut up and stop yelling." James snapped loudly from his bedroom, making sure both of his siblings could hear him. "You're giving me a bloody headache!"

Lily and Al both simply responded with "Shut up James!" and then continued to yell at each other over the hot water again. James rolled his eyes, trying to block out voices of his siblings, as he threw on the jumper Grandma had made him this year for christmas. He finished getting dressed, and then grudgingly decided to fix his hair as well, knowing his mum would yell at him if he came downstairs with his usually messy look.

He was the first one downstairs and decided to watch some TV while the rest of his family got ready. He could still hear Al and Lily yelling at each other and now he heard his mother's voice, yelling at the two of them to stop yelling. He sat watching TV for the next twenty minutes, until, finally, the rest of his family slowly trickled into the living room.

"Everyone ready to go?" Their mum asked, looking around at them.

His dad pulled the sleeve of his jumper up slighlty ot check the time on his watch. "We were supposed to be there twenty minutes ago." He winced. "Your mother is going to kill us." He said to their mum who waved it off.

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