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THE WEEK WENT BY much slower than Annalise had anticipated

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THE WEEK WENT BY much slower than Annalise had anticipated. Every single of the teachers just talked on and on about what they should expect in NEWT level classes. And all of then had already assigned loads of homework that kept everyone busy during their free periods! She had a foot long essay for potions, another foot long essay for herbology, 2 scrolls of arthimacy problems, and five chapters to read for transfiguration. Luckily it was Friday and she had the entire weekend to do her homework.

Despite the fact everyone was overwhelmed in their studies and the piles oh homework that had been assigned, her and James had both agreed (yes, they finally agreed on something) that today was the best day to hold quidditch tryouts. They wanted to get practicing right away and didn't want to put off tryouts any longer. Two players had graduated last year, their seeker Nathan Wells, and their beater Fred Weasley II, Roxy's older brother.

Rose Weasley, her, and James were all chasers. Roxy was a beater and her younger brother Kaden was the team keeper.

She was all dressed in her quidditch gear as she walked onto the pit, her LightingStreak 2001 in her hand. The sun was out, shining bright onto the Hogwarts grounds. The small breeze made the weather just perfect. James was already on the pit, practicing throwing quaffles into the three tall hoops. She bent down strapping on her shin guard once more, as it had become loose. She slipped on her heavy brown gloves before calling out to James.

"Potter!" She yelled from down below, staring up at him above her. "Can you come down here so we can discuss about tryouts?"

"You come up here!" He yelled from above, although Annalise could barely hear him over the whoosh of the quaffle moving through the air.

"I'm not coming up, you come down!" She stomped her foot in refusal.

"Then I guess we can't discuss." He laughed, chucking another quaffle through the middle hoop. "Oh well. I am so disappointed! I was really looking forward to talking to the brilliantly incredible Annalise Wood!" He laughed sarcastically.

She sighed, very much exasperated and mounted her broom. She flew up next to him, and grabbed the last quaffle in his hands before he could throw it again. He turned at frowned at her. "Hey! I was practicing."

"Well, tryouts start in ten minutes and there's so many things we need to go over."

"I already have tryouts planned out." He sighed trying to grab out the quaffle from her. "It's up here." He winked, pointing to his head. He lunged again, but she flew backwards before he could snatch it from her.

"Well you didn't even talk it over with me!" She said angrily, as she was the one that threw the quaffle through the hoop. "I'm captain too incase you forgot."

"I did." He responded with a straight face.

"Oh my god! Can you not be an annoying prick for five minutes and just talk to me!" She threw her hands in the air in frustration trying to keep her calm. It wasn't her fault that she got irritated easily by James Potter. And what irritated her even more was that he did it on purpose!

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