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"SEVEN TIMES! THAT'S IT? You guys have to be kidding me!" Alex yelled, throwing his hands in the air, as they walked back to the gryffindor tower, after Talia had walked off to the library

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"SEVEN TIMES! THAT'S IT? You guys have to be kidding me!" Alex yelled, throwing his hands in the air, as they walked back to the gryffindor tower, after Talia had walked off to the library

"I was expecting a lot more than that." Roxy nodded her head.

"You guys are always the ones telling us not to fight, and now you're telling us you wanted to fight more?" Annalise said in disbelief, shaking her head.

"Well not more," Alex emphasized. "But I was hoping to make some gold, you know?" He grumbled.

"So who won the bet?" She asked.

"No one." Roxy replied. "Since none of us guessed the right amount, no one gets anything."

Alex made a face. "The one time we bet on it, you two decide to suck it up! So unfair."

"I'm sorry if our lack of bickering isn't benefiting you Alex." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Oh please!" James scoffed. "The one time! You and Asher bet on how many times Wood would call me an idiot yesterday in potions!" He grumbled.

"It was 17 by the way!" Asher added.

"Annalise has a very foul mouth when you irritate her while she's doing something in class. I know from personal experience." Alex chuckled.

"Remember when she told me she'd fuck up my face if I didn't get out of her way when I wouldn't let her enter the common room." James laughed joining Alex.

"And the time she called me a big headed baboon because I accidentally threw an orange at her head." Alex was now laughing so hard he was wheezing.

"You shouldn't have thrown the orange in my direction in the first place!" Annalise retorted. "And I did fuck up James' face. His eye was bruised for a week." They were still laughing, and she ignored them. "The point is, we needed to at least kind of get along for the sake of the quidditch team."

"And I think that's great!" Roxy exclaimed happily. "To be honest, I was worried, very worried."

Annalise frowned at her best friend. "What! You told me you had faith in us."

Roxy grimaced. "I might have decided that honesty was not the best policy for you both. But on the bright side, I'm not so worried anymore!" She smiled at them although James and Annalise both returned it with a glare.

"Rose and Kaden were quite worried too, but they seem more confident in you two now that tryouts was a success!" Roxy continued.

"It was a success." Annalise nodded in agreement. "Lily and Cal are great additions to the team."

"I only wish everyone hasn't thrown such a fuss when I told them who had got the positions." James grumbled. "It took forever to get everyone to stop yelling at tell them to get off the damn field so we could go back to our dorms and shower.

Perfect • James S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now