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THE HALLOWEEN FEAST THAT NIGHT had been way better than Annalise remembered

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THE HALLOWEEN FEAST THAT NIGHT had been way better than Annalise remembered. She looked forward to Halloween every year for two reasons. The feast and the party. And tonight's feast was the second best one of the year, with the end of the year feast coming in at first, but barely. Tonight she had stuffed her face with sweet pumpkins, carrot cake, treacle tarts, and loads of candy. The great hall had been decorated with bats, cobwebs, orange streamers and Hagrid's hand-carved pumpkins. The Hogwarts ghosts were extra joyful that day, with even Peeves being on his best behavior, throwing handfuls of candy over excited students.

After the feast, Annalise, Talia, Roxy, Asher, Alex, and James had all passed the time by playing a few rounds of exploding snap in the common room. Her and James were always very competitive at everything they did, exploding snap being no exception. They had bickered the entire time, throwing insults back and forth. Alex had said how it was a miracle that they had convinced Hogwarts they were a couple. Her and James had both agreed. At 10:00 however, they made their way up to their dormitories to get ready for the annual Halloween party.

It was started by a couple of students around 15 years ago. Everyone enjoyed it so much, that they decided to make it a yearly tradition. So every year, a party was held in the room of requirement, starting at 10:30 and ending way past midnight. Annalise thought that it was an absolutely brilliant idea to have it in the room of requirement, where the professors, and Filch especially, would never find them. Fourth years and above from all houses were allowed in. Since it was after curfew, it was a bit tricky sneaking out of their dorms and into the party. Every year, a few unlucky students would get caught by Filch, who patrolled the corridors with his cat Mrs. Norris, but other then that, they'd get away with it. It was one of her favorite parts of the year, mostly because she loved the idea of all the houses coming together to have fun.

Annalise threw off her robe and changed out of her school skirt and jumper. They didn't dress up in costumes for halloween at Hogwarts so she put on a pair of leggings and a cute tank top. She didn't bother spending to much time on her hair, when she knew it would get ruined anyway after dancing. She did her usual makeup, putting on a bit of concealer, mascara, and finishing with some highlight. That was the most makeup Annalise would ever wear, the most she knew how to do.

She sat on her bed, reading a quidditch magazine as she waited for Talia and Roxy to finish getting ready. Roxy was busy trying to braid her curly hair, and Talia was struggling to do her wing eyeliner.

Talia groaned in frustration, wiping her eyeliner off with a makeup wipe for what Annalise thought was the fifth time. "I can't get my damn left wing to match the right one!" She whined. "This is just not a good day for my eyeliner."

"At least you know how to do eyeliner." Annalise snorted, flipping through the pages of her magazine, as Talia attempted her makeup once more. Finally, after another ten minutes, Talia and Roxy were ready to go. They headed to the common room to get going. As Annalise made her way down the staircase, she heard voices yelling from below.

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