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WILLIAM HAD TRIED COMING up to her several times over the course of the week but Roxy and Talia never let her out of their sight, and making sure she was never alone and approachable

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WILLIAM HAD TRIED COMING up to her several times over the course of the week but Roxy and Talia never let her out of their sight, and making sure she was never alone and approachable. He had finally come up to her in the hallway two days ago asking if they could talk before Roxy told him to get out of her sight.

In the light of things, James had been surprisingly nicer to her. They still bickered, but he at least insulted her less than before which she did appreciate.

That past week had also been extra tiring with the Gryffindor vs. Slytherin game tomorrow morning. James was definitely a crazier captain then she was, as he held practices at the crack of dawn, and then again in the evening, working the team to exhaustion. He refused to admit that he was worried for the upcoming game, but truthfully everyone was worried. Slytherin had an incredibly strong team this year, and Albus Potter, their brand new addition, proved to be a much better keeper than everyone had expected. It was very important to work hard each and every practice if they wanted to beat Slytherin.

She would have opposed waking so early for practice, saying that he was overworking the team, but in the light of things, she let him take the reins. Quidditch however, was a great distraction from the real world, as she focused all of her thoughts and energy into playing her absolute best during practice to prepare for the upcoming game.

That friday evening, it was the team's final practice before the game tomorrow morning. They had all practiced hard all week long, and Annalise really hoped it was worth it. She threw the quaffle into the goalpost with all her might, her arm hurting as she swung it forward. Kaden turned swiftly, the quaffle hitting the tail of his broom, and rebounding back as James zoomed forward and caught it.

"Time out!" She yelled loudly, trying to get the entire team to hear her.  "Let's take a break." She flew back down the ground immediately and hopped off of her broomstick. The rest of the team followed her down, everyone looking as tired as she was.

She sat down on the ground, falling backward in exhaustion. She laid down on the quidditch pitch, staring up at the sun in the sky which was starting to set, and stretched out her arms and legs.

"I'm joining you." Lily groaned as she laid down next to her. Soon enough the entire team followed suit, either sitting or laying down on the ground. James however stood standing up, looking at the rest of the team in confusion.

"I can't feel my arms." Rose groaned, stretching her right arm, rotating it in a circle to stretch it.

"If we don't beat Slytherin," Cal muttered shaking his head.

"We will beat Slytherin!" James said enthusiastically. "They haven't been practicing nearly as much as we have." He grinned proudly. "Like I said, positivity is key to success Cal!"

"For the sake of all of our well-beings." Annalise said, still sprawled out on the ground. "I am calling this practice to an end. Eat well, and make sure to have a good night's sleep. We all need to be well rested for tomorrow."

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