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THE WIND PUSHED AGAINST HER, the icy air biting her skin

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THE WIND PUSHED AGAINST HER, the icy air biting her skin. The cold only made her grip her broomstick tighter as she raced towards the goalpost. She extended her arm back and hurled the quaffle forward with all her might. It soared forward, aiming right for the goalpost before Kaden spun his broom, knocking the quaffle out of the air.

Annalise took a deep breathe trying to keep her frustration in control. She hadn't made a single goal today at practice. Kaden was a great keeper, but she was an even better chaser. She always managed to score much more than a few goals on him. Her aim was impeccable and today, it was all over the place. Her day had already been one of the worst she'd had in a while, and this was just the cherry on the damn cake.

James called for the team to fly down to the ground so they could wrap up practice. The sun had already set, and the last of the light of was fading away, darkness covering the sky rapidly. She quickly flew down, hopping off of her broom, and grabbing it in her hands, as the rest of the team joined her in a circle.

James began talking, probably about what to improve on based on today's practice, and the schedule for the upcoming practices. She was too frustrated to even hear what he had been saying, zoning him out, overwhelmed in her own problems.

It had been over a week since her and James had kissed. And they had kissed a couple more times after that. She initiated it the second time when she saw William in the hall a couple days later. Then, it just became a new normal for them, kissing every time they saw him, just to piss him off.  And it definitely worked better than they had expected.

As she snapped backed into reality, the team had already started walking away, only James remaining, standing in front of her. He stared at her with a confused expression on his face.

"Earth to Wood?" He said loudly in her face, waving his hand up and down. "Are you good?" James then laughed. "That rhymed!"

Annalise rolled her eyes, not finding any humor in James' jokes today. She stomped away angrily, ready to get out of the damn pit and a take a warm bath.

"Wood!" James yelled, running after her. "You hurt me when you ignore me like that! I have feelings too, you know?" He pouted. "Don't worry, you didn't suck that bad today. You made one goal! Oh wait, Kaden blocked that one too."

She turned around, ready to strangle him. "Fuck off James. I'm not dealing with your bullshit today. Not today." She said gritting her teeth, trying to keep herself from exploding.

"Woah, woah!" James backed away, raising his hands in the air. "What's up with you today? You're moodier than usual."

"Nothing." She snapped. "Everything is perfectly fine!"

"It's obviously not." He said back. He paused, opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

"If you're going to say something then just say it." She said irritably. "No point gaping at me like an idiot." She winced. That had come out harsher than she had intended.

Perfect • James S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now