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"I HATE GOING BACK." Lily huffed angrily, stepping onto the Hogwarts express. James and Al followed behind her, entering the train.

"Who doesn't." Al grumbled.

"Stupid, stupid school." Lily whined, her shoulders slumping. "Time to go back to loads of homework and pointless essays. And goddamn potions!"

"Are you still failing?" Al asked her, the three of them standing by the door of the train.

"Yes." She sulked. "I have until May to get my grade up and somehow miraculously pass the final exam."

"I think you need a tutor." James advised, knowing there was no way in hell Lily would get her grade up by herself. She was incredibly smart and super hardworking, but potions was just not Lily's thing.

"Ask Slughorn to set you up with a student tutor." Al told her, nodding his head in agreement. "Or honestly just ask Rose or Scorp. They're both geniuses and hella good at potions too. They'd easily help you."

Lily nodded slowly, thinking about what Al had said. "I think I'll ask Rose to help. Thanks."

"Wait till you get to NEWT level potions." James chuckled dryly.

"That's if I get to NEWT level potions." Lily replied glumly. "I have to get at least an E on my OWL for that to happen."

"You have time." Al reassured. "Just focus on doing good this year, and when the time comes, then you can worry about OWL's."

"Yeah there's no point worrying about OWL's now. You're only in your second year!" James said. "I didn't worry about OWL's until the month before I was supposed to take them."

"That's because you're you." Al said bitterly. "You still did great on them anyway."

James shrugged. "What can I say, I'm brilliant." He winked at Al, who simply scowled at him.

"Next year when I take the OWL's," Al smirked, turning around and walking down the hallway. "I'm going to do better than you!"

James rolled his eyes. "You can try." He called to Al, who was already far ahead of him. Lily waved goodbye, taking off in the opposite direction, probably to go look for Hugo and her other friends.

James leaned out the doorway of the Hogwarts Express, waving one last goodbye to his parents, before turning the hallway and strolling down the corridor to find his friends. He hadn't seen Annalise or Asher on the platform, so he assumed they had already left to find a compartment.

Talking to Fred and Teddy during Christmas had changed everything. He had finally told someone else that he fancied Annalise, something that he had been struggling to do since the moment he figured it out himself. He knew he had to tell Asher and Alex soon, and he would tonight when the three of them were alone in their dorm room.

Perfect • James S. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now