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IT WAS CHAOS IN THEIR DORM ROOM that late afternoon, everyone scrambling to get ready for the winter ball later that evening

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IT WAS CHAOS IN THEIR DORM ROOM that late afternoon, everyone scrambling to get ready for the winter ball later that evening. Their dorm room was filled with all of the other sixth year Gryffindor girls, making it seven in total packed inside. Everyone was doing their hair and makeup, helping each other out. Girls took a long time to get ready, and that was always evident the day of the winter ball, as everyone wanted to look their best. The winter ball was the one night everyone (well fourth years and above) came together to dance, eat food, and ultimately have a blast before they went home for winter holidays.

Libby Maxwell was currently helping Roxy tame her curly hair, applying Sleekeazy's hair potion. Talia, the queen of winged eyeliner herself, was busy doing Anjali Sharma's eyeliner, while Freya Murray was blending her foundation next to them. Lastly, Erica Helter was helping Annalise by rolling curlers into her hair. Annalise's hair usually was pin straight, and tonight she really wanted her hair in loose curls, and hopefully it turned out the way she imagined.

"Loose curls right?" Erica asked, just to clarify once more, rolling the last curler and securing it in place on her head. Annalise nodded. "Let's leave them in for about thirty minutes then. We can check and if needed we can leave them in longer, but I'm positive that thirty minutes should be fine."

Annalise nodded once more, standing up from her chair. "Thank you so much." She smiled gratefully at Erica. "I really don't know how to do my own hair."

"Of course, it's no problem!" Erica chuckled. "I'm waiting for my curlers to set in as well, but I want tighter curls so it's taking awhile. I did all the bridesmaids hair for my sisters wedding last summer, so I'm used to it by now."

"I might need help with my makeup soon too." Annalise blushed. She really was not good at getting ready. The most she knew how to do was her foundation with mascara and highlight. But eyeshadow, eyeliner? She didn't even bother attempting it.

"Oh, don't worry." Erica scoffed. "I can't do makeup either. Freya's doing mine later. That's her and Talia's forte."

Annalise thanked Erica once more before sitting down in front of the vanity once more. She might as well start her makeup so she could make it easy on Talia. She pulled out her small bag of products and began dotting her face with foundation.

She wanted to look good tonight. Better than good. She normally didn't care too much about how she looked everyday. It just wasn't important to her, but she understood why it mattered to a lot of people. However, the winter ball was different. It was her time to look her best.

By the time she finished her basic makeup, Talia had luckily just finished up with hers. Her eyeliner was perfect as always, and her eyelids shimmered with silver eyeshadow that perfectly complimented her navy dress.

"Talia!" She called, catching the attention of her friend across the room. Talia took one look at Annalise's face and came rushing over.

"I need to do your makeup!" She exclaimed, immediately grabbing a pallet and brush from the vanity.

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