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Byul pressed the buzzer and waited patiently.

"Hello?" A woman's voice was heard through the speaker.

"Min-jung unnie? It's Byul."

"Ah. Jimin told me you were coming. Come on up."

Byul heard the buzzer and quickly pushed the glass door. She held it open, letting WheeIn through.

They went inside the elevator and up the building before Byul rang the bell to an apartment on the 15th floor.

The door was opened by a thin woman who looked very similar to Jimin.

WheeIn noticed that the woman was still quite young in spite of the way she dressed or the tired lines on her face. She bowed politely behind Byul.

"Long time no see, Byul," greeted the woman.

"Yeah." Byul smiled awkwardly. "Sorry to bother you this late, Unnie."

"It's fine. I'm still waiting for Oppa to come home from work." She then saw the other lady.

"Ah. This is WheeIn. She's part of our team." Byul stepped aside, introducing WheeIn to Min-jung.

"Good evening, Unnie." WheeIn bowed again.

"Good evening. You're an Inspector too?"

WheeIn smiled, shaking her head. "I'm just helping them out. Kinda like a consultant."

"She's not a police officer, Unnie," explained Byul.

"Oh. Well, come on in." The woman let them through. "Jimin told me that you're reopening the case. He was here with Sandeul earlier today," said the woman as she went to the kitchen to get them drinks.

Byul and WheeIn waited patiently in the living room after taking their shoes and jackets off.

"Yes, we are reviewing everything, Unnie," answered Byul, raising her voice a bit so she could be heard.

Min-jung returned with a tray and three cups of tea. "I had just brewed some tea." She placed the tray on the coffee table.

"Thank you, Unnie."

"Please take a seat."

The two did as they were told, quietly sitting on the couch next to each other.

Min-jung then went to sit on the other chair. "So what brings you here, Byul?"

"Did Jimin tell you about another case? A missing girl?" Byul carefully asked.

A nod. "He did. He said it was similar to Woo-jin's although he wasn't really sure how besides the actual event itself." The woman took a deep breath. Her hand reached out for one of the teacups. She looked tired. "Is there hope, Byul? Or are we just wasting our time here?" She slowly took a sip.

Byul hesitated for a second, carefully formulating her next sentence. "We might be on our way to finding a connection, Unnie." She took out the tablet she was carrying in her bag. "There's another girl, older. We found her body earlier today."

The woman almost choked on her drink. "Body?"

Byul and WheeIn could see the fear in the woman's eyes.

"Yes but only her, Unnie. There was no sign of Woo-jin," Byul quickly tried to console Min-jung.

She sighed, a bit relieved. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive towards the girl or her family but..."

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