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It was late in the evening. Everything was dark when they stepped out of the train.

The two children had fallen asleep in the train so now they were quiet, still a bit drowsy.

Ha-eun never let go of Byul. When Byul left her to take care of the paperwork with Xiumin and his superintendent, she literally cried her eyes out. In the train, she insisted on sitting next to Byul. Now she was snuggling safely in Byul's hold while Woo-jin was walking hand in hand with Tae Hyung.

Solar met the group at the platform with a couple of uniformed officers who assisted Xiumin, Sandeul, Hwasa and Seulgi by taking over the handcuffed couple from them.

Xiumin introduced himself politely to Solar.

"What happened to her?" Solar asked after she saw the bandage on Song Hye-kyo's head.

"Hubby knocked her out for being too loud," answered Sandeul with a grin.

Solar shook her head. She then saw the sleepy boy, holding on to Tae Hyung's hand. She smiled. "Hi Woo-jin."

The boy looked up but only blinked. He began to suck his thumb again.

"That's Ha-eun?" Solar asked Byul.


"Is she okay?"

"She won't let go of Byul," said Tae Hyung.

Solar grinned. "I see. Well then. Let's go. There are people waiting for you."

They walked towards the escalator leading up to the hall.

They could see Jimin standing in the cold and quiet station hall. He was jumping in place while rubbing his hands together. WheeIn was standing next to him.

Byul had to smile when she saw WheeIn.

Jimin saw the group. He rushed towards Tae Hyung and stopped when the boy hid behind Tae Hyung's leg, surprised by this eager new comer. Jimin squatted down, eyes brimming with tears. "Woo-jin..."

The boy peeked from behind Tae Hyung's leg.

"It's okay," said Tae Hyung, nudging the boy to come out. "This is your uncle Jimin. The one I told you about. Remember?"

Jimin felt hurt when he saw the boy so afraid of him. He suppressed his tears when he took out the small car from his pocket. "I gave you this, remember?" He showed Woo-jin the toy.

The boy's eyes widened. He slowly stepped out of hiding, stretching one hand out to take the toy.

Jimin let him have it. He then hugged the small boy, unable to contain his relief anymore. "I'm so glad you're back," he mumbled through his tears. "We missed you very much."

Everyone smiled, relieved to see the small reunion. Hwasa even wiped a tear.

"Hey," WheeIn approached Byul with a smile.

"Hi." Byul gave WheeIn a quick kiss then hugged her with her free arm. "I miss you," she whispered in WheeIn's ear.

WheeIn was surprised. "You just saw me a few hours ago." She looked at Byul. "What's wrong?" She then saw the girl who was now looking at her with curious round eyes. She smiled. "Hi, Ha-eun." She waved.

"This is WheeIn," Byul told the girl.

"You can call me Unnie or just Whee," said WheeIn.

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now