AFTER 7 YEARS (Part 3)

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"Moon Byul-Yi!" shouted WheeIn as soon as she opened the apartment door. "Where are you? What is going on?" she asked when she saw how dark the apartment was.

WheeIn took off her shoes and was about to switch on the lights when she heard a door opening and saw dim light coming from where the bedroom was. She couldn't help but laugh, shaking her head. "Playing hide and seek, Moon?"

She discarded her jacket and purse onto the couch and stopped at the bedroom doorway.

The room was filled with candles, giving it a subtle romantic glow and warmth, making WheeIn smile.

She had expected to see Byul on the bed, posing or doing some other funny random things she used to do but the bed was neatly made and empty.

"Star?" She took a step inside the room. "Where are-... AAAAA!!"

WheeIn let out a shriek and jumped when a hand touched her shoulder.

"Sorry! Sorry! Calm down! It's me!" Byul said, appearing from behind the door.

"WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU DOING?!" yelled WheeIn, slapping Byul's arm.

"Ow! Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you like that."

WheeIn hit Byul's arm one more time and sulked.

"Don't sulk. I just wanted to surprise you." Byul took out a small bouquet of flowers from behind her back. "Sorry they're not all pink. I didn't have enough time to search for pink flowers because I didn't want you to get here before I did."

WheeIn could feel her irritation towards Byul's little stunt melting at the sight of the flowers. "If you think that this is enough to make up for the heart attack you almost gave me then you're damn wrong, Moon."

"I know I know. Sorry again for that. But this is just the beginning. Trust me."

A smirk began to spread on Byul's face as she took a step towards WheeIn.

"I plan to make this a night to remember," said Byul in a low voice, lifting her eyebrows playfully while biting her bottom lip. "A very long night to remember."

WheeIn had to smile at that. "I see." She took the flowers, smelled them then wrapped her arms around Byul's neck when she felt arms around her own waist. "What do you have in mind?"

"Hm... Let's see." Byul kissed WheeIn slowly. "I've been... running around town... today... so I feel kinda... icky. How 'bout... you help me... clean up first?" she asked, pausing between kisses to be able to say what she wanted to say.

WheeIn pulled back. "We haven't done it in the shower for a very long time and there's a reason why. It's not exactly the best place to do it and you know that."

"I do know that but we have all night. Let's just do it everywhere."

That made WheeIn laugh out loud. "Oh my god. Didn't realize that you were that desperate."

"You don't like the idea?"

"I do. It's just that-..." WheeIn's sentence was interrupted by another kiss from Byul. "St... Star..."

"Hm?" Byul didn't stop what she was doing. Her lips and tongue assaulted WheeIn's mercilessly, not holding back even for a second.

"Okay!" WheeIn finally managed to push Byul back by the shoulders, breaking the kiss breathlessly. "Do whatever you want just not anywhere near Ha-eun's room, okay?"

Byul grimaced at that thought. "Of course not!"

"Good. Just trying to remind you because I have a feeling that I won't be able to stop you once you've revved up your engine."

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