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The team had just walked out of the conference room after a quick briefing when Byul's phone vibrated in her pocket.

She took it out and smiled when she read the message.

"Hey, how about a picnic at the park for lunch?"

There was a picture of Ha-eun making a sandwich attached to the message.

"Sure thing. Want me to pick you up?" replied Byul.

"We can just meet there. It'll be faster and you won't have to drive me back to Irene's afterwards."

"Okay. See you later then."

Byul added a kiss emoticon and happily put the phone on her desk, wishing that lunchtime would come faster today.

By the time the clock struck noon, Byul was already driving away from the station towards the park.

It was a very nice and warm spring day - the perfect weather for a picnic.

The past fifteen months had been quite eventful with adjustments to their living arrangements and to a life of juggling work and raising a child.

Ha-eun had become a lot more cheerful as she entered first year of grade school, and also wittier. Her abandonment issues had decreased considerably and she was now less afraid or suspicious of people she had just met for the first time.

Byul and WheeIn realized soon enough that Ha-eun was very smart and perceptive. She was able to absorb and pick things up quickly so WheeIn would speak English with her every chance she had, in the hopes that the girl would be able to master the language.

Ha-eun's teacher was well aware of her living conditions although she didn't know that Byul and WheeIn were a couple. The teacher only assumed that Byul was a single parent and that WheeIn was a close family friend or a relative.

Although Ha-eun had started calling Byul 'umma' after they explained to her about the adoption, she was still using 'WheeInie' to address WheeIn.

WheeIn didn't mind. In a way, it helped simplify things when she happened to meet Ha-eun's friends or other parents at school. She could pass off as just another friend of the family who happened to come pick Ha-eun up, especially since Solar's mother and Irene had done that too when neither Byul nor WheeIn was available due to work.

They knew the risk should people find out and also the bullying that might follow. They tried talking to Ha-eun about it in a subtle way and, luckily, the girl seemed to understand that they were different and that it didn't mean that they were bad. She literally shrugged it off and asked whether she could have a happy meal for dinner instead.

Byul chuckled to herself at the memory of the message that WheeIn had sent her before she left the station.

It had a picture of Ha-eun wearing a straw hat and pink sunglasses, posing near a picnic basket.

"I'm ready! Umma, hurry up!" the message read.

"I swear. You're turning her into another pink monster," Byul had replied.

After she had parked the car, she stepped out and sent another message. "I'm here. Where are you guys?"

"Meet you at the small lake, by the bridge," came WheeIn's answer.

Byul raised her eyebrows when she thought of the lake. They would pass it during their walks but she would have expected WheeIn to be at the bench where they usually sat on, or at that secluded area where they usually had their picnics or talks.

"What are you doing at the lake?" she mumbled to herself on her way there.

Byul walked quickly, searching the area.

She thought about calling WheeIn when she couldn't seem to find her but right at that moment, the corner of her eye caught sight of a running girl.

Byul turned around to see Ha-eun approaching, still wearing her straw hat and pink sunglasses. Her white flowery summer dress fluttered and flapped, bouncing with every pull of her hand and every lively step she took.

"Yah! You're wearing a dress! Don't run like that!" Byul caught the laughing girl and chuckled when she saw the get up. "What is this? It's not even that sunny today." She took off the girl's sunglasses.

"Umma! Don't!" Ha-eun quickly grabbed her glasses, keeping it on her face. "This is my style!"

Byul laughed out loud. "Your style? Did WheeInie teach you that?"

"No. Mommy did."

"Huh? Mommy? Who's 'mommy'?" She had never heard the girl call anyone that.

"Find the pink sneakers."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Just find the pink sneakers, Umma. You'll see. Bye!"

Ha-eun grinned mischievously then ran off.

"Y-yah! Where are you going?! Don't run-... Aish!"

She watched the girl disappear behind the trees and quickly followed her.


Byul called out but the girl was nowhere to be found.

Pink sneakers? What pink sneakers?

"Ha-eun! WheeIn-ah! Yah! Where are you?"

She slowed down when she saw something pink nearby, lying on the grass.

"Pink sneakers?" Byul mumbled to herself, approaching the object to confirm her suspicion.

It was indeed a pair of pink sneakers and not just any sneakers, they were the pair that she had given WheeIn years ago, not long after they first met.

She bent down and picked the shoes up to see a rolled up piece of paper inside one of them. It was tied with a pink ribbon.

Byul frowned while untying and unrolling the paper.

"Remember these? They're one of my most treasured possessions. You gave them to me when you took me in and took care of me even though I was just an unlucky stranger, a criminal even. I'm forever indebted to you for that. Today I will do what I once said I would. Find the pink ribbon and you'll understand."

Byul read the message one more time and grew even more confused.

What are you doing, WheeIn-ah?

After putting the paper back inside the shoe, Byul carried the sneakers with one hand and walked on, keeping her eyes open for any signs of a pink ribbon.

She found it soon enough, tied to the arm of the park bench where they had spent a lot of time together - talking or just quietly enjoying the view.

Byul unconsciously smiled when she saw a piece of paper on the bench, held in place by a rock on top.

"I know it took awhile and a lot of effort for us to get to this point but I'm glad we did it. Moreover, I'm glad you decided to let me in and even took me to meet your family last Chuseok. Do you still think it's weird if I pop the question? By the way, that lake reminded me of that pool back in Bali, where you promised me all of your heart. See you there."

Her smile widened when she read that. Now she understood what WheeIn was doing.

Byul hurried towards the lake after stuffing the second note inside the pink shoes. She saw someone standing in the shades near the bridge and quickened her steps.

"You!" she called out as she approached the grinning WheeIn. "You just sent me on a wild goose chase around the park!"

"It's not a wild goose chase," replied WheeIn calmly, unmoving from her spot.

Byul stopped in front of WheeIn and took a moment to catch her breath. "You're really doing what I think you're doing?"

"I always keep my promises, you know. And I did say I would surprise you and pop the question."

"I know but-..."

"What? You still think it's weird?"

"I'm not sure."

"Don't worry, I won't go down on one knee." WheeIn took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Here it goes."

Byul watched with a smile, waiting.

"If anyone had told me four years ago that I would be where I am today, I'd probably call that person crazy or stupid," WheeIn began. "Everything was such a mess back then that I couldn't even remember how it felt to be free or happy." She tried to smile but faltered as she fought the surging tears at the memory of the hard times she had to go through alone.

Byul set the sneakers down and took a step forward to hug WheeIn.

"I'm okay," WheeIn said against Byul's shoulder. The hug helped calm her emotions and made her feel braver. She loosened her hold on Byul then looked into her eyes.

"I don't even remember why I found you so interesting," said WheeIn in all honesty.

Byul had to laugh when she heard that but kept her witty reply to herself, giving WheeIn the time to say what she wanted to say.

"You were different. Unpredictable and frustratingly emo, at first," WheeIn giggled when she saw Byul pout, "but I've come to understand why." Her hand went up, sweeping Byul's long bangs aside. "I can't choose whom I fall in love with and you've had my heart even before I realized how I really felt about you. I tried denying it but it just kept pulling me in."

"Maybe its chemistry," said Byul.

"Maybe. But chemistry is fleeting. What we have is definitely not fleeting."


"Well, you know the rest of the story. You literally turned my life around. I know I have Solar and her parents and the rest of the team to thank too but you..." WheeIn paused to inhale. "I can't imagine life without you, Star." She closed her eyes when Byul gently kissed her forehead.

"I can't imagine life without you too."

"I've wanted a family with you since that day we met Ha-eun but I thought it was too soon so I didn't say anything about it. Now that we've had the time to adjust and put all other issues behind us, I thought it'd be alright to go ahead and ask."

After taking another deep breath, WheeIn withdrew her hand, put it inside her pocket and took out two matching rings with small diamonds set in the middle of them.

"I've been saving up this past year but I couldn't afford a bigger stone. Sorry," she said sheepishly.

"Nothing to be sorry about. You could just tie my finger with the pink ribbon and I would still wear it proudly. It's not about the stone, you know."

WheeIn cleared her throat. "Star..." Her hands trembled a bit.


WheeIn nervously met Byul's eyes. "I know this probably isn't the life you imagined you'd have. I'm not Taehyung oppa and I don't know whether I can make you happy for the rest of your life but I want to try. Will you let me?"

"On one condition."

"Huh? What condition?"

"That you promise to never compare yourself to Oppa ever again. I won't accept even the faintest hint of implied comparison. You are you and I'm glad that you're you. I love you for who you are, Jung WheeIn. Understand?"

WheeIn smiled in relief and nodded.

"So promise me?"

"I promise."

"Then yes, I will. I definitely will."

WheeIn slipped one of the rings onto Byul's finger with trembling hands and laughed when it almost got stuck halfway.

"You and your stubby fingers," she muttered under her breath as she gave the ring one final push.

"Excuse me? These babies happen to be record holders (hmmmm...)," argued Byul while proudly displaying her ten fingers and the diamond ring. She then took the other ring from WheeIn, slid it smoothly up her finger and kissed the hand. "I love you. And I also want to make you happy for the rest of your life."

"Thank you. I love you." WheeIn threw her arms around Byul and kissed her.

"Ew! Gross! Can we eat now?"

Ha-eun's voice interrupted them, causing them to laugh.

"Didn't I tell you to wait until I'm done?" WheeIn asked the girl in English.

"But you took too long! I'm hungry!" replied the girl in the same language.

"Okay, let's eat then," Byul said. She took hold of WheeIn's hand, picked up the sneakers and walked to where Ha-eun was waiting. "Stop running and jumping like that! You're in a dress!" she called out to the girl who was again flapping and pulling at her dress while she ran.

"Slow down, Ha-eun-ah!" WheeIn told the girl who immediately slowed down.

"How come she listens to you and not me?" Byul asked.

"You spoil her too much."

"I do not!"

"You spoil her more than I do."

"Well, maybe a little," admitted Byul with a grin, swinging WheeIn's hand.

They sat down on the picnic blanket WheeIn had set out and happily ate their lunch.

"Who taught her that whole style thing?" asked Byul through a mouthful of kimbap.

"I did."

"Huh? But she said... Ah. I see." Byul began chuckling to herself. "You told her to call you 'mommy'?"

"No. She came up with that all on her own."


"A couple of weeks ago."

"Huh? How come I didn't know this?"

"I told her to keep it until I could officially ask her umma to marry me."

A wide grin broke out on Byul's face and she tried to kiss WheeIn who instantly avoided her.

"Yah! You still have food in your mouth!"


"So it's disgusting! Chew properly, Star! Set a good example, Inspector Moon!" WheeIn pushed Byul's face away, earning a laugh from the girl at the other side of the picnic blanket.

"Oh you find this funny?" Byul pretended to glare at Ha-eun who merely stuck her tongue out.

"This little..." Byul put her kimbap down and pounced the girl who swiftly made a run for it.

"Yah! You'll get indigestion if you run around during a meal!" WheeIn shouted at the two then shook her head when she was blatantly ignored. She secretly took out her phone and recorded the noisy chase while smiling to herself.

My own little family.


"By the way," Byul said when they were walking back towards WheeIn's car. "I was planning to propose to you on your birthday if you hadn't asked me today."

"Why? The plan was for me to propose."

"Yeah but..." Byul hesitated then decided to come clean. "I feel bad."


"For everything I put you through, from the very start. So I wanted to be able to show you how much you mean to me."

"A guilty proposal would've sucked."

"What?" Byul turned her head, staring at WheeIn.

"It's like a man asking a woman to marry him because he accidentally got her pregnant. Although he loves her just as much, it would still be better if there was no figurative baby-gun pointed at his head, don't you think?"

"Hm... I guess you're right. But I never thought of it as just something to appease my guilt or an obligation. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Byul's hold on WheeIn's hand tightened when she said that.

"I know. Oh well, forget about it. I did what I wanted to do and you said yes so it's all good. I'm happy."

Byul smiled. "I'm happy too. Very happy." She leaned in for a kiss but was interrupted by a high-pitched squeal from the girl walking ahead of them.

"Umma! Mommy! Can I have a puppy?" Ha-eun suddenly ran towards them while pointing at a small dog on a leash.


"We can't, Ha-eun-ah," said WheeIn. "Our apartment is too small for a dog and we won't have time to take care of it."

"I'll take care of it! I promise!" Ha-eun hugged WheeIn's thighs and looked up at her with pouting lips and sad puppy eyes. "Please, Mommy?" she begged in English and even blinked cutely a few times for extra impact.

WheeIn could feel her heart softening at the persuasive act but held her ground. "Maybe when you're older."

"But I'm six now!"

"Sorry, we just can't fit a dog into our apartment right now." WheeIn let go of Byul's hand to hold the girl, stroking her hair. "When you're older, you'll be able to take it out on walks on your own and take better care of it in general. So let's just wait till then, okay?"

"And who knows, by then we'll probably have a bigger place so the dog can run around happily. It'd be sad if it has to live with us in our current small apartment," added Byul, helping WheeIn out. "You don't want it to be sad, do you?"

Ha-eun sulked, turned around and began stomping her feet all the way to the car with the two adults walking behind her, grinning to themselves.

"I have a feeling that we're going to have this conversation at least once a year until we actually let her have a puppy," whispered Byul.

"Part of the job, I'm afraid," replied WheeIn, once again taking hold of Byul's hand.

"Yeah. By the way, can I tell everyone the good news?" she asked.

"Let's tell them all at the same time so we won't have to repeat ourselves."

"Dinner with everyone? Tonight?"

"Tonight? You're eager."

"How can I not be eager? I'm so happy I feel like turning on the siren while yelling 'I'm engaged!' out the window all the way back to the station."

WheeIn laughed. "Okay. Dinner with them tonight. But let's tell our families and Yong's personally."



Solar stood up, hitting her glass with the fork to silence the large table that was still noisily discussing the news Byul and WheeIn just broke. "I propose a toast," she said while lifting her glass. "To my stubborn little sister. I can't believe this day has finally come. I thought you'd never be brave enough to take the plunge. Actually, I thought you'd end up forever alone but you're lucky WheeIn is crazy enough to stick around. If I were her, I would have left you years ago."

Byul stuck her tongue out at Solar and gave WheeIn a peck on the cheek, ignoring the teasing.

"Now if only you could keep your hands off of each other for a few minutes..."

"Hey, we can do that."

Tae Hyung scoffed. "Right. If the viewing room at interrogation three could talk..."

"Or the cleaning crew that has to clean the viewing room at interrogation three could talk," added Seulgi.

"Yah!" Byul glared and gestured towards Ha-eun who was calmly eating her dessert.

The adults snickered and laughed at the blushing Byul and WheeIn.

"How did you even know?" WheeIn asked Seulgi in a low voice.

"Well duh? Everyone knows."

"What?! Everyone knows?!"

Hwasa nodded. "Uh-huh. Those months when you would arrive at work early in the morning then the two of you would disappear somewhere... how could anyone miss that?"

"I was just joking about the cleaning crew though," said Seulgi with a mischievous grin. "You guys never left a trace which I'm really thankful for."

"Hear hear." Tae Hyung lifted his glass and so did Sandeul. "We have to work in that room, you know," said the tall assistant inspector.

"So what are we toasting for again?" asked Yeri.

"Byul's libido?" quipped Seulgi.

"Unnie!" Bo Mi exclaimed disapprovingly from across the table.

"Y-yah!" Byul put a finger to her lips, afraid that Ha-eun would hear and ask what libido meant.

Luckily, the girl was preoccupied with her ice cream and the game she was playing on Byul's tablet, oblivious to her surroundings.

"Whew." WheeIn exhaled in relief when the girl didn't even lift her head, then lightly hit Seulgi's arm for the comment.

"I need another beer to forget what I've just heard about my cousin," mumbled Bambam from beside Hwasa while emptying his glass.

"Anyway... A toast!" Solar, who was still standing, lifted her glass once again. "To Inspector Moon and Miss Jung! Congrats and may there be less drama from now on."

Everyone lifted their drinks, shouted cheers and toasted each other in a large circle of clinking glass.

When their friends had resumed eating and talking, with Ha-eun still busy playing on her tablet, Byul stealthily put an arm around WheeIn and pulled her to make her lean on her. She then kissed WheeIn's temple, eliciting a small giggle from the latter.

"What?" WheeIn turned around and gave Byul a quick peck on the lips.

"Nothing," said Byul with a smile. "I got engaged today."

"So did I."

"Wow. Talk about coincidences. Whom did you get engage too? I bet that person's not as awesome as my fiancé."

"That's where you're wrong. My fiancé is super awesome."

"Stop the mushy talk. My stomach is churning just listening to it," Irene suddenly said, appearing behind them with a small bowl of fruit for Ha-eun.

"That's why you should never eavesdrop," said WheeIn.

"It's pretty loud though. Even I heard it," Wendy appeared beside Irene with a grin, defending her friend. "Sorry to eat and run but I promised my sister I'd pick her up from the mall."

"It's okay. Thanks for coming. Let me walk you out," WheeIn said.

Irene sat down on WheeIn's empty chair after setting the fruit bowl in front of Ha-eun. "I assume it's time to have that talk?"

"What talk?"

"WheeIn's family isn't here so I consider myself their replacement."

Byul froze halfway through eating the piece of fruit she had stolen from Ha-eun's bowl. "What? You're seriously going to be all scary and threatening? I have a gun, Bae Joohyun. I don't get scared easily." She popped the fruit into her mouth and smirked.

"Maybe, but the Commissioner is only one of my family's close friends. So I'm not only capable of getting you fired but I can also ruin your life."


"By banning you from every ice cream parlor or candy store in South Korea."

"Gasp! That's awful!" Byul exclaimed, giving Irene her most exaggerated shocked reaction - complete with wide eyes, mouth agape and mild hair pulling.

"Exactly. So be warned. Hurt her and I swear, I'll come after your little butt and make you pay for it. I don't even care about your gun or badge."

"Yes, Ma'am." Byul straightened up and saluted Irene. "I promise to take very good care of her, Ma'am."

"Good. At ease, Inspector." Irene stood up and went back to her own seat, leaving Byul chuckling after her.

"What are you laughing at?" WheeIn soon reappeared, sitting next to Byul.

"Your best friend just gave me the talk."

"What talk?"

"The I-will-hunt-you-down-if-you-hurt-her talk."

"Oh. That talk. Your best friend just gave me a similar talk although in a less violent way," WheeIn told Byul.

"My best friend? Which one?"

"The captain."

"Ah. What did she say?"

"She thanked me for doing this, mostly, knowing how stubborn and emo you can be."


"But the rest is pretty much the same," continued WheeIn.


"Subtle ones."

"I see."

They smiled at each other knowingly, secretly grateful for their friends.

"Byul-ah," Solar called Byul from a few seats away. "Have you thought about that trip to Busan that Appa suggested?"

The Commissioner had to go to Busan for a couple of days on business but he had asked his family including Byul, WheeIn and Ha-eun to come along so they could take a break and enjoy the seaside city while he worked.

"But we have an ongoing case and since you're going with him, that means I'm in charge," Byul said. "I can't leave."

"Then let us take Ha-eun. She'll love the beach. Plus, it'll only be a short two-day trip."



Ha-eun suddenly spoke, making Byul turn her head.

"Yes. Beach. Auntie Yong and her parents are going to the beach next weekend."

"Are we going too?"

"Well, I have work so I can't go but..." Byul saw the twinkle in the girl's eyes morph into sad disappointment and felt a tug at her heart. "Do you wanna go?" she asked.

Ha-eun immediately and eagerly nodded.

"Can you promise to listen to Halmeoni or Auntie Yong and be a good girl while you're there?"

"Yes! I'll be on my best behavior!"

Byul looked at WheeIn, asking for her opinion. "How 'bout it?"

"We don't want to trouble you or your parents, Yong," WheeIn said to Solar.

"What trouble? They were the ones who invited you guys," replied Solar. "And Ha-eun's a good kid. I don't think she'll cause any problems."


"Please, Mommy?"

WheeIn turned her head when she heard the words spoken in a tone that instantly warmed her heart for the second time that day.

"I'll be good, I promise," Ha-eun said, still in the language she knew WheeIn preferred. Her lower lip jutted out slightly, framed by wide innocently pleading eyes.

Byul stifled a laugh, knowing that there was no way WheeIn could refuse such a cute plea.

"Oh alright. You can go."

"Yay! Beach!" Ha-eun got out of her seat and ran towards Solar. "Auntie Yong! Can we build sand castles?"

"Definitely! Huge ones!"

"She has you wrapped around her little English-speaking pinky," whispered Byul in WheeIn's ear.

WheeIn could only sigh. "That smart little cutie pie..."


"We're really checking in?"


"For one night?"

"Yup. Gotta make full use of this golden opportunity, you know." Byul walked up to the front desk and proceeded to check them into the five-star hotel.

"How did you even afford this? I thought we were saving for Disneyland?" asked WheeIn once they had stepped inside their room.

"The good thing about being a cop is that you get to help a lot of people and they, in turn, help you," answered Byul as she closed the door. "Got this junior suite at a special price, courtesy of the manager. It's the low season anyway, it's not like the hotel's going to be fully booked this week."

"What did you do? Save the manager's life?" WheeIn went to the large window, slid the glass door open and stepped out onto the balcony.

"Something like that."

WheeIn smiled when she felt Byul's arms around her and the warmth of her body against her back.

"Consider this our own mini getaway. Let's make full use of tonight." Byul gently kissed WheeIn's shoulder then leaned her chin on it.

"What if there's an update on the case and they call you back to the station?"

"We still have to wait for the DNA and trace results so that will take awhile. Besides, Hwasa and Seulgi are more than capable to handle any situation."

"Does Yong even know you're doing this?"

"Of course and she's okay with it so you should be too." Byul turned WheeIn around then kissed her. "We haven't properly celebrated our engagement, you know."

WheeIn smiled against Byul's lips then pulled her closer, pressing their bodies together.

"I know this isn't a private villa in a beautiful tropical paradise but there's a huge jacuzzi in this suite."

Byul began pulling WheeIn back inside the room.

"Ah. Let me guess, someone wants to relive that whole skinny dipping thing?"

"Actually, it's just a normal bath but yes, I intend to reenact that wonderful night. Especially the skinny part of the dipping."

WheeIn laughed out loud. "That doesn't make sense at all."

"Does it matter?"


WheeIn ended their conversation by sealing Byul's lips with hers.

Byul's hands made their way under WheeIn's t-shirt, gliding across WheeIn's stomach and sides before going to her back then slipping down, inside her jeans.

"Inspector Pervert," commented WheeIn.

"At your service, Ma'am."

Byul lifted WheeIn's t-shirt and threw it down to the floor. She then began unbuttoning her jeans.

"At least fill the tub first," mumbled WheeIn, refusing to stop kissing Byul.

"I've asked them to do that for me," replied Byul as she guided WheeIn into the spacious bathroom and pulled back to show her the bathtub. "Even asked them to do the whole flower thing." She proudly displayed the pink petals that covered the entire surface. "Pink."

"Thank you." WheeIn rewarded Byul with another passionate kiss. "Is the water cold?"

Byul reluctantly let go of WheeIn's lips to dip one hand in the water. "The water's fine." She shook her hand dry, unzipped WheeIn's jeans then pulled it down her legs.

WheeIn helped Byul take off her shirt and pants, and giggled when Byul's lips began to travel lower. "Get in," she told her, pushing her by the shoulders.

"After you, Miss Jung."

WheeIn gasped when Byul managed to unhook the clasp of her bra with a quick flick of her fingers.

"Told ya. They are record holders. Not stubby," said Byul with a smirk, referring to her nifty finger work.

"Nothing I can't do." WheeIn remarked before unhooking Byul's bra with the same speed and accuracy. "See?"

"Are you trying to challenge me?"


"Hm..." Byul nipped WheeIn's neck. "Interesting."

"Whoever screams first, loses," WheeIn said, moving her hands lower, tugging the waistband of Byul's panties.

"You got it."


Byul groaned when her phone suddenly rang and lazily rolled over, searching for the noisy device.

"Hello?" she answered the call without even opening her eyes.

"Byul, I have big news for ya."

Byul frowned when she heard Seulgi's voice.

"Is it about the case?"


"Then it can wait."

"Hey hey, don't hang up on me. Trust me, you'll be glad to hear this. They got Ji-sub."

Byul's eyes flew open. "What?" She immediately sat up. "Repeat that, please."

"They got Ji-sub. Like Senior Inspector Shin once said, it was just a matter of time until we caught up with him."

"How? When? Where?"

"Europe. They got full cooperation from the Swiss government and managed to track his bank account there and his spending. He was in France. They caught him before he could cross the border."

"Will they extradite him?"

"I think so. After all, we now have extradition treaties with the whole European continent. Senior Inspector Jung was positive about it."

"Has anyone told the Commissioner?"

"Yes. He's still in Busan but he's been informed and has given the necessary orders to proceed. I just wanted to let you know as soon as possible. Senior Inspector Jung said that you can get the full details tomorrow."

"Thanks, Seul."

"No problem. Enjoy the rest of your break."

"I will. Bye."

Byul hung up and just sat there staring at her phone in disbelief. She didn't even realize that WheeIn had also woken up thanks to the phone call.


A rustling of sheets followed WheeIn's drowsy voice.

Byul felt a kiss on her shoulder and warm arms around her body.

"You okay?" asked WheeIn, leaning her head on Byul's shoulder.


"Who was that?"


"Oh? Update on the case?"

"No. It's about Ji-sub."

"What?" WheeIn lifted her head. "Ji-sub? What about him?"

"They got him." Byul met WheeIn's eyes and could finally smile. "They finally got him."

"What? When? Where?"

"Europe. They'll tell us the details tomorrow." Byul took a deep breath and exhaled. "It's done. It's over. It's finally over."

"I'm glad." WheeIn gently kissed Byul then hugged her. "I'm really glad."

Byul let go of the phone and wrapped her arms around WheeIn, burying her face on WheeIn's neck as tears began to fill her eyes. It felt surreal but it was a huge relief nonetheless. She could finally have full closure.

They got him, Oppa. It's over. After nearly twelve long years... it's finally over.

WheeIn gently stroked Byul's hair, quietly listening to the muffled sniffing.

"I'm sorry," Byul shyly said, letting go of WheeIn to wipe her nose and eyes. "Don't know what came over me."

WheeIn wiped Byul's cheeks with her hands. "It's okay. I totally understand." She then got off the bed to get the tissue box from the desk.

"I feel... light," Byul said. "Ji Soo's gone and Ji-sub's caught." She exhaled. "Finally."

WheeIn smiled. "Yeah. Finally. You should tell him."

"Huh? Him who?"

"Oppa. You should go tell him about it."

"I will. Come with me?"

"Sure. We can drop by tomorrow if you want."

"Let's wait until we get all the details."

"Okay. Now go back to sleep." WheeIn set the box of tissues and Byul's phone aside then waited until Byul had lain down before she followed suit, fixing the blanket that covered them.

"Whee?" Byul suddenly snuggled close to WheeIn, resting her head on WheeIn's chest.

"Hm? What is it?" She ran her fingers through Byul's hair.

"Catching Ji-sub is great and everything but it's just a bonus. I'm already perfectly happy without it because I have you. You know that, right?" Byul looked up, meeting WheeIn's smiling eyes.

"I do."

"Good. Just wanted to make sure."

WheeIn wrapped her arms tighter around Byul. "Now sleep. It's going to be a long day tomorrow."

"I don't plan on checking out until noon though."

"I've suspected as much but if you want to do what I think you're planning to do tomorrow morning, you better get some sleep now."

"What do you think I'm planning to do?" Byul shifted, inching up to match WheeIn's eye level.

"Good night." WheeIn closed her eyes, ignoring Byul's playful smirk.

"You're not gonna answer me?"


"Miss Jung, when an officer of the law asks you something, you're required to answer. Truthfully."


"Hey, I'm the mother of your child!"

WheeIn opened her eyes when she heard that. "And I'm the mother of your child. What's the big deal?"

"Don't ignore me."

"You're being annoying and much too noisy. This is why you lost earlier. You're noisy."

"Excuse me?"

"Sleep, Star. Please? I'm sleepy."

Byul rested her head on her pillow, quietly watching WheeIn sleep. She smiled when she realized that WheeIn's hand was still on her waist and reached out to hold it.

WheeIn opened her eyes once more when she felt Byul kiss her hand. "Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I think I'm much too excited and happy to be sleeping." Byul inched closer, kissed WheeIn's forehead and ran her hand along WheeIn's back, making sure she reached all the way down to her butt and thigh. "Besides, I feel bad for wetting your t-shirt. You shouldn't be sleeping with wet clothes on, you know. You'll catch a cold." She then placed a soft kiss on the corner of WheeIn's mouth.

"You're not gonna let me sleep, are you?"

"Marriage is about going through everything together, remember? Good and bad, sickness and health, rich and poor, day and night, insomnia and no insomnia..."

"You're going to regret this tomorrow."

"I don't care. It's our mini getaway. We can do whatever we want. We will do whatever we want." Byul began kissing WheeIn's neck.

"So insatiable."

"Gotta make the best out of tonight, Whee. Who knows when we'll have the opportunity to be alone like this again."

WheeIn moved to lie on her back, letting Byul roll on top of her. "Oh alright," she finally gave in.

"Trust me. You'll be very happy after this," mumbled Byul as she made her way up to WheeIn's jawline, stopping near her ear. "Thank you. I know you love me."

WheeIn smiled, held Byul gently by the cheeks and kissed her. "And I know you love me."

                                                                         THE END??????


Hi Everyone,

I hope you are still liking this update chapter.... I'm not really sure if this will be the last update for this.... Please be patient, I'm still working on it....

don't forget to vote guys

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now