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Byul's phone rang just after she pulled the handbrake, finishing parking her car. She saw the name and sighed. "Yes, Yong?"

"Inspector Moon, I need you to come in today." Solar's tone was far from friendly or casual.

"I know. I'm already at the parking lot. I'll be there in a minute."


Solar then ended the call without another word.

Byul knew she was in for a rough afternoon. She shook her head.

WheeIn chose to stay silent all the way into the building. She went to Byul's desk and sat down, watching Byul strolling straight into Solar's office. She saw Sandeul and Tae Hyung at their desks. "How bad is it?" She asked in a low voice.

The two boys looked at her then shook their heads.

WheeIn winced, diverting her eyes to the closed door and silently hoping that it wouldn't be too bad for Byul and Jimin.


Byul took one quick deep breath before she knocked at the door and opened it.

Several heads turned, looking at her. One person was seated, looking down at his hands.

Byul closed the door behind her. "How bad is it?" She asked Solar.

"You tell me. He's your responsibility, Inspector Moon," answered the captain coldly.

Hwasa and Seulgi said nothing, stealing quick glances at each other and sending Byul warning signals through their eyes and animatedly moving eyebrows.

Byul already knew the severity of the problem and the impending consequences even without the silent warnings from her friends. "What happened, exactly?" She asked the young man still staring at his own hands.

Jimin slowly lifted his head. He didn't look at Byul. "I made a mistake, Inspector. I let personal feelings cloud my judgment." He gulped.

Solar handed Byul a tablet. "The formal complaint. Filed by the post office manager."

Byul stepped forward and took the tablet. She began reading the complaint email, detailing how an officer of the law had abused his authority by barging into a public service institution and impolitely demanded to see a staff member that was no longer employed there. It also mentioned how said officer began ranting loudly about the inefficiency of the postal service that had resulted in it aiding a crime, thereby disturbing and intimidating not only every staff in the post office but also innocent bystanders, citizens who were there. The manager made sure to emphasize how those accusations had offended not only him but also the entire South Korean postal service, which served the same people that the police agency was serving, and that it was disgraceful to hear such accusations coming from a ranked law enforcement officer.

Byul took a deep breath. "Is all this true, Jimin?"

The young man clenched his jaws and nodded regretfully.

Byul shook her head. "Why didn't you talk to me first?"

Jimin didn't answer.

"Since you claimed responsibility for him, Inspector Moon, you are to issue a formal and official apology to the manager of the post office and every staff there," said Solar. She looked directly at Byul. "Then go there to apologize to them in person." She took the tablet back. "And get the manager to drop this if possible. It's embarrassing and tainting our track record." She almost slammed the device on the table. "I've said what I wanted to say to Assistant Inspector Park. He will be removed from the case effective immediately."

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now