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"Sure. I understand. Let her take all the time she needs. No rush."

Byul read the incoming message from Irene and replied with a quick thank you before placing the device in her pocket. She had briefly texted her friend, informing her that WheeIn might be late and explaining the reason why.

Carefully grabbing the full cup of hot coffee, she made her way back into the quiet living room where WheeIn's father was sitting on the couch, silently observing his daughter take care of a little girl's breakfast at the kitchen counter.

"Here you go, Mr. Jung," said Byul, placing the cup on the coffee table.

"Thank you, Byul."

"Are you sure you don't want something to eat? Toast, maybe? Eggs?"

"I'm alright, thank you," he replied politely. "Coffee is good enough." His eyes then went back to his daughter for a moment before he reached out for the cup and took a small careful sip.

Byul noticed the sad look and automatically felt bad for the man. She knew that there was guilt in those eyes - in addition to curiosity and wonder. The man must have been very confused to discover his daughter's current living arrangements.

WheeIn hadn't said a word after Byul let the man in. She just continued helping Ha-eun put her pants on and fed her like nothing had happened.

Byul had to introduce herself - as WheeIn's roommate, since she didn't know how her father would react to their relationship - and Ha-eun, as a relative she regularly took care of. She wasn't exactly fond of lying but she figured that it would be better to keep things looking less complicated than they really were, at the moment.

"Um..." For a second, Byul wasn't sure what to say or do.

"Go to your room and play for a bit, okay?"

She heard WheeIn's voice and turned around to see her wiping the girl's mouth.

"We need to get going soon so don't make a mess, please," said WheeIn as she helped Ha-eun down from the chair and ushered her inside her room.

The girl seemed to sense the tension so she obediently did as she was told, leaving without any question or protest.

WheeIn cleaned up the counter, placing the dirty plate and glass in the sink, then grabbed herself a cup of coffee. She took the mug with her to the living room and sat on the chair, as far from the couch as possible.

"Why are you here?" she asked after taking a sip, without even looking at the man.

Byul started to feel like she was intruding on a private conversation so she stealthily inched her way back towards the kitchen.

"You can stay, Byul."

WheeIn's voice stopped Byul in her tracks.

"Ah. Okay. But I need to finish my breakfast first." Byul pointed at the kitchen awkwardly then walked away without waiting for WheeIn's reply, hurriedly heading towards her waiting plate.

"I came to see my daughter," he answered.


"Because she's my daughter and I'm worried about her."

WheeIn scoffed. "That sounds so fake coming from someone who left his so-called daughter to clean up his mess."

Byul heard it and winced. She exhaled quietly as she chewed her food. Wheein-ah...

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now