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"I'm sincerely sorry," said Byul for the umpteenth time that morning as she bowed to what she considered the hundredth person she had met. Her back had started to hurt from all the deep bowing.

Another person also bowed next to her and she held back a smile. It felt good to have WheeIn with her.

Byul knew that WheeIn wasn't required to be there or to apologize along but there she was, sincerely bowing to everyone. Byul had never felt luckier. Not even when I was with him, she realized with a bit of a shock. Then again, back then I was just a kid. Life is different now. She stole a glance at the young woman standing next to her. And to have her with me like this... I wish I could have her with me, by my side like this forever. She suppressed a smile. Yeah. I'd like that. She straightened up, waited until the person she was apologizing to have walked away then turned around to face WheeIn.

"You don't have to do this you know. Even Tae Hyung's waiting way over there." Byul gestured at the young man who was standing near the door at the waiting area of the post office.

"I'm not going to let you do this alone," replied WheeIn with a slight frown.

Byul smiled. "And for that, I'm very grateful." She stealthily took hold of WheeIn's hand and squeezed it for a second before letting go. She then took a deep breath. "Now then. Who else do I have to apologize to?" She turned around and scanned the room.

They had arrived there early, right in time for the post office to open.

Byul wanted to avoid as many people as possible so she chose the quietest hour of the morning she could think of.

"I think that's it. You've even apologized to the janitor." WheeIn grinned.

"I'll report to the manager then." Byul walked towards a small room at the back at the post office. She knocked on the glass panel. "Excuse me, Mr Hwang?"

The man looked up from his computer. "Yes, Inspector Moon?" He then stood up.

"I've finished apologizing to everyone personally." Byul stepped inside the small office. "I hope you understand how terribly sorry we are about what happened."

"I guess we can't control every reckless and stubborn subordinate now, can we?" The manager's face clearly showed his dislike towards Jimin.

Byul wanted to protest and say that Jimin wasn't just a subordinate or that it was perfectly understandable for him to do what he did. But she knew that it would be unwise to do so though. In the end, she just kept her face as neutral as possible while giving him a slight nod.

"Thank you for coming all the way here and keeping your word about personally apologizing to every staff member," said the manager. "You can tell Captain Kim that she doesn't have to worry. I will withdraw my complaint but I shall keep your apology letter."

"Thank you." Byul bowed. "And thank you for being cooperative regarding the inkpads."

The man dismissed her with a small bow. "Glad to be of help to fellow civil servants. This is how our relationship should be anyway. Not yelling at each other."

Byul ignored the jab. She politely took her leave then walked towards WheeIn who had been waiting for her. "Let's get out of here," she whispered.

WheeIn followed Byul out, approaching Tae Hyung.

"Done?" Tae Hyung asked.

"Yep. Got the inkpads?"

Tae Hyung showed Byul the plastic bag in his hand.

"Good." Byul pushed the door open. "Let's go."

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now