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Bo Mi heard voices from inside the conference room and frowned.

"What is going on in there?" she mumbled as she stopped in front of Byul's desk.

"They're probably discussing this string of attacks on our team," answered WheeIn who was sitting on Byul's chair. "What brings you here?"

"I was just going to tell Solar unnie that the results from that doctor's car analysis are valid. Those were bodily fluids they found on the backseat, the DNA can be traced back to both the doctor and a woman that I assume is the hospital director, and that fingerprint is indeed Ji Soo's," she told WheeIn then turned her head back towards the closed door. "And that I'm almost done processing the evidence from yesterday's incident. How long have they been in there?"

"About half an hour. They wouldn't even let me in."

"Why not?"

WheeIn shrugged. "They said it was strictly police stuff, official things, protocol, classified etcetera... they went technical on me. Besides, judging from the sound of it, I think Star was trying to spare me from hearing her yell."

"They're discussing about what happened yesterday, huh?"

"Yeah. I hope Sandeul's head won't hurt too much after this."

And right on cue, the door opened and out walked Sandeul, Tae Hyung and Jimin, looking like a funny trio with the tallest holding his head, Tae Hyung with his sling and Jimin carefully limping behind him with his crutch. They looked exhausted.

"What happened in there?" asked Bo Mi.

"You don't wanna know. I've never seen Byul this angry since... Well, I've never seen her this angry, basically," said Sandeul.

"I have," Seulgi appeared behind the three boys. "And I didn't think I'd see it again."

"What happened? Is she okay?" WheeIn spoke, straightening up in her seat.

"She's alright. She's just very upset about what happened and I understand her completely."

"In that case, I'll just wait till things calm down. I'll talk to Solar unnie later," said Bo Mi who immediately left the area.

The three assistant inspectors and Seulgi returned to their respective desks, back to work.

Hwasa came out next, exhaling loudly. "Scary," she mumbled as she sat down on her chair and slouched. "Very scary Moon Byul-Yi."

"What did she say?" WheeIn pushed her chair towards Hwasa.

Before the tall inspector could answer, both Byul and Solar walked out of the conference room and went inside Solar's office, closing the door behind them.

"Let's just say that I'm glad you're okay," answered Hwasa. "That hamster would definitely shoot someone if you had gotten hurt."

"Rest assured, you won't be going anywhere without a bodyguard until Ji Soo's found," added Seulgi from the desk across Hwasa's.

"And you boys also better be more careful from now on. If you get hurt again, your petite noona might go on a rampage," said Hwasa towards the quiet three.

WheeIn exhaled then pushed her chair back towards Byul's desk.


"So you're thinking... what? That he's not Ji-won but Won-jae?" Solar raised her eyebrows as she sipped her coffee.

They had finished discussing - or venting, in Byul's case - the attacks and Byul was telling Solar about what she personally suspected after interrogating the doctor and Ji-won back in Suncheon.

"It's crazy, I know. But I just can't help but think that," said Byul.

"Your craziest theories are the ones that usually turn out to be true, Byul, and that scares me," said Solar. "Let's say that this is also true, where's Ji-won then?"

Byul shrugged. "Beats me. Hiding? Laying low? He was depressed, you know. Maybe he took a long vacation, courtesy of his brother?"

"Then why must Won-jae take his place?"

"I have no idea. It's just a crazy theory, remember? I just have this gut feeling that he's not who he presents himself to be. And since they look alike... and with that scar and everything..." Byul stopped talking, her mind was clearly somewhere else as her eyes drifted to Solar's coffee mug. Her anger was long gone and all that was left was the uneasiness from this morning.

The captain was surprised to see the sudden change. "Byul-Yi."

"Hm?" she answered absentmindedly.

"Is something wrong?" Solar searched Byul's eyes. "Do you still have something on your mind?"

"Huh?" Byul lifted her head to see Solar looking at her in confusion and worry. "No no. Everything's fine." She then straightened up. "By the way, I'm sticking to WheeIn from now on. After what happened, I'm not letting her out of my sight. I won't be leaving her alone until I get Ji Soo. So if you're going to send one of us to Suncheon or anywhere outside of Seoul, it's not gonna be me."

"Understood. But the correct term is until we get Ji Soo. This isn't just your battle, Byul. We're in this together."

Byul simply nodded before she stood up. "Yeah. Anyway, we're pretty much set on the extra security and it's just a waiting game for further results regarding Ji Soo. Do you mind if WheeIn and I take the rest of the day off? There's something that we need to take care of."

"Go ahead. You two deserve a break. The doctor is being transported to Seoul as we speak. I'll let you know when he has arrived or when there's news about Uhm Tae-woong or anything else."

"Great. Thanks."

Byul had just pulled the door open when she heard Solar's voice.

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now