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The whole room stared at the man sitting calmly next to Jin Young. No one seemed to be able to say anything in the past fifteen minutes after Solar had told them to gather in the conference room.

"This must be quite a shock to you," Won-jae finally spoke, breaking the silence.

"That must the understatement of the century," muttered Hwasa under her breath.

Won-jae turned his head, looking at the petite Inspector with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry for lying to you, Inspector Ahn."

"Then kindly explain everything. From the beginning," said Solar.

"Very well, Captain." Won-jae straightened up in his seat. "My real name is Eun Won-jae. I assume that everyone here knows who I am, what I used to do and what my relationship to Eun Ji-won is?" He looked around the room, at the impassive faces staring back at him. "O-kay then. Let's just skip to after I resigned from being Ji-sub's accountant."

"I didn't even realize that he's accepting resignations now," commented Byul. Although she had had her suspicions about this man, she couldn't help but feel lied to as well.

"Well, considering the circumstances and my staged arrest, he considered it alright to cut down on resources."

"Maybe so but why did he let you live then?" replied Byul. "Why didn't he just get rid of you like he did his other men?"

"Simple. I used his own method against him. I blackmailed him, told him that I have hidden condemning evidence that would be sent to the police should anything happen to me."

"And he actually bought that?"

"Of course, because that's the truth. I do have condemning evidence against him and if anything happens to me, our side would have reason to charge him with murder of a cop. He won't be able to escape that one. Besides, I know he trusts me. I'm confident enough to say that he trusts me more than he ever trusted his own nephew."

"Now that's cocky," remarked Seulgi.

"It's fact, Inspector Kang. Hate to admit it but Ji Soo's recklessness is the reason why I'm still breathing, why Ji-sub preferred me," said Won-jae calmly. "Anyway, back to my explanation. I went back to Suncheon to see my brother. I needed to tell him that I'm okay and explain what had happened. But unfortunately, I found him dead instead. Hanging by his phone charger, from a beam in his living room."

They saw the man tensing for a second before relaxing once again as if nothing happened.

"He left a short note, an apology to me and to my parents and a plea to Ji-sub to leave our family alone. He died without knowing that this was all a set-up, that I did this because I wanted to and that I was a cop."

Won-jae took a deep breath. "At first, I blamed myself. I was going to let it go when I heard that Ji Soo was planning to escape from prison."

"Where did you hear that?" Byul interrupted.

Won-jae looked at the inspector. "I befriended a lot of Ji-sub's men during my undercover stunt, Inspector. One in particular suffers from more or less the same fate as myself. He was the one who alerted me."

"He knew where you were?"

"Yes. I'll explain more about him later. Allow me to finish my own story first. After I heard that, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I knew that my brother never fully recovered from his gambling problems. Partly, it was my fault - our fault. We needed the connection to Ji-sub, I realized that. But even after he was banished by my parents, he could never really kick it off. I found his bank statements, strewn all over his bedroom floor. He had no money and he was depressed." Won-jae paused for air. "So I also cast the blame on the person who dragged him into this mess in the first place. So Ji Soo."

"So this whole scheme was meant to take revenge and kill Ji Soo while he was in the hospital?" asked Byul.

"That's right."

"Then why did you fail?"

All heads turned towards Byul when she asked that.

"Inspector Moon," warned Solar.

"Why did you fail? Aren't you the big shot genius undercover cop? The best they have ever seen? Why couldn't you kill him when you had the chance?" Byul ignored Solar. "He was right there. Half-conscious most of the time." She wanted an answer because if Won-jae had managed to do what he set out to do, then she wouldn't be worrying about her loved ones' safety like this.

"Inspector Moon. You do realize that you're an officer of the law? And as such, what you've just said is very inappropriate," reprimanded Solar.

"Star," whispered WheeIn from beside Byul, hoping to calm her lover down.

Byul didn't blink let alone react to anyone. She kept her eyes on Won-jae the entire time without the slightest change in her expression.

"Because it happened faster than I had expected," answered Won-jae. "My source told me that it would happen a month later. Ji Soo made sudden last minute changes and I hadn't had enough time to fully adapt to the hospital environment when he was admitted. Plus, that doctor he had under his control seemed to dislike me a lot. He always kept an eye on me. I couldn't do much without blowing my cover and before I knew it, he had disappeared, faked his own death with the doctor's help."

Byul clutched her fists.

"I know why you asked, Inspector Moon," said Won-jae calmly. "I've read your files. All of your files." His eyes shifted briefly towards WheeIn before they rested on Byul once again. "I'm sorry I couldn't do what I set out to do. And yes, Captain, Senior Inspector," he turned his head towards the two highest ranked officers in the room. "That would be wrong, I know. I took an oath to serve and to protect. Not to kill. So I was ready to pay the price. Ji Soo must go and I was willing to do anything to make that happen."

"Did you undergo plastic surgery?" quipped Hwasa. She had never stopped staring at Won-jae's face, still finding it hard to believe that this man was not his brother Ji-won.

"Yes, I did. But it was minor because Hyung and I look very much alike. Some even thought we were twins while growing up." Won-jae smiled sadly. "It only took me a week to recover and the glasses, mustache and beard helped." He brushed his neatly trimmed beard.

"Speaking of plastic surgery," Jin Young suddenly spoke from his seat. "My team has been scrutinizing Ji-sub's recent crew as per your Captain's request," he said to the team. "And there's this one person who has had his nose bandaged since day one and always wears a cap and hoodie. He looks very shabby so we thought he was just another street rat. Upon closer inspection, he might indeed be the long lost nephew."

"Ji Soo's with Ji-sub?" asked Solar.

"We'd like to believe so because which street rat gets to ride in Ji-sub's car? And yet we saw him getting into the luxurious sedan just last night, accompanied by a bodyguard. The bandage's probably due to recovery after surgery."

"Great. Just great," mumbled Byul. She took a deep breath and exhaled. "Let's get to the point then. How can you help us, Mr. Won-jae?"

"You can speak informally to me, Inspector Moon," replied Won-jae kindly.

"I've already been doing that," said Byul coldly, implying her refusal to call him anything other than 'Mr. Won-jae'. "So?"

"Well, first of all, we might need the Commissioner's permission but I'm okay with not telling him about who I really am for at least another week or so," said Won-jae, glancing at both Solar and Jin Young.

"He won't mind. I'll make sure of that," said Solar confidently.

"Okay. I'll leave that matter to you then." Won-jae then turned his head back towards Byul. "I'm willing to do anything you want me to, Inspector. Everyone still thinks I'm my brother anyway, so I'm quite free to move around. I quit my job just this morning. I told them I couldn't take it anymore and needed a long, indefinite break. So I'm all yours. Any information you need, just ask."

"Good. Let's start now. I have two questions," Byul said, leaning forward in her seat.

"Inspector Moon..." Solar raised her eyebrows at Byul's eagerness, sensing something uncharacteristically dangerous about to come out of her dongsaeng's mouth.

"One. Who is Uhm Tae-woong and how can we prove that he's behind the attacks on my team members?" Byul ignored Solar.

"Inspector Moon..."

"Two. What's your backup plan regarding Ji Soo? I know you must have one and since we basically want the same thing so why don't you tell me and we'll see how we can work on it."

"Inspector Moon Byul-Yi!"

Solar's volume silenced the room - even Won-jae looked surprised.

Byul met Solar's eyes defiantly, not backing down even in her silence.

"This meeting ends now," said Solar authoritatively. "Senior Inspector Jung, Officer Eun and I will go talk to the Commissioner. I expect to brief you all with the result and a plan of action tomorrow morning. Here. 9 AM. Dismissed," she ordered.

Chairs were pushed back as the team slowly left the room, leaving the senior officers and Won-jae.

"Star, let's go," WheeIn held Byul's hand and tried to pull her.

"You go ahead. I need to talk to Yong."

WheeIn saw the unfamiliar glint in Byul's eyes and couldn't help but worry.

"I won't be long." Byul finally turned her head, saw the worried look on WheeIn's face and squeezed her hand in assurance. "I'm okay. Just give me five minutes. Get Ha-eun ready and we'll leave soon."

WheeIn heaved a sigh and reluctantly let go of Byul's hand to walk out of the room, knowing perfectly well how she wouldn't be able to say anything to change Byul's mind.

Byul waited until WheeIn had left before she stepped up to Solar. "Was that really necessary?"

"Yes. You were out of line."

"I was not. I was asking two perfectly reasonable questions."

"I'll tell you the answer to one, Inspector," interrupted Won-jae, sensing the need to somehow calm the two women down. "Uhm Tae-woong, Ji Soo's old bodyguard, has changed his ways. He found peace, he said, as cliché as that may sound. He was my source. Ji Soo contacted him, forcing him out of the temple to rejoin him and he alerted me."

"Temple? He was a monk?"

"Not really. He just worked for the teaching center there. He has a family."

"Then why did he return to doing Ji Soo's dirty work?"

"Like I said, he has a family."


Won-jae nodded. "The So family's favorite method. Works all the time."

"So he's beating up cops to protect his family. Great. Just great." Byul sighed loudly.

"Uhm Tae-woong is a smart man, Inspector Moon," Won-jae said. "I'm pretty sure he's not planning to spend the rest of his life in prison. He loves his family. But what can you say to the man who saved your life and indirectly helped saved your family's?"

"Ji Soo saved Tae-woong's life?" asked Solar in shock.

"Yes, once. A very long time ago. He also helped pay for Tae-woong's wife's hospital bills when she gave birth to their child. The kid was born prematurely and had health problems so he needed to be incubated for quite a while."

Byul shook her head. "I hate this." Her anger and dislike towards Tae-woong involuntarily receded after knowing that the man had really changed his ways after all.

"It's their MO," said Jin Young. "They use people, blackmail them for their own selfish needs. It's nothing new, Inspector."

"Ji Soo had always known that Tae-woong is one of the smartest ones. That's why he was willing to do all that and even requested him to be his personal bodyguard, his right-hand man," replied Won-jae. "He wanted to make sure that he would have a long-term grip on the man."

Won-jae observed Byul for a second. "Inspector Moon, can I say something?"

Byul raised her eyebrows at the man.

"Don't take this the wrong way but I know that despite having to bury my brother, I would never be able to understand what you had to go through or what you're currently going through. However, if I may offer you a little piece of advice, don't focus yourself too much on getting Ji Soo. I know you want to keep your loved ones safe but trust me, if you focus too much on going after that guy, you may end up regretting it," he said. "I did that. I thought leaving my family to do this job was the right thing to do, the noble thing, the only thing meaningful I could have done with my life. I don't and will never regret the result I was able to produce but to be honest, I wish I could have spent that time with my family as well."

Byul just stared at the man.

"Because at the end of the day, regardless of whether you catch him or not, you can't turn back time. You can't regain the time you've lost because of your hunt," continued Won-jae. "I lost my brother and I can't even tell my parents about him or that I'm alive or that I love them. I guess you could say that I lost my family in the quest for justice." He smiled sadly. "So be careful, Inspector Moon. Live every day to the fullest, enjoy every day with them. And rest assured, I'm willing to help you for as much as I can."



Byul blinked then turned her head. "H-huh?"

"You've been quiet since we left the station. Still thinking about Won-jae?"

"Yes but... more about what he said, really."

"What did he say?"

Byul briefly told WheeIn what Won-jae had said shortly before the conversation ended.

"I see," said WheeIn as she thought it through. "I think he's right."

"Yeah. I'm beginning to think so too. We shouldn't overdo it but I think its okay to take it easy, just for a little bit." Byul reached out, holding WheeIn's hand. "I realize that creating memories is important. Happy ones, especially. It will hurt just the same should anything bad happen but I don't think I can survive without knowing that at least I've made you happy," she said and smiled when WheeIn kissed the back of her hand.

"You already made me happy," replied WheeIn.

"Well I want to keep making you happy. Both of you." Byul took a deep breath then looked at the girl sitting on the floor, watching TV. "Ha-eun-ah," she called her.

"Yes?" Ha-eun didn't even turn her head.


"Yes?" The girl briefly glanced behind her, frowning cutely at Byul for a second, before returning her gaze to the TV.

"Ha-eun-ah," called Byul again, finding this amusing.

"What?" Ha-eun finally turned around. "What is it?"

"Come here." Byul let go of WheeIn's hand then patted the empty space between them.

"But I'm watching Spongebob," protested the girl.

Byul leaped off the couch, grabbed the girl and lifted her up.

"Star" Ha-eun shrieked then laughed when she felt Byul tickling her. "S-stop! Star!"

Byul brought the giggling girl to the couch, attacking her with kisses along with the endless tickling.

WheeIn only chuckled to herself at the sight. She let the two continue for a few more minutes before she stepped in. "Now now, don't get her overexcited."

As soon as Byul let her go, Ha-eun crawled over to WheeIn with her pink cheeks, still out of breath. She clung to her, hoping for protection from Byul's attacks.

"Why did you do that?" Ha-eun asked after she had calmed down.

"Why did I do what?" asked Byul back, innocently.

"Why did you tickle me?"

"Because I think you're cute." Byul inched forward and snarled playfully, causing Ha-eun to scurry further away, climbing all over WheeIn.

"Y-yah! Ha-eun-ah!" WheeIn tried to catch the girl and get her to calm down. "Ow!" she yelped when Ha-eun accidentally pulled her hair.

"It's Star's fault!" said the girl, defending herself.

"But I find her cute! Don't you find her cute, WheeIn-ah?" asked Byul with innocent puppy eyes.

"I do, actually," replied WheeIn, smirking as she caught Byul's intentions. "I could just eat her up." She lifted Ha-eun, placed the squirming girl on the couch then attacked her with kisses like Byul had done earlier.

Ha-eun screamed, squealed, kicked and flailed her arms. But in the end she just surrendered, smiling to herself with a flushed face as she held WheeIn's face by the cheeks, stopping her from peppering her with more kisses.

"I hope all that laughing can help you sleep better," said Byul, wiping the girl's damp forehead with her hand.

WheeIn took both small hands off her face, kissed the palms then pulled the girl up. "Come on. You need to brush your teeth and sleep."

Byul turned the TV off then followed WheeIn into Ha-eun's room when she was done brushing her teeth.

Leaning on the doorframe, she watched WheeIn tuck the girl in and kiss her goodnight. Byul then remembered her promise to read Ha-eun a bedtime story every night for the rest of the week but before she could offer, the girl had already closed her eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.

"Looks like I'm off duty tonight," she whispered when WheeIn switched on the night lamp.

"Lucky you," replied WheeIn, pushing Byul out of the room.

"I think I'll go to bed early tonight too."

"Go on. You've been lacking sleep lately." WheeIn walked past Byul, towards the living room to tidy up there.

"You know I don't like sleeping alone," Byul said as she took a seat on the couch, watching WheeIn go about her task.

"You have slept alone for most of your life. Don't be such a spoiled brat. You're too old for this."

"Excuse me?" Byul reached out, stopping WheeIn who was about to put Ha-eun's things away. "Did you just call me spoiled?"

"Yes." WheeIn squirmed out of Byul's hands to finish what she was doing.

"I don't like you using that term on me."

"Stop whining and suck it up like an adult, Inspector."

Byul stood up then hugged WheeIn from behind. "What do you want me to suck, Miss Jung?" whispered Byul huskily in WheeIn's ear, smirking widely. "Oof!" The smirk vanished when she got an elbow in the stomach as a respond. "Now why did you do that?" Byul sulked, withdrawing her arms.

WheeIn rolled her eyes as she placed the last toy inside the plastic container. "You're a dirty little pervert, Inspector Moon." She turned around and shook her head at the woman who was still holding her stomach in pain.

"I was just asking an innocent question!"

"Yeah. Sure." WheeIn walked away, going to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She was still in the middle of it when she saw Byul sneaking up behind her then once again back hugged her. "Mhwat now?"

"You haven't answered my question."

WheeIn spat then rinsed, bending over the bathroom sink a bit while sweeping her long hair to one side. "I don't have time for this."

"Yes, you do."

Byul's hot breath tickled WheeIn's ear and she flinched by reflex, almost dropping the toothbrush in her hand. She was about to scold Byul when she felt Byul's mouth enveloping her earlobe without warning, sucking it.

"Y-yah! Star!"

WheeIn tried pushing Byul away, straightening up, but the latter managed to clamp on, not relenting even for a second.

"Byul-yah..." WheeIn's tone softened as she stopped pushing Byul.

"What?" Byul finally let go of WheeIn's earlobe. "If you thought that this afternoon was enough then you're wrong. You're very very wrong."

"Sigh... Why are you like this?"

"Like what?"

"Always so insatiable."

"I wasn't always like this, you know. But I guess you bring out a lot in me." Byul smirked.

"I wish I hadn't brought this out."

"Why not? I know you secretly like this side of me. Don't deny it, Miss Jung." Byul stole a kiss. "Besides, I also consider this a part of creating beautiful memories with you, making you happy." Her smirk morphed into a gentle smile as her hand went up, caressing WheeIn's cheek. "I want to see you happy for as much as I can."

"Well, that's easy. All you have to do is stay. Never leave me." WheeIn covered Byul's hand with her own.

"That's what I'm planning to do but since some things are unfortunately out of my control, I-..."

"Don't." WheeIn stopped Byul from talking by kissing her. "Don't say another word," she whispered after she pulled back just so she could talk. "Cherish the moment, remember? Think happy thoughts." She really didn't need the reminder.

Byul understood. "Okay," she mumbled as she deepened the kiss. I'll stay with you forever regardless of what happens.


"So basically, the Commissioner has agreed to let Won-jae help us under the condition that his cover stays intact," said Solar, slowly closing the briefing. "He's still Eun Ji-won. We brought him over from Seoul because we still wanted to keep an eye on him. Hence, he'll be staying at a small hotel nearby, accompanied by a uniform."

"Kindly keep calling me Ji-won," said Won-jae. "It's safer that way for all of us."

"As for Doctor Kang, he will continue to stay in the holding cell until the charges against him have been fully processed. Or until we get Ji Soo," continued Solar.

"Speaking of Ji Soo, what are we going to do about him?" asked Byul.

"Senior Inspector Jung has promised to update us as soon as he has made sure that the street rat is indeed So Ji Soo. We can't attack without a solid reason, you know. There's too much at stake," answered the Captain. "So the raid has been postponed. Considering the current development, it would be too risky to continue. The Commissioner and the special task force have agreed to wait for a little bit, re-estimating Ji-sub's resources including Ji Soo and his men."

"What are we supposed to do while we wait then?" asked Hwasa.

"As always, be on your guard. That's the best that we can do at the moment."

"I don't like it. It's like we're sitting ducks," Byul said. "There's gotta be something we can do."

"Our best hope is the raid. We swoop in, catch them off guard, and end it all," answered Solar. "I'm trying to get Senior Inspector Jung and the Commissioner to agree on letting us join forces."

"Finally!" Byul replied enthusiastically, nearly jumping up from her seat.

"I said I'm trying, Inspector. I'm not sure they would allow us."

"Let me talk to them. I'll help you persuade them," said Byul.

"First things first. Let's go talk to Uhm Tae-woong. We have him for minor harassment towards a police officer but he's making bail so we should get the most out of him before he walks out of here." Solar tried ending the discussion. "Mr. Won-jae... I mean Ji-won," she corrected herself, "will help us talk to him."

Solar straightened up. "Inspector Moon, you're with me. Assistant Inspector Kim Tae Hyung, I want you and Assistant Inspector Park to be in the viewing room. Maybe something he says or does could trigger some kind of recognition or memory from you two."

The two young men nodded.

"Whee," Solar looked at WheeIn. "Could you also stand by in the viewing room? Maybe there's something you can help us with."

"Of course, Unnie."

"Okay then. Let's go talk to him."


Sorry for the late upload guys but here you go... I hope you enjoy this update as well.....

And to those who have wished me luck to secure a mycon ticket, Thank you very much... It may not be in the VIP section but it's okay... Seeing my ultimate girl group brings joy to my heart....

who ever got there's and in my country see you at the venue next year.... 

Please don't forget to vote everyone.... 

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now