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Solar's phone vibrated again, startling her in the silence and suspense of the wait. She saw the number and quickly answered it. "Hello?"

"Yong. Bad news. WheeIn's heading your way along with Won-jae," said Seulgi.


"Yeah. I was going to tell you but that call from Ji Soo, asking me to put Ha-eun on the phone, kinda distracted me. WheeIn wouldn't take no for an answer. Stop her. They took Hwasa's car."

Solar ended the call and cursed. "This is getting worse by the minute," she said.

"What now, Captain?"

"WheeIn and Won-jae are coming our way."


"Is she crazy?!"

"She's trying to stop Byul," Solar said. "Seulgi just told me that she wouldn't take no for an answer. We need to stop her. Be on the lookout for Hwasa's car."


Byul turned her head at the sound of the rolled door opening and saw a man walking inside. Her eyes widened when she recognized him but before she could say or do anything, Ji Soo's thug that had been standing behind her rushed forward, grabbed the visitor and pulled harshly, causing the man to stumble until he almost fell face first on the ground.

The door slid close and Byul watched Mr. Jung get to his feet while frowning at him in silence.

Mr. Jung felt the eyes on him, looked up after dusting his hands and knees off and bowed to Byul.

He then straightened up and turned to face the smirking Ji Soo. "I did what you told me to do now let her go."

"You broke the deal," said Ji Soo.


"You weren't supposed to come here."

"I..." Mr. Jung swallowed and clenched his fists. "I want to make another deal. Let her go and you can take me instead."

Ji Soo burst out laughing. "What? Are you senile, old man? You're of no use to me now. No one cares what I do to you. She, on the other hand," he pointed at Byul, "Is the key to everything."

"Oh come on. I know you're targeting my daughter. You want to make her suffer, right? You want her to know how it feels to lose everything. What better way to do it than to get her father?" Mr. Jung tried to bargain.

"Do you think I'm that dumb?" Ji Soo stood up from his seat and approached Mr. Jung menacingly. His smile was long gone, replaced by a furious expression. "I know she doesn't give a damn about you. Killing you won't hurt her at all." He pushed the man back until the latter fell on his butt, looking up at him in fear.

Byul now understood what was going on.

"So it was all a lie?" she asked the man on the ground. "What you told me... about asking for her forgiveness, about wanting to pay for your mistakes... all lies?"

"I-I'm sorry," said Mr. Jung. "I had no choice. But it wasn't all a lie," he quickly added. "I do love her and I wish she could forgive me but..." He looked away.

The warehouse grew quiet for a few minutes before Ji Soo suddenly exclaimed in excitement.

"This is great! I take it back, old man. Thank you for being such an idiot. Now I can have an even better revenge."

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now