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WheeIn heard the beeping sound of the door being unlocked. She heard a click and footsteps next. She looked out of her bedroom door to see a lifeless Byul crashing on the couch. She sighed silently then approached the immobile girl, sitting down near her head. "You didn't get any sleep at all?"

Byul grunted. She tried opening her eyes. "Coffee," she whispered.

WheeIn chuckled. "I'll make it extra strong."

Byul mumbled a thank you before she closed her eyes again.

WheeIn went to the kitchen to make the requested cup of coffee. She returned to the living room a few minutes later to find Byul still in the exact same position. "Star?"

No answer.

She put the cup on the coffee table. "I'm going to finish getting ready. Your coffee's on the table." She then went inside her room.

Byul could smell the coffee. She sighed before opening her eyes and sitting up in slow motion. She reached for the cup, sipped it to adjust to the liquid's temperature and proceeded to drink everything in record time, ignoring the bitterness. She then placed the empty cup back on the table and leaned back, closing her eyes yet again. She never liked staying up all night.

She was about to fall asleep when she felt a gentle touch on her forehead. She turned her head, towards the warm soft palm, by reflex.

"Nap for a few hours. I can take a taxi," said WheeIn.

Byul didn't answer immediately. It took about a minute before she could muster her strength. "Give me a sec."

"I'm serious. I can just take a taxi while you take a nap."

"Five minutes."


"I slept."

"For how long?"

Byul lifted two fingers.

"Two hours?"

She huffed.

"That's not enough." WheeIn frowned.

"Coffee will work. You wait." She couldn't be bothered with full sentences.

WheeIn shook her head. "Stubborn." She ran her hand gently over Byul's forehead, sweeping the bangs away. Even though she appreciated Byul's willingness to take her to work, she still preferred to have her rest at home for a few hours. She let Byul sit there quietly while she gathered her things and the two jackets Byul had told her to bring so she could return them. She then poured herself some cereal while she waited.

Byul finally moved about fifteen minutes later. She stared blankly at the wall for a minute before she pushed herself up with a loud groan. She took off her jacket and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, hoping that it would wake her up.

WheeIn took the empty coffee cup to the kitchen, washed it and poured another bowl of cereal for Byul. She finished her cereal and decided to just wash the dirty dishes. She had just turned on the TV when Byul reappeared, looking more alive than before.

"There's cereal on the table. Eat."

"Thanks." Byul went to the kitchen to get some milk. She quickly ate her breakfast.

"Don't choke," WheeIn said from the living room.

"Done." Byul placed the empty bowl in the sink, grabbed herself a glass of water and walked towards WheeIn. "Let's go."

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now