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The man stood up from his seat when the door opened and in walked Solar.

He bowed to her and kept his head down until everyone had entered the room. When he straightened back up and saw Won-jae, he couldn't stop himself from expressing his surprise - eyebrows shooting up and eyes round and wide.

"Good morning, Hyung," Won-jae calmly said while taking his seat next to Solar.

Byul remained standing behind the captain, leaning against the viewing window.

"Why are you here?" Tae-woong asked as he sat back down. His eyes never left Won-jae.

"Complications. So I decided to come clean and help these people," said Won-jae. "Well, to cut straight to the chase, I've informed Captain Kim's team about everything so far so why don't you tell them your side of the story?"

Tae-woong shook his head. "You know I can't do that."

"Why not?" Byul asked. "You attacked my men. Don't you think you owe us at least an explanation? Mr. Won-jae said you changed your ways. Prove it."

"Did Won-jae tell you why I came back?" he asked Byul, looking at her with those calm, unaffected eyes.


"Then you know why I can't say another word."

"We can help protect your family," said Solar.

The man merely smiled. "I've made bail. I assume I can leave now? You have no reason to hold me any longer."


"Have a good day, everyone." The man pushed his chair back, bowed politely and headed to the door.


"Don't worry. You're Ji-won, I know," he said without turning his head. His hand was already on the door handle.

"It's not just that, Hyung. Come on. They're willing to help you."

"No one can help me and you know it," said the man before he opened the door and walked out of the interrogation room.

Tae Hyung, Sandeul and WheeIn came into the room soon after.

"That ended too fast for us to even detect anything," said WheeIn.

"He looks familiar though," mumbled Sandeul. "Could have seen him at the market but I can't be 100% sure about it."

"Same here. It was too dark," added Tae Hyung.

"So what now?" asked Byul. "He won't talk and we don't have enough to go after Ji Soo or him."

"We wait while we keep digging," answered Solar. "Uhm Tae-woong has been put under surveillance. The Commissioner has agreed that this man plays an important role in this case so he has told Senior Inspector Jin Young's team to keep a lookout for Tae-woong."

"They sure have their hands full," commented Sandeul.

"Then why don't we give them a hand?" asked Byul.

"Not yet, Inspector," answered Solar.

Byul was about to argue when the door was knocked and Bo Mi's head appeared through the crack.

"Am I interrupting anything?"

"No. Come on in," Solar replied.

"Found the car that hit Jimin." Bo Mi waved a folder in her hand.

"What? How?" Solar immediately sat up, walking over to where the lab technician was standing to look at the folder.

"They found an abandoned old Volvo at an empty lot right outside of Seoul that matches the descriptions we put out. It was scratched, dented and most importantly, it had traces of blood on its windshield and inside the bumper. WheeIn unnie's shadowing officer's blood, to be exact."

WheeIn winced, feeling bad for the man and guilty again.

"So I did a search based on the Vehicle Identification Number, which was thankfully left intact, and it indeed listed Uhm Tae-woong as one of its owner-..."

Bo Mi's sentence was left unfinished as Solar bolted out of the room, followed closely by Byul.

Soon, only WheeIn, Bo Mi and the calm Won-jae were left in the room while the others rushed after their team leaders.

"What is going on?" asked Bo Mi after she had somewhat recovered from her shock.

"Uhm Tae-woong had just left. I bet they're trying to catch him before he gets too far," answered Won-jae.

The three then went out of the interrogation room, towards the work area where they only found Jimin and Seulgi.

"Where are the rest?" asked WheeIn.

"I'm not sure. Outside? They ran past us so fast, shouting 'Stop that man!'" explained Jimin.

Before anyone could say another word, Sandeul and Tae Hyung appeared, making their way towards the others. They were still panting a bit.

"Got him?" asked Won-jae.

Tae Hyung nodded. "He was about to get inside a taxi. That man is fast!"

"Where's Byul then?" asked WheeIn.


Both Sandeul and Tae Hyung stole glances while elbowing one another.

"She'll be back soon. Probably just handling some adJoyistrative things with the Captain," Tae Hyung finally decided to answer, nervously.

"I know when you're lying, Tae Hyung," stated WheeIn matter-of-factly before she rushed out of the work area, going down the stairs.

She saw several uniforms guarding Tae-woong who was pressing tissues against his bleeding nose. She grew worried.

"Excuse me, do you know where Captain Kim Yongsun and Inspector Moon Byul-Yi are?" she asked one of the officers.

"Right there, Ma'am. Interrogation three. Second door to your left," said the tall man while pointing at a narrow corridor.

"Thank you."

WheeIn rushed to the room, heard loud voices inside and quickly turned the door handle without knocking.

"I'm suspending you for a week."

Solar's sentence was the first thing she heard when she opened the door.

"That's not fair!"

WheeIn heard Byul yell.

"You punched him, Byul!"

"He attacked my men and WheeIn!"

"How many times must I tell you this? We can only link him to Tae Hyung's attack! And even then he wasn't the one throwing the punches!"

"But Sandeul's-..."

"It's too circumstantial and you know it! The same goes for Jimin and WheeIn's attack! Yes he owned that car once but he sold it a long time ago. We have solid proof that he sold it. Someone else could have used it during the attack."

"You know that's bullshit! He did it. He attacked Sandeul, Tae Hyung, Jimin

Now With U (Living In The Past - Book 2) (WheeByul)Where stories live. Discover now